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World of Warcraft

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FLEABttn said:
Oh if only. We have 3 consistent raiders who don't "see" the laser until it runs into them.

We had that problem. We solved it by simplifying the issue. As tank, now, the lasers are entirely *my* responsibility. All the DPS need to think of is "Sit on his rear right leg. If his rear right leg moves, follow it". It works remarkably well. Even better, if they position themselves in a sweetspot on the leg, they don't actually have to move at all until the *next* laser is due.

Of course, we *also* yell a lot on top of that.

While we're probably not good enough to even get to that phase, I'd like to play with the Heroic version of the laser a bit to judge if this tactic is adequate there. Certainly the "don't have to move" sweetspot is unlikely to exist.


mclem said:
While we're probably not good enough to even get to that phase, I'd like to play with the Heroic version of the laser a bit to judge if this tactic is adequate there. Certainly the "don't have to move" sweetspot is unlikely to exist.
It doesn't work. There are no sweet spots on the heroic version, you have to take care of yourself as a dps and stay alive.

FLEABttn said:
Oh if only. We have 3 consistent raiders who don't "see" the laser until it runs into them.

And I don't mean some sort of technical issue, I mean straight up oblivious to it until they die and then it's "oh".
Replace them. There are no excuses for not seeing the cutters. It's like the easiest aspect of the fight (especially on regular)

Deadweight will always be deadweight, no matter how geared up by easy raiding they are. There are plenty of smarter, less geared players out there to waste your time with two brain cells idiots.


Fularu said:
Replace them. There are no excuses for not seeing the cutters. It's like the easiest aspect of the fight (especially on regular)

Deadweight will always be deadweight, no matter how geared up by easy raiding they are. There are plenty of smarter, less geared players out there to waste your time with two brain cells idiots.

We intend to, but recruitment this late in an expansion is just balls. We'll probably take an in guild hiatus, try and get into a non-retarded pug for the titles, and cut the fat in Cata.

mclem said:
Of course, we *also* yell a lot on top of that.

I think our MT is past trying to be polite at this point. He's been giving laser warnings, another guy who's beaten it has been giving laser warnings, but people don't move. Whenever we grab a pug to try and replace someone, the pug ends up being worse than our worst in guild.

I eagerly look forward to replacing them when gamewide desires to raid are much higher.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I love Blizzard for adding the Rituals of the New Moon recipe. It turns people in a solid color version of the Shaman ghost wolf. I have sold about 7 of them for 350g each since yesterday when I farmed the recipe. All I have to do is advertise a bit in trade with a stupid Twilight reference and people buy a ton of them. It is especially fun when I get tells yelling at me over the price (it only costs like 50g to make) or the Twilight reference and then right below it I see the message that I sold another one.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
I love Blizzard for adding the Rituals of the New Moon recipe. It turns people in a solid color version of the Shaman ghost wolf. I have sold about 7 of them for 350g each since yesterday when I farmed the recipe. All I have to do is advertise a bit in trade with a stupid Twilight reference and people buy a ton of them. It is especially fun when I get tells yelling at me over the price (it only costs like 50g to make) or the Twilight reference and then right below it I see the message that I sold another one.

:lol I can't remember if it was this thread or another that had people lamenting future worgen escapades with them on RP servers.


FLEABttn said:
I think our MT is past trying to be polite at this point. He's been giving laser warnings, another guy who's beaten it has been giving laser warnings, but people don't move. Whenever we grab a pug to try and replace someone, the pug ends up being worse than our worst in guild.

I eagerly look forward to replacing them when gamewide desires to raid are much higher.
People who have never done the fight will die the first few times if they are hit by either of the debuffs creating void zones or the cutters, you have to see the fight. But once you've seen it once or twice, you have no excuses to keep dropping, especially on regular.

I realise we're definitely not your regular run of the mill WoW guild, but regular Hallion is mindnumbingly easy, people hve no excuse for the failures they achieve.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
SuperAndroid17 said:
I play on Arthas and Shattered hand (Horde)

I will tell you right now that fucking PUGS on shattered hand still wipe on REGULAR gunship. Its so bad , feels like SH is full of retards . Probably is...
I was on SH alliance, I don't think they're quite that bad. But the best guilds are still pretty terrible, yet act like they're awesome because the guild leaders were in Death and Taxes and Drama four years ago. It's pathetic


Fularu said:
People who have never done the fight will die the first few times if they are hit by either of the debuffs creating void zones or the cutters, you have to see the fight. But once you've seen it once or twice, you have no excuses to keep dropping, especially on regular.

I realise we're definitely not your regular run of the mill WoW guild, but regular Hallion is mindnumbingly easy, people hve no excuse for the failures they achieve.

Oh I know, that's why it's so frustrating. It's not a hard fight by any means. But people die to it like it is.

In our 15+ attempts, I've died to the laser twice. Once in trying to figure out how close you can get to it and be safe (the beam of death is larger than the graphic), and the other time I got sucked into it by that void zone thing that didn't get cleansed off someone until a great number of ticks.

In our 8 attempts yesterday, I wasn't dying to stupidity, I was dying to other people's stupidity. It's very frustrating. I went off on people on Sindragosa after 4 weeks of attempts and no kill, "I'm not the reason why this raid keeps dying. If you are the reason, stop fucking it up for me."
FLEABttn said:
Oh I know, that's why it's so frustrating. It's not a hard fight by any means. But people die to it like it is.

In our 15+ attempts, I've died to the laser twice. Once in trying to figure out how close you can get to it and be safe (the beam of death is larger than the graphic), and the other time I got sucked into it by that void zone thing that didn't get cleansed off someone until a great number of ticks.

In our 8 attempts yesterday, I wasn't dying to stupidity, I was dying to other people's stupidity. It's very frustrating. I went off on people on Sindragosa after 4 weeks of attempts and no kill, "I'm not the reason why this raid keeps dying. If you are the reason, stop fucking it up for me."

Shit. That sounds like the concentrated fun is completely removed from your raiding experience. Paying for a service to piss you off?


Weenerz said:
Must be fun playing with you.

There was a collective frustration that wasn't being vented and my bitching caused people to think about what they were doing and we killed her the next week. It was like a lightswitch was flipped in how stark the difference was from the 4 weeks prior and the day we killed her.

It didn't come off particularly well but it is a a game where your enjoyment can be based off of others performance. It was yell or cut people. Looks like we're moving on to cutting people regardless.

A lot of people think what I said. Most just don't say it. It got to a point where I didn't care.

Vigilant Walrus said:
Shit. That sounds like the concentrated fun is completely removed from your raiding experience. Paying for a service to piss you off?

Raiding hasn't been fun in a while, I'd be lying if I said otherwise. I don't play much these days.


Vigilant Walrus said:
Shit. That sounds like the concentrated fun is completely removed from your raiding experience. Paying for a service to piss you off?
Unfortunatly every raid hits that wall at some point. Hard boss + long raid hours = screwups and frustration. It make that kill so much sweeter when you finally pull it off though.

Speaking of which, I may end up streaming our raid tonight. Could be fun.


notworksafe said:
Unfortunatly every raid hits that wall at some point. Hard boss + long raid hours = screwups and frustration. It make that kill so much sweeter when you finally pull it off though.

Speaking of which, I may end up streaming our raid tonight. Could be fun.
When is tonight in GMT?


Let's see...it'll be 7pm EST soooo 12am GMT?

EDIT: Also I can't ever seem to get WoW to play sound through livestream. I can get vent to work, but no game sound. Maybe it's a Mac thing, because Weenerz's stream seems to play sound just fine. :\


Turn your master volume way up in the WoW sound options, I usually have mine almost off, but when I dont use vent I have the WoW volume up quite a bit.


Ahh okay. I usually keep it around 30% but I'll turn it up when I'm streaming. I think I've got it worked out so I can play game sound but not vent/mic as well.


J-Rzez said:
It's amazing how wildly of an experience you can have depending on your faction, and realm choice. My realm always has something going on. Sometimes pugs are pretty dedicated, and pugs will feature "alts" of really geared/skilled players who are in the premiere raiding guilds and pugs will go ultra-smooth, some even kingslayers I believe at this point. Other pugs just suck and go through what you described. But on this realm, if you have a good name for yourself, and especially if you're from a reputable guild, you can pretty much do whatever you want at anytime. There's SWP, BT, MC, whatever going on multiple times a week.

My old realm was a real shithole while I was there. Low progression, low pop making it hard to get pugs going. Low skilled players all around. I think that may have changed now, but for the 1-2years I was on there it blew. My new realm on the other hand is awesome. People say it sucks, but I'm not really sure why they say that. Good economy, always something going on usually. So yeah, realms can really make or break an experience in this game.

The guild I'm in now is great. Ultra-skilled players who enjoy PVE and PVP, we cleared all content. First time I ever got to first-hand "finish" the final boss of the expansion. It's great. Just now I'm burnt out on the game, just like many of my guildies who will for sure be back for Cata if all goes well with how Blizz handles things. Plus, if we win that guild beta contest and score 10 keys, that'd be great and have us playing through to xpac release, but who knows if that'll happen.

Yeah, If I didn't know so many people I've been playing with since day 1 of wow. I probably would have rerolled or transfered. LS is just a shit hole imo.

A few years ago we played some ally on another server and it was pretty fun because people would work together. It was like a month old server when we started and we were the first guild to finish MC and BWL. Was a lot of fun.

I have a very good feeling that cross server raids will be in for cata though. So hopefully something can happen.



I would've recommended the warrior. You just have more tools to use and get less bored. Druid is swipe swipe swipe. Paladin you is pretty boring to play as a tank, but at least you can be a RETard as an offspec. DK is a pretty fun class, but I find the tanking, especially at lower gear levels, to be too cooldown-dependent.

How's the raiding on Suramar? I'm getting bored in Goon Squad and I miss having an alt to level.


Magnus said:
Which class shall I make a tank with? I have DK/Druid/Paladin all between 60 and 74. No Warrior though.

People love to give Paladins the bitch job of taking the adds. Depends if you're ok with that or not. If so, Paladin tanks are more fun than people give them credit for - the Hands spells, DSac etc, there's more to it than just 969.


HixxSAFC said:
People love to give Paladins the bitch job of taking the adds. Depends if you're ok with that or not. If so, Paladin tanks are more fun than people give them credit for - the Hands spells, DSac etc, there's more to it than just 969.


Yeah, my Paladin's the highest already, and I favor the idea of a hero with Sword and Shield more than being a bear atm, lol. He's also my old main; old attachments and nostalgia. :D

I kind of wish I could convert him to a warrior, haha. It's probably the class I know the absolute least about, aside from rogues.


keeblerdrow said:
I would've recommended the warrior. You just have more tools to use and get less bored. Druid is swipe swipe swipe. Paladin you is pretty boring to play as a tank, but at least you can be a RETard as an offspec. DK is a pretty fun class, but I find the tanking, especially at lower gear levels, to be too cooldown-dependent.

How's the raiding on Suramar? I'm getting bored in Goon Squad and I miss having an alt to level.

Woah Keebs! For a sec I was wondering how you knew I was on Suramar, then I looked at your name, haha.

Suramar is apparently quite the backwater server. Our guild itself isn't all that hot lately. We're excited recently since we picked it up, got some new recruits and downed some new ICC25 hard modes this week, but we've yet to kill Halion 25 or Lich King 25 (having only had one night on both so far), and we can't seem to replicate a Lich King 10 kill which is dreadfully depressing since I missed our first (and only) two.

After five years of waiting, WTB seeing Arthas go down.


Magnus said:

Yeah, my Paladin's the highest already, and I favor the idea of a hero with Sword and Shield more than being a bear atm, lol. He's also my old main; old attachments and nostalgia. :D

I kind of wish I could convert him to a warrior, haha. It's probably the class I know the absolute least about, aside from rogues.

Name of the most common/effective rotation. 9 sec cooldown and 6 sec cooldown abilities are alternated through.
Is this the right thread for this?

I just reinstalled after a year of now WoW. I'm on Stormrage. I worked a little more on my 43 human warrior and started a night elf hunter alt. Fortunately, I was in a really chill guild and I'm still a member after a year of absence. Time to kill some shit!


jim-jam bongs said:
It's really disconcerting only being able to hear your side of the vent conversation :lol

Haha yeah, just watched a try on Halion that failed. Maybe the next one will be the good one!


Hey guys, I play on EU-Crushridge, the Italian server. I'm getting really full of it, tho.

1. When I join a LFG party or a Randoom Battleground people start insulting me or even quit saying "Crushridge is full of retards like you!" or "LOL CRUSHRIDGE WE ARE GOING TO LOOSE THIS" etc.

2. The really bad things is that they are right. The average ICC 10 pug as for now, reaches Festergut but wipes on Rotface. Nearly 50% of the population doesnt have the Abomination Wing achievement. The average ICC25 pug reaches Saurfang then wipes at Festergut because of the lack of DPS or cordination. The strongest guild of either ally/horde has downed ICC10 heroic with the 25% buff, and 25 H has yet to be downed. Its a shame

I wanna transfer... what's a good EU server?
Yazus said:
Hey guys, I play on EU-Crushridge, the Italian server. I'm getting really full of it, tho.

1. When I join a LFG party or a Randoom Battleground people start insulting me or even quit saying "Crushridge is full of retards like you!" or "LOL CRUSHRIDGE WE ARE GOING TO LOOSE THIS" etc.

2. The really bad things is that they are right. The average ICC 10 pug as for now, reaches Festergut but wipes on Rotface. Nearly 50% of the population doesnt have the Abomination Wing achievement. The average ICC25 pug reaches Saurfang then wipes at Festergut because of the lack of DPS or cordination. The strongest guild of either ally/horde has downed ICC10 heroic with the 25% buff, and 25 H has yet to be downed. Its a shame

I wanna transfer... what's a good EU server?

Just tell them to admit to themselves that all EU realms are the worst wow realms.. They are pvp wise atleast ;)


Nevermind on leveling the rogue, helping a friend level his alt for a bit. Still streaming, just avoiding false advertising claims! :lol


Magnus said:
Oh god, why level and cap something you'll just lose at the end of the beta?

Well, they have changed almost everything, and it needs testing. This is the purpose of a beta test. It's not a play the last 5 levels test.


DarkAngelYuma said:
Just tell them to admit to themselves that all EU realms are the worst wow realms.. They are pvp wise atleast ;)
Pfff, who cares about pvp, when it comes to pve EU realms kick US realms' asses :p

Bawwww, I want my beta code :( Why does Blizz hate me :<
Once my guild kills Halion on heroic there will be nothing more to do again for the next 3 or so months, except for leveling alts :/


CassSept said:
Pfff, who cares about pvp, when it comes to pve EU realms kick US realms' asses :p

Bawwww, I want my beta code :( Why does Blizz hate me :<
Once my guild kills Halion on heroic there will be nothing more to do again for the next 3 or so months, except for leveling alts :/

Whats funny about that is who would level an alt from level 1 with the new content for all the old zones on the horizon. I leveled by prot pally but Im not leveling the enh shaman I want to get around too until after we clear the first level of raiding content in cata. Why level now, may as well wait so I can see all the new stuff.
CassSept said:
Pfff, who cares about pvp, when it comes to pve EU realms kick US realms' asses :p

Bawwww, I want my beta code :( Why does Blizz hate me :<
Once my guild kills Halion on heroic there will be nothing more to do again for the next 3 or so months, except for leveling alts :/
Blizzard pays PVPers, are pvers being paid by them to raid now?

Oh, just had to look up the current top PVERs. Top 13 are USA not EU, not even until then do the EU start showing up,


DarkAngelYuna said:
Blizzard pays PVPers, are pvers being paid by them to raid now?

Oh, just had to look up the current top PVERs. Top 13 are USA not EU, not even until then do the EU start showing up,

a) no one cares
b) stop being wrong



Decided to give streaming a shot. Beta stream so if you don't want spoilers etc you've been warned. Will be doing in game feedback and stuff while I play so it may be a little tedious boring at times (read often). Will probably just stream whenever I'm playing but will try to post when I start/stop. Enjoy
Magnus said:
Which class shall I make a tank with? I have DK/Druid/Paladin all between 60 and 74. No Warrior though.
Paladin if for no other reason than they can solo just about anything. Druids and Warriors can't even come close to what pally's can do solo. Pisses me off in a way. :lol But if you're just wanting something new and fun to play, warriors do not disappoint.
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