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World of Warcraft

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Really Really Exciting Member!
It's the exact same armor, they could AT LEAST change that... All that is different is the skin color, color of the armor, the shoulderpads and the head.


Bisnic said:
It's the exact same armor, they could AT LEAST change that... All that is different is the skin color, color of the armor, the shoulderpads and the head.
The shoulders are COMPLETELY different!

I have no problems with them reusing models like that, until you guys pointed it out I didn't even realize it. They only have so much time and man power (since all the best employees are working on their super secret MMO)


Seeing as how Ysera is probably going to get a unique Dragon model, are they going to replace the one in Dragonblight with the new one?


funkmastergeneral said:
I have no problems with them reusing models like that, until you guys pointed it out I didn't even realize it. They only have so much time and man power (since all the best employees are working on their super secret MMO)

Yeah, basically their A, B, and C teams are tied up with the new MMO (which thanks to WoW's funding they'll probably be in the black day one), D3, and SC2 stuff. That leaves the scraps for WoW now.

The recycling is rampant in this game, if you miss something, don't worry you'll see it many more times down the road. Even the damn enchant effects, proc effects are recycled. Crusader's proc is the same as so many more effects. Warlocks Fel Armor effect is used for a tanking trinket out of Ulduar. 3+ items that are the same except for different coloring. Tier armor models recycled for non-set pieces. You can go on and on.

I think that's one of the biggest reasons for them to do what they're doing for the 10/25 man raid business come Cata. So they don't have to be troubled with all the added work of recoloring the models. Poor guys at Blizzard.


J-Rzez said:
Yeah, basically their A, B, and C teams are tied up with the new MMO (which thanks to WoW's funding they'll probably be in the black day one), D3, and SC2 stuff. That leaves the scraps for WoW now.

The recycling is rampant in this game, if you miss something, don't worry you'll see it many more times down the road. Even the damn enchant effects, proc effects are recycled. Crusader's proc is the same as so many more effects. Warlocks Fel Armor effect is used for a tanking trinket out of Ulduar. 3+ items that are the same except for different coloring. Tier armor models recycled for non-set pieces. You can go on and on.

I think that's one of the biggest reasons for them to do what they're doing for the 10/25 man raid business come Cata. So they don't have to be troubled with all the added work of recoloring the models. Poor guys at Blizzard.


You guys talk as though they havent been doing this since launch....

Bolvar has a random human model, the Dark Lady used to have some NE model under some black robes (Which made 0 sense but wahtever) Characters looked like clowns leveling because there was no... sense to the gear you got. Boss mobs have been reused often.... Tirion is just some random human model with grey hair >.<

They have been cutting corners like this since always. Nothing to do with their 'd' team working on wow.

(Not to mention from the looks of cata and from what they have done they seem to have done better then the 'a' team that launched wow as a broken eq clone with no pvp model no end game and simply copy pastad the EQ model because that is all they knew >_>

Each expansion has gotten better and made the game better, if the 'crap' guys are on wow now, juding by beta in cata and lots of wotlk, then I wish they would get their Z team in on it too.


i actually liked the clown armor, at least it gave characters some kind of originality. Totalbiscuit has pointed it out, in the goblin starting zone you have gear models that match perfectly, but that's absolutely boring. Also, look at the leveling gear in northrend :lol

The clown outfits were much better imo.


I'll go for the boring, personally. I like armor that matches and looks like armor. Even most of the tier sets in WOTLK were complete clown suits.


markot said:

You guys talk as though they havent been doing this since launch....

Each expansion has gotten better and made the game better, if the 'crap' guys are on wow now, juding by beta in cata and lots of wotlk, then I wish they would get their Z team in on it too.

I don't know. I enjoyed TBC as a whole much more. Wrath, PVP wise, fun and dare I say a bit more balanced outside of the insta-gib wizard cleave stuff in arenas. Wrath PVE wise, meh. I enjoyed TBC raids, and even vanilla raids more than what we got in Wrath outside of Ulduar, which was absolutely fantastic.


If Blizzard added Costume slots like Lord of the Rings Online, you'd be able to pick whatever damn gear appearance you wanted. They'll never add Armor Dyes, but at least letting players decide what gear to display regardless of what they're actually stuck wearing would be nice.

Of course, every Paladin would be running around with Tier 2 on display, but that's such a nice armor set I don't see much of a problem. :lol


Retro said:
If Blizzard added Costume slots like Lord of the Rings Online, you'd be able to pick whatever damn gear appearance you wanted. They'll never add Armor Dyes, but at least letting players decide what gear to display regardless of what they're actually stuck wearing would be nice.

Of course, every Paladin would be running around with Tier 2 on display, but that's such a nice armor set I don't see much of a problem. :lol

Actually what I've been hoping for the most is an "attic" or something so you can store your old tier sets (all gear would be too much), weapons, and tabbards. They're cluttering the hell out of all my toons bank tabs. :(

They're not adding dyes, but they're adding that overlay for cloaks in Cata no? between that and a tabbard, you cover up a good chunk of your gear if you so wish.


corporate swill
Is there a list somewhere of the highest and lowest populated servers? Me and some friends are going to re-roll and realized we've never played on a server that's either super populated or a ghost town. Thanks!


I think the actual content is pretty subjective. I also think Burning Crusade rocked probably what are the genre best dungeons, from simple to raid (unless you count classic UO and it's really brutal, adventurey ones, but UO is almost a different genre nowadays).

The wrapper that contains WoW though is really progressive, and makes such beautiful leaps every expansion. Cataclsym is really worth commending even if it has some shaky legs at first just due to the gigantic overhaul they did. Blizzard could really just be phoning it in, but they're not. Huge kudos to that.

It makes me look at the other upcoming MMO I was really interested in and it's half-assed, no content version 1.1 nature and kind of just sigh. I wish more risks would be taken in this genre and I mean besides whatever cheap, unplayable gimmick Korea has decided to make 9 MMOs based around this month that ultimately boil down to grinding blobs.

Still, while I respect WoW lots and will probably always give some time to every expansion, I'd really like a new product to try... but there just aren't any worth giving the time of day. It's gotten to the point where I'm looking to try Bioware's upcoming title, and I HATE Star Wars.
MMO-Champion dug and found the Cataclysm Collector's Edition pet... Mini Deathwing!


Day 1 purchase for me!


vitaminwateryum said:
Is there a list somewhere of the highest and lowest populated servers? Me and some friends are going to re-roll and realized we've never played on a server that's either super populated or a ghost town. Thanks!
Probably Warcraft Realms. I recommend not going with an empty server. Those are no fun.


Has problems recognising girls
The Lamonster said:
I found out about Below Stormwind yesterday. Followed some people down there and found out the hard way about the bottomless pit :lol
I used to go down there for fun. One time I ran into two level 6 characters down there, one of them are fallen into a hole and couldn't get out.

As for the bottomless pit, experience from past events has taught me to avoid any and all areas where you can see no end :lol


ShallNoiseUpon said:
I can't tell if J-Rzez is actually serious or is just better than Astrolad.

What's this better than Astrolad thing?

HarryDemeanor said:
MMO-Champion dug and found the Cataclysm Collector's Edition pet... Mini Deathwing!

Day 1 purchase for me!

So far it looks like it has the same animations as the pet I got with the Wrath CE. Hopefully it's placeholder and they spice it up a bit.


SquirrelNuckle said:
I don't know how a lot of casters can have ICC gear, but can't do over 3,000 DPS. It's so annoying.

Lol, i can do roughly that in honor gear as an arcane mage (but only for a short time, obviously)


SquirrelNuckle said:
I don't know how a lot of casters can have ICC gear, but can't do over 3,000 DPS. It's so annoying.
Its commonly referred to as "terribads being carried".

Hopefully Cataclysm's harder difficulty remedies this.


Permanent Junior Member
I just made it to level 20 for the first time EVER in WoW. I want to power level as much as possible before Cataclysm but I'm unsure if I should stick with a priest or not. If you guys could pick any class to change your character to, would you keep what you have or change? Is there a class that is universally regarded as the best right now? Sorry for all the questions but I don't want to level up in vain.
Calantus said:
Lol, i can do roughly that in honor gear as an arcane mage (but only for a short time, obviously)
Arcane Mages OP!!

Mutagenic said:
I just made it to level 20 for the first time EVER in WoW. I want to power level as much as possible before Cataclysm but I'm unsure if I should stick with a priest or not. If you guys could pick any class to change your character to, would you keep what you have or change? Is there a class that is universally regarded as the best right now? Sorry for all the questions but I don't want to level up in vain.
Paladins are getting a lot of love in Cataclysm and level pretty quickly. If you are enjoying the priest, stick with that. Though, everything i've heard is that priests are the slowest to level. Never tried one myself. I've an 80 Lock, 80 warrior, and 71 Paladin (which I have blown through the leveling pretty fast). I think if I was to get bored an try a new class, the next one would be a druid.


I think priests are slow leveling until you hit 40 and get shadowform (if you are going shadow and solo leveling, which you should if solo leveling is your preference) but you could level up fast using dungeon finder up to 60 if you were holy/discipline specced and wanted to heal.

And fortunately there is no real best or worst class in WoW right now, at least not to any real absurd point.


Mutagenic said:
I just made it to level 20 for the first time EVER in WoW. I want to power level as much as possible before Cataclysm but I'm unsure if I should stick with a priest or not. If you guys could pick any class to change your character to, would you keep what you have or change? Is there a class that is universally regarded as the best right now? Sorry for all the questions but I don't want to level up in vain.

There's no "universally best" class. There are the flavour of the month classes (I think caster DPS at the moment). If you enjoy playing a priest, by all means continue it.


I would say that paladins are one of the best classes to lvel up quickly as they can heal themselves and gain mana as well.

I remember leveling my paladin was pretty good with almost no downtime. Also, getting to icecrown was pretty good as paladins are really good agains undead so the last few levels of leveling up were much easier.

And you can run stratholme for the mount in like 4 minutes by yourself :lol


Eh, I don't mind the 30% buff. Many hard modes are still quite hard, even with the buff. The only real impact it'll have is to make the Kingslayer title slightly more common. Of course, I don't mind because I hope to be rocking my Bane of the Fallen King title within the next few weeks. :D


It's just so frustrating sometimes. I'll get into an ICC10 and right before the professor we'll ask if the tanks know the fight and they reply yes. Three minutes into the fight and were wiped. It can be so annoying.


SquirrelNuckle said:
It's just so frustrating sometimes. I'll get into an ICC10 and right before the professor we'll ask if the tanks know the fight and they reply yes. Three minutes into the fight and were wiped. It can be so annoying.

Or when healers cleanse/dispel the person in the abom?


Blackrock Mountain is seriously the game's best-looking zone and I hope the new instance in there coming in Cata brings a fuckload of world PVP inside.


notworksafe said:

Never see that happen? We had to sub people in our alt runs or pug some (we're a small guild outside our mains run, and some ppl don't play alts), and they'd cleanse/dispel whatever the person in the abom, effectively removing the off tank from the abom. :lol

I guess whatever shitty add-on they're running "the buff" would show up as something to dispel, so they right-click or whatever on the box, and remove them.

Thankfully, they only do it once, usually heh.


Nelo Ice said:
so my cousin put me on the fence to return to wow but since u mentioned those giant bomb videos i ended up watching them and now im completely on the hook and will return for sure...damn u! :lol :lol

I blame Vinnie for everything.


CassSept said:
I can't believe it. Coming back home after a week and seeing beta invitation in your mail.
Yaaaay :D :D :D :D


I hate Blizzard. Really do. How much more loyal do I need to be Blizz!!!!!


Really Really Exciting Member!
Macattk15 said:

I hate Blizzard. Really do. How much more loyal do I need to be Blizz!!!!!

Like they say...

Random is random.

I have all their games on Battle.net except the Diablo ones, yet i'm still waiting. So yeah...


Bisnic said:
Like they say...

Random is random.

I have all their games on Battle.net except the Diablo ones, yet i'm still waiting. So yeah...

Oh I know random is random, but I can't believe in all these years and all their games ... the only beta I've gotten into was SC2 and that is only cause I pre-ordered it.


Woah, I apparently got into the beta! Didn't know European accounts got in.

EDIT: Two questions:
  1. All of my characters in the beta will dissapear when the beta ends, right?
  2. Does anyone want me to check anything in-game?


Rapstah said:
Woah, I apparently got into the beta! Didn't know European accounts got in.

EDIT: Two questions:
  1. All of my characters in the beta will dissapear when the beta ends, right?
  2. Does anyone want me to check anything in-game?

Right, no carry-over from the Beta to the real game.
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