Ghostcrawler said:Will players be able to access all of the 'whatever it needs' stats so that they can still theorycraft to their heart's content?
We want to unveil the entire enchilada in the next beta build or so. Everyone here worked really hard to get the whole package to a relatively playable and polished state. In essence we're not announcing a future plan -- we're telling you how the game works today. It's all done.
It's hard to offer timelines for when we will do a new beta push, but we're talking days or a few weeks, not months. All of the passives will be visible then.
All of those passives are subject to change though. Since there is so little in e.g. the Fire tree to boost damage now, we need to make sure Fire mages still do the kind of dps we want them to do. Despite our best intentions, it's also very likely players will point out bad talents or awkward points in the trees that will still need to be massaged before Cataclysm goes live.
Grrrr I'm jealous, my main is Resto (MS), Enhancement (OS) but I'm so sick of Draenei! I really want a Goblin as my main but don't want to go Horde (have a great Alliance guild anyway). I'll have to settle with race-changing to Dwarf and making a Goblin alt. Leaning towards Goblin rogue/warlock right now, can't wait to play them and my soon to be Worgen hunternotworksafe said:EDIT: Also releveling a Shaman in Cata is looking more and more awesome to me. Going Goblin, of course. Most likely Enh/Resto.
I'm sure you'll love filing a bug report or customer service request with your real name.Alex said:The new talent trees are really cool.
The realid stuff is still stupid but I don't understand the fervor from a bunch of people who don't play and who especially don't even use those forums.Those forums suck, who really cares in the end. If they were rad forums, I could see being annoyed, but they're useless.
if they had said they were taking the darn boards DOWN, it'd have caused less commotion.
Angry Grimace said:I'm sure you'll love filing a bug report or customer service request with your real name.
Alex said:How is that different from ever. Support has always been able to see your account info, it would be silly if they couldn't.
It's pretty stupid but I'm not sure if they'll end up going through with it after all the freakouts and the personal info of that Blizzard employee being pulled up so fast.J-Rzez said:I believe he's talking about when you have to resort to the CS segment of the forums once you can't get through to their call center for various reasons, and they don't get back to you via email for over 24hrs. Your last ditch effort is to post on the forums, which will include your real name.
I have an 80 Octopus myself (Resto/Ele). I was consdering transferring it, but I want to level a character from the start in the new world. Plus I want to leave it on Alliance just in case, because Dwarf Shaman is pretty awesome. It's the only thing that has me considering a return to the Alliance.ciaossu said:Grrrr I'm jealous, my main is Resto (MS), Enhancement (OS) but I'm so sick of Draenei! I really want a Goblin as my main but don't want to go Horde (have a great Alliance guild anyway). I'll have to settle with race-changing to Dwarf and making a Goblin alt. Leaning towards Goblin rogue/warlock right now, can't wait to play them and my soon to be Worgen hunter![]()
I've had to do this. There was a pretty big problem back in BC where certain Macbooks were DCing in certain parts of the world and they were collecting all kinds of info to get it fixed.J-Rzez said:I believe he's talking about when you have to resort to the CS segment of the forums once you can't get through to their call center for various reasons, and they don't get back to you via email for over 24hrs. Your last ditch effort is to post on the forums, which will include your real name.
vilmer_ said:Does anyone know exactly wtf is going on here? I've never seen anything like it :lol can fly in Northrend and people just stand around Dalaran. Why would it be any different. The plus side is that the load will be distributed in two different zones and servers instead of one (Horde will presumably hang around Orgrimmar and Alliance in IF/SW, not sure which one will be more popular.).SUPARSTARX said:Played around with Cataclysm beta. I think a lot of people will not hang around major cities that often since you can fly everywhere and do whatever heh.
Meier said:I feel like back in the day before even TBC there was a ballin' leveling guide that everyone used.. it referenced specific quests or at the very least when to go to a new zone and for how many levels, etc. (Go to the area with the racing track (Salt flats or whatever) and then Tanaris, etc. etc.) Does anyone know of some sort of equivalent that exists these days? I would love to use it.
The big one back then was Joanas for Horde.. and another one (not James) for Alliance. James had the free guides too but back then it was Joanas or bust. Had a bunch of videos too.Meier said:I feel like back in the day before even TBC there was a ballin' leveling guide that everyone used.. it referenced specific quests or at the very least when to go to a new zone and for how many levels, etc. (Go to the area with the racing track (Salt flats or whatever) and then Tanaris, etc. etc.) Does anyone know of some sort of equivalent that exists these days? I would love to use it.
Angry Grimace can fly in Northrend and people just stand around Dalaran. Why would it be any different. The plus side is that the load will be distributed in two different zones and servers instead of one (Horde will presumably hang around Orgrimmar and Alliance in IF/SW, not sure which one will be more popular.).
HarryDemeanor said:Stormwind will be more popular on the Alliance side due to having the portals to the new zones stationed there.
Gamesutra said:Since Blizzard announced that its official forums would phase in mandatory use of its new "Real ID" system, which marks posts with their writers' real-life names, there has been a deluge of heated discussion about the decision, and Blizzard says it is "definitely listening to player feedback."
As I said, it's never going to happen, even if Blizzard claims it is. From the second they announced that, I said, "now there's a feature Blizzard will never implement."ShallNoiseUpon said:
The guide got made into an addon and it's fantastic. I'm using it now on my Warlock.Meier said:I feel like back in the day before even TBC there was a ballin' leveling guide that everyone used.. it referenced specific quests or at the very least when to go to a new zone and for how many levels, etc. (Go to the area with the racing track (Salt flats or whatever) and then Tanaris, etc. etc.) Does anyone know of some sort of equivalent that exists these days? I would love to use it.
It sounds like this has all been in the works for some time. They didnt expect backlash but the deal is done, its happening regardless of how many people complain.Angry Grimace said:As I said, it's never going to happen, even if Blizzard claims it is. From the second they announced that, I said, "now there's a feature Blizzard will never implement."
water_wendi said:It sounds like this has all been in the works for some time. They didnt expect backlash but the deal is done, its happening regardless of how many people complain.
Eric WK said:So I'm going to do a realm transfer and a faction change tonight. Anybody know if I have to wait for one to be completed before beginning the other?
Nope. Friend of mine did it to get over to A52 and switch to Horde in one purchase and he was just fine.Eric WK said:So I'm going to do a realm transfer and a faction change tonight. Anybody know if I have to wait for one to be completed before beginning the other?
What makes you think that they arent going through with this? The reason i think they are is that there hasnt been a Blue post in over 25,000 posts in that thread. Honestly, i think the decision is out of Blizzards hands.Eric WK said:No it's not.
johnsmith said:Ruby Sanctum was a huge disappointment. I'm getting ready to stop playing until Cata comes out. Sick and tired of the current content and have been for months now and Ruby Sanctum did nothing to change that.
Too bad I'm on a 6 month plan and I don't get billed again until November.
Explain to me how that worked? Paypal for gold?DarkAngelYuna said:Paid some random dude from trade chat gold to faction change my human priest back to undead... I'm hope baby. Horde just feels so right. Been horde since launch but went human for about 8 months with friends. For some reason alliance is so fucking boring.
water_wendi said:What makes you think that they arent going through with this? The reason i think they are is that there hasnt been a Blue post in over 25,000 posts in that thread. Honestly, i think the decision is out of Blizzards hands.
Pookaki said:Explain to me how that worked? Paypal for gold?
did you give him your account info and he used his CC?
I dun get it, sounds shady.
water_wendi said:What makes you think that they arent going through with this? The reason i think they are is that there hasnt been a Blue post in over 25,000 posts in that thread. Honestly, i think the decision is out of Blizzards hands.
It had most to do with the flightpath from IF to Menethil Harbor, the fact that both Alliance boats to Kalimdor ran out of Menethil, and that the second-most populous race (NElf) had to travel through Menethil to connect with the rest of the faction.funkmastergeneral said:Ironforge was the place to be back in vanilla, but I guess that had more to do with it's flightpath to Blackrock mountain and auction house.
This RealID stuff on the forums is total bullshit, but (un)fortunately for me I was permabanned ages ago for showing some kid lemonparty
Evlar said:It had most to do with the flightpath from IF to Menethil Harbor, the fact that both Alliance boats to Kalimdor ran out of Menethil, and that the second-most populous race (NElf) had to travel through Menethil to connect with the rest of the faction.
This was even more important before the Tram was patched in. On launch day it was considerably easier for Dwarves, Gnomes, and NElves to group up in low levels than for humans to get to any other Alliance race, or for the rest of the Alliance to get to them, without the help of a mage.
EDIT: And once IF became established it was impossible to loosen its grip until two things happened. First, the Auction Houses for each faction were finally linked, years later. Prior to this each auction house was distinct, resulting in everyone flocking to one city, which for the reasons mentioned above was Ironforge. Even after the Tram was put in the IF auction house was the de facto heart of the Alliance. Second, with the release of WotLK Stormwind Harbor was patched in and the NElf boat was moved there from Menethil. That finally put Ironforge out of the way of the three most populous races... and now it's relatively empty compared to the hey days of Lagforge.
You nailed it. Good call... I remember even installing DivX specifically just to watch "her" videos. :lol I'll look into it and the other onewater_wendi said:The big one back then was Joanas for Horde.. and another one (not James) for Alliance. James had the free guides too but back then it was Joanas or bust. Had a bunch of videos too.
Vizionblind said:
ive leveled so many characters in the 3-4 years since then i have it damn near memorized :lol Even non-orc/troll character i move immediately to Valley of Trials. Even doing the whole backwards walk/killing as i would questing until level 40 mount :lolMeier said:You nailed it. Good call... I remember even installing DivX specifically just to watch "her" videos. :lol I'll look into it and the other one
Mr Nash said:Despite all of the issues with Real ID at the moment, it has caused myself and a bunch of RL friends to converge on the same server for both hi-jinx AND shenanigans. Wish we'd gotten down to this sooner, but better late than never. Good times!
Thats hilarious :lol Sad part is that there hasnt been a blue reply in the Real ID Forum thread for 30,000 posts now.Puncture said:They are working the misdirection hard on this real ID stuff.
Quick! Post the new 31 point talent tree changes!
Quick! Get the beta servers back up!
Quick! Change our stance on the transparency of in game calculations!
Quick! Have Ghostcrawler reply to talent tree thread for 13 HOURS STRAIGHT answering ANY and everyones questions! Wow that NEVER happens.
:lol :lol Shits ridiculous. I called it too, before I clicking on that thread I bet that he would be posting a lot today, but holy shit did they have him on overdrive trying to hype the gamers up. Guy is NEVER that freaking active. EVER.
Theres going to be an ASSload of beta invites going out this week lol.
:lol :lol What a hunter you arePuncture said:They are working the misdirection hard on this real ID stuff.
Quick! Post the new 31 point talent tree changes!
Quick! Get the beta servers back up!
Quick! Change our stance on the transparency of in game calculations!
Quick! Have Ghostcrawler reply to talent tree thread for 13 HOURS STRAIGHT answering ANY and everyones questions! Wow that NEVER happens.
:lol :lol Shits ridiculous. I called it too, before I clicking on that thread I bet that he would be posting a lot today, but holy shit did they have him on overdrive trying to hype the gamers up. Guy is NEVER that freaking active. EVER.
Theres going to be an ASSload of beta invites going out this week lol.