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Worst. Simpsons. Ever?

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I guess it's kind of hard to choose with the recent dearth of crap that the show's writers have been turning out, but what is the most godawful, soul-crushing, unfunny episode that you've ever had to sit through?

I think the "Alcoholic Cowboy" episode has to rank the highest (or is that lowest?). I've only seen it once, but it seemed as though they weren't even trying to tell any jokes. Other times when the comedy falls flat you can at least see the attempt. It was just an awful story with no effort put into it.

Any of the episodes dealing with Apu's marriage and family also make me cringe.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I gave up watching new episodes of The Simpsons when they did the one where Marge gets breast implants. It was just full of really old and cliched jokes, and came at least half a decade after it might have been fresh and relevant. Just really, really lame.


I liked the cowboy one, the old TV star guy?

My worst one was the eps they realized was the worst one - the one with the pony and the elf-jockeys that managed to steal ideas and jokes from half a dozen good episodes and grind them all together into a mess that was both totally nonfunny and annoying because it made you like the old eps less.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Beyond season 9, I've missed a lot. But the worst, for me, was the land-of-the-jockeys episode. Comicbook Guy said it best-- WORST. EPISODE. EVER.

Calder knows what I'm talkin 'bout.
Ninja Scooter said:
if it sucks so bad why do you guys keep watching?

I don't.

I really enjoyed the show through the end of Season 11. Season 12 was so fucking horrible, I haven't really watched anything since. The only post-season 11 episode I have liked is where Maud Flanders dies.
Lets see. I tuned out of the Simpsons awhile back.

The Jockey episode was pretty bad.

Some of the clip shows.

Behind the music episode.

Mel Gibson and Homer rewriting Mr.Smith goes to washington was when I really stopped watching The Simpsons. There were ones after it that really sucked, they were so bad I can't even remember the jist of them...just that they really turned me off and I didn't want to watch the show anymore.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Ninja Scooter said:
if it sucks so bad why do you guys keep watching?
How else would we know it sucks so badly? Is there NOTHING that you think sucks? Well how the fuck would you know?


It's been at least five years since I watched The Simpsons regularly, but I doubt there's been a worse episode in that time than the one in which Apu gets deported. I had the distinct displeasure of watching that episode in the company of several Indians as well.


Clips shows suck, I don't like songs therefore - the clips show that's clips of musical numbers is the worst episode ever.
I found the episode where Bart mobilizes the kids in the area against Nelson to be a really bad episode. That and the one where he cuts off the head of Jeabedia (sp) Springfield.
ManDudeChild said:
I found the episode where Bart mobilizes the kids in the area against Nelson to be a really bad episode. That and the one where he cuts off the head of Jeabedia (sp) Springfield.

At least the mobilizing episode ran the cliche'd movie stlye training montage complete with a silhouette shot of the "soldiers" on the obstacle course.


SFA_AOK said:
Clips shows suck, I don't like songs therefore - the clips show that's clips of musical numbers is the worst episode ever.

Right there... this man is right!

The 'alcoholic cowboy' one was pretty bad too, but it did have one of my favourite jokes.

"want an apple?"
(lassos it from the other room)
Milhouse - "Can you lasso me a banana?"


Mistaken iRobbery!
While I do like the Simpsons since it first aired, I agree that the newer episodes are quite lacking. People I talk to love to refer to the "classic" Simpsons when the first few seasons aired. While this has happened, I also found King of the Hill to be a very well written show and I try to catch it whenever I can. In a bit of irony, last night I watched the "Gump Roast" Simpsons episode and the song at the end made my laugh:

Ullman shorts
Christmas show
Marge's fling
Homer's bro

Bart in well
Flanders fails
Whacking snakes

Mr. Plow
Homer's face
Sideshow Bob
Steps on rakes

Lisa's future
Selma's hubby
Marge not proud
Homer chubby

Homer worries Bart is gay
Poochie, U2, NRA
Hippies, Vegas, and Japan
Octupulets and Bart's boy band

Marge murmurs
Maude croaks
Lisa Buddhist
Homer tokes

Maggie blows Burns away
What else do I have to say?!

They'll never stop 'The Simpsons'
Have no fears
We got stories for years

Marge becomes a robot
Maybe Moe gets a cell phone
Has Bart ever owned a bear

How 'bout a crazy wedding
Where something happens and do-do-do-do-do
Sorry for the clip show

Have no fears
We got stories for years...


Maud Flander's dying was the worst. It crushed any of the original soul left in the Simpsons characters. Now they're just props.
While some of the newer ones may be worse (if it's really stupid early on, I tend to stop watching it), the episode that annoys me the most is the Mel Gibson one.


Defensor said:
While I do like the Simpsons since it first aired, I agree that the newer episodes are quite lacking. People I talk to love to refer to the "classic" Simpsons when the first few seasons aired. While this has happened, I also found King of the Hill to be a very well written show and I try to catch it whenever I can. In a bit of irony, last night I watched the "Gump Roast" Simpsons episode and the song at the end made my laugh:

Ullman shorts
Christmas show
Marge's fling
Homer's bro

Bart in well
Flanders fails
Whacking snakes

Mr. Plow
Homer's face
Sideshow Bob
Steps on rakes

Lisa's future
Selma's hubby
Marge not proud
Homer chubby

Homer worries Bart is gay
Poochie, U2, NRA
Hippies, Vegas, and Japan
Octupulets and Bart's boy band

Marge murmurs
Maude croaks
Lisa Buddhist
Homer tokes

Maggie blows Burns away
What else do I have to say?!

They'll never stop 'The Simpsons'
Have no fears
We got stories for years

Marge becomes a robot
Maybe Moe gets a cell phone
Has Bart ever owned a bear

How 'bout a crazy wedding
Where something happens and do-do-do-do-do
Sorry for the clip show

Have no fears
We got stories for years...

I liked that song too. It's hard for me to even pick a "worst" episode. Hell, it's hard enough to identify what episode is from what season past say, the 8th season. The early season had a distinct feel IMO. Plus for a long while i stopped watching new episodes regularly, and sometimes would catch them for the first time in re-runs.

Overall, I really hate what Homer has become....just a pure, grade-A PRICK.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I kinda like the Mel Gibson episode. :p

Bart and Homer building a robot this season was very lame...

Jim Bowie

ConfusingJazz said:
If you mean in the good Simpsons era, probably every episode focused around Lisa that wasn't about Jebadiah Springfield.

What about Bleedin' Gums? You can't deny him!

+1 for clipshows.
ConfusingJazz said:
The question should have been whats the worst episode between seasons 3 - 9.

Hey now... I rather liked a bulk of season 4, and even 5 I think. That's when Conan O'Brian joined the show I think.

DrLazy said:
Maud Flander's dying was the worst. It crushed any of the original soul left in the Simpsons characters. Now they're just props.

Isn't that one the official "jumping the shark" episode in most people's books?


Hail to the KING baby
FortNinety said:
Hey now... I rather liked a bulk of season 4, and even 5 I think. That's when Conan O'Brian joined the show I think.

I think he was referring to the fact that there are so few bad episodes in this span, making the choice much harder. Seasons 2-8=Greatest television in my lifetime. If I had to pick one from there, it would be "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious," although to be honest Season 8 is pretty easy pickings as it's got quite a few clunkers itself that foreshadow the quality of the subsequent seasons, but I would still include it in the Simpsons Golden Era as it had brilliant eps like "The Homer They Fall" (Homer boxing), "Lisa's Date with Density" (Lisa & Nelson, great Lisa ep, some really funny Milhouse parts), "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show," and a few others.


FortNinety said:
Hey now... I rather liked a bulk of season 4, and even 5 I think. That's when Conan O'Brian joined the show I think.

Isn't that one the official "jumping the shark" episode in most people's books?

From what i've gathered on here, the episode when Homer climbs the Murderhorn is the, or one of, the jumped the shark episode.


The one episode with kid rock and the one with the jockeys were the worst episodes ever. At least as far as I've seen since I've stopped watching the show awhile ago.


Saddlesore Galactica
Kill the Alligator and Run

I don't understand the hatred towards the new seasons. Sure, around season 11 the series was in a big crisis, but during the last three seasons, the quality has risen, imo.
I'd consider some of the newer episodes in the same league as the classics, like Fraudcast News or The Way We Weren't and even though the sillier episodes are still there, they're at least back to being funny with the sort of humour that was missing (or often tried too hard) in season 11.
I guess many old school fans can't watch new episodes without nitpicking about inconstancy, characters being out of place, cheap jokes, mundane references etc.
Just sit back and try to enjoy the show and even if the story lines might not stand up against classic episodes (what isn't a surprise - after 335 episodes, all classic sitcom situations have been realised somehow), at least you get as much good jokes as in the show's heyday (imo).
FortNinety said:
Hey now... I rather liked a bulk of season 4, and even 5 I think. That's when Conan O'Brian joined the show I think.

Thats what I mean, those are largely considered the Golden Age of The Simpsons. Its really easy to take pot shots at recent episodes, but the ones between 3-8 or 3-9 (depending on who you ask) are the best ones that were consistantly good. I have a belief that The Simpsons actually died and the ones since season 9 are actually unfunny imposters.


Biff Hardbody said:
Behind the music episode.

"My Name is Billy...and my teeth are silly. Break it down now"

For that ALONE, plus that fact that it was a brilliant parody, the episode is one of my favourites. When it wants to be, the writers can still be funny.

I find that, as someone else said, the characters have no life. The best episode of the last few seasons, that I truly put in a classic level, is when Lisa became a Buddhist. Sure, it wasn't brilliant, but it was full of character. We saw how she was dealing with this event, and how she tried so hard. It felt complete...and it had Lenny and Carl being Buddhists with Richard Gere. Classic.


Hail to the KING baby
Acrylamid said:
I guess many old school fans can't watch new episodes without nitpicking about inconstancy, characters being out of place, cheap jokes, mundane references etc.
Just sit back and try to enjoy the show and even if the story lines might not stand up against classic episodes (what isn't a surprise - after 335 episodes, all classic sitcom situations have been realised somehow), at least you get as much good jokes as in the show's heyday (imo).

I don't give a rat's ass about "consistency," and I never have, even in the earlier seasons, there were probably some continuity errors but no one gave a shit because the episode provided you with so much laughter you didn't care. But... when newer episodes, e.g. establish that Skinner is a fraud in the process of making a half hour of pure shit, then it's like Shit+, not only is there no humor, but they fucked with the show's characters in a dumb way, so it's doubly pathetic.

I've been reading Groening since before Ullman when I was in the third grade and when Ullman came on, my entire family would get together and watch it every single week for the Simpsons shorts. What I've noticed is that people who hopped in a little bit later tend to be much more forgiving (even praising) of the newer crap, saying "oh it's all funny!," as if the fact that it's still Homer, Marge, Bart & Lisa makes it funny. I have watched a few newer episodes, and some of them have been slightly better (and probably on par with the other decent sitcoms on, a thought which in Seasons 1-7 would have been unfathomable as the Simpsons simply blew everything away), but then every other time there's some joke like:

Professor: Look at that pond. Why doesn't water sparkle so?
I'm dying, Moe.
Moe: Is, is there anything I can do?
Professor: No, unless you have a cure for cancer. [turns to
Moe, hopefully] Do you have a cure for cancer?
'Cause that would be great!
Moe: I'm sorry, Professor.
Professor: Goodbye, Moe.
Moe: Bye, Professor.
[the professor walks calmly into the lake and
disappears beneath the surface]
Hey, don't you want to take your shoes off before
you go swimming? Professor? [realizes] Oh. Oh.
Um, hmmm.
[slowly walks away from the lake]

... or an episode with Tony Hawk.

The old Simpsons were so great because, at the time, there was nothing even remotely like them. They single-handedly changed humor in America, and many of their jokes have become so ingrained in our society that many don't even know they originate from the Simpsons; even the (I'm told) best recent episodes literally don't have a tenth of the humor of the classics. That's not to say that they're bad (the best ones, that is, on the whole the new Simpsons is), because it's a high standard to love up to... but to me they're not The Simpsons.


Nonono, all of those above are läugh fësts in comparison to the one with the bear last season. Something about a hunter and a bear, and Homer getting a bear hug. Can't even remember the story, it just sucked so bad, who's with më?


Chili Con Carnage!
i still find the simpsons mildly entertaining, i think the novelty has worn off now which is a bigger factor behind it being less entertaining than the so-so writing, i know everything about the characters now so its almost like i know what they are gonna say or do before it happens. Not a good thing in comedy.

They should start turning The Simpsons into Futurama (slowly so the fox execs dont notice) then around the start of season 18 just air new futurama instead.
There's an episode on right now about tennis (I assume this is from maybe season 12 or 13), and this is a perfect example of how broken the series is now. None of the jokes they try to make are witty or thought provoking. Compare this tennis episode with a classic like the monorail episode, and it's like you are watching a completely different show.


Tennis episode was absolutely horrible. Another one I just HATED was that stupid ep where they made fun of Episode 1 FIVE YEARS LATER.

Stupid stupid stupid.


Idle Will Kill said:
There's an episode on right now about tennis (I assume this is from maybe season 12 or 13), and this is a perfect example of how broken the series is now. None of the jokes they try to make are witty or thought provoking. Compare this tennis episode with a classic like the monorail episode, and it's like you are watching a completely different show.

yeah, that's one of the things that happened to the show when it started its decline. It just became a collection of 'bits' and people just got tired of the same old bits over and over again. At one point the Simpson's was just as much light social commentary as it was comedy. You get an episode of that once at season at this point - if you're lucky.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Ghost said:
i still find the simpsons mildly entertaining, i think the novelty has worn off now which is a bigger factor behind it being less entertaining than the so-so writing

this could be kind of true - but i still enjoy the old episodes and even find more stuff funny in them than i used to . the land of the jockeys with the rainbow horse is, by far, the worst simpsons ever, imo. but i can't single many out because i feel that after about season 9-10 they all just went down the shitter anyway. what happened to mr burns? he's barely in it anymore, and homer is just a fuckwit! he used to be really likeable but now he's really not :p

L the losers in her wake
I the income she will make...
T is for her tooth filled mouth
T is for her tooth filled mouth
When did celebrities start playing themselves? When did it become a ridiculus cartoon rather then social satire with cartoon characters?

way more

The one that make me shake my head was a season nine or ten ep. I've repressed the memory but I think it had something to do with baseball.
AstroLad said:
The old Simpsons were so great because, at the time, there was nothing even remotely like them. They single-handedly changed humor in America, and many of their jokes have become so ingrained in our society that many don't even know they originate from the Simpsons; even the (I'm told) best recent episodes literally don't have a tenth of the humor of the classics. That's not to say that they're bad (the best ones, that is, on the whole the new Simpsons is), because it's a high standard to love up to... but to me they're not The Simpsons.

Amen to that.
I don't know what I consider the worst episode. There's a few from recent years that I honestly have grown to love, but most of them have been awful. I've not watched a new episode purposely in about two years now. I just don't care anymore.

I think the year I realized that the Simpsons weren't what they used to be was the year the Power Sauce episode aired. While not that bad of an episode by today's standards, it had nothing on the seasons previous to it.

The Simpsons and all characters involved are really just goofy caricatures of their former selves. It's as if the writers took a three word explanation of each character's personality and that's all they stick with.

Ralph is now SO stupid that I don't even find him likable. Marge has been made out as completely neurotic. Moe is so insanely suicidial that he lost any of the charm he used to have. It just goes on and on.

The last episodes I watched just made it obvious that they were out of ideas and were attempting to become Family Guy Lite. It just wasn't working. In your face jokes and liberal use of blood are not what The Simpsons used to be about unless Itchy and Scratchy were on.

And people really exaggerate how much influence Conan had on the Simpsons.


Hates quality gaming
I still insist the Worst Ever was Season 1's Spy Camera episode. So dry. So illogical. Especially with Marge popping up in the strip joint at the end of the show.

"Sweet And Sour Marge" (Duff Book of Records, Springfield as the Fattest Town and the sugar ban) comes really close, though.
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