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Would you guys like to participate in a little community-driven gaming challenge?


I've got an idea for a challenge that seems like it could be fun. If you feel the same and wanna join in, then keep on reading pardner. If not then that's also fine, maybe you could at least help with voting or something.

TL;DR version is here:
How to participate:
  1. Reserve your post by naming your game genre of choice.
  2. Other users quote your post and nominate games for that genre.
  3. After 1-2 weeks, the top 3 nominated games are announced.
  4. Pick at least one of those games to play.
  5. Share your thoughts about the game in a dedicated post.
Additional information:
  • The top 3 games are picked to give participants some wiggle room.
  • Participants have until the end of the year to play their chosen game.
  • There is no obligation to finish the game if it's not enjoyable.
  • Participants should share their thoughts about the game in a dedicated post.
  • Per request, a bonus challenge may be given to win some gold.

If that sounds like a slice of fried gold, then you can stop reading here and jump right in, but if you have any questions then don't ask them until you read the rest of it.

The general theme of the challenge is: getting out of your comfort zone.

Active Challengers (nominate some games for them):

▶️ Daneel Elijah Daneel Elijah Post #2 | Genre: First Person Shooters | Nominees: get your votes in! |
I think FPS would do it. But just the campaign, no multiplayer please. My last FPS was DOOM 2016. It makes me sick. But with changing FOV I made it bearable. Not gone, I still got sick after prolonged sections, but doable. PS5 and pc( 1060 6gb) if that can help.

▶️ Beastclaw Raider Beastclaw Raider Post #4 | Genre: First Person Shooters | Nominees: get your votes in! |
[...]for myself, I really dont play first person shooters. Having people recommend you some titles and then you have to go through one would be pretty interesting

▶️ DryvBy DryvBy Post #8 | Genre: ARPGs (Diablo clones) | Nominees: get your votes in! |
DRPGs (Diablolike Role Playing Games) Don't recommend crap either or else...

What's this about anyway?

Alright, let's break it down. Do you want to step out of your comfort zone and try a new game genre? Good! Here's the plan: you pick a genre you're not familiar with or haven't played before, and then the rest of us nominate a top-tier game from that genre. Something that'll be the perfect entry point for newbies, or even for seasoned gamers who want to explore uncharted territories.

The goal is to expand your horizons and discover something new and exciting, and then maybe earn some bragging rights by ending up in the Hall of Fame once you've played the game and shared your thoughts.

How to participate?

1. Reserve your post by naming your genre of choice.

2. Your entry will then be put in the OP along with a link to your post number for better visibility/accessibility.
3. We then give the rest of the users some time to nominate the games - 1-2 weeks should be enough, depending on the individual turnaround.
4. When nominating, simply quote the participant's post and suggest some game titles. <- It would be appreciated if you follow this format because it will make the next step easier for me
5. After the time is up, I will count the nominations and update your entry in the OP with the top 3 games that received the highest number of votes - you need to pick at least one of those and give them a go.
6. When you're done with the game, share your thoughts about it and let us know if we helped you discover something new and interesting!


What else do you need to know?

Why three nominees instead of one?
The reason for selecting three nominees instead of just one is to give you some flexibility. For instance, suppose one of the nominated games is only available on a platform that you don't have, or it's outside of your budget. We don't want anyone to break the bank on a risky purchase without knowing whether they'll enjoy the game or not.

What are the time and financial commitments?
First and foremost, you will need to obtain the game from somewhere, and how you choose to do so is entirely up to you. As most of us are adults, I'm hoping it won't necessitate selling organs for cash, but the option is there if you're feeling adventurous. You must then give at least one of your nominated games a shot before the year is up. I want to be generous with the available time here because I don't want anyone to view this challenge as a burden. As long as you're not a turbo-procrastinator, almost 7 months should be ample time to track down 9the game that was chosen for you and play it. It's critical to have enough leeway because some games aren't on sale often, and some of us simply don't have much free time for gaming.

Please remember that you are not obligated to finish any of the games if you find that they are not for you. However, by participating, you should make a gentleman's agreement with everyone else to at least give the game an honest chance and then document your experience in a dedicated post on this thread. Whatever format works best for you, whether it's a full written review, a YouTube video, or a brief post. Simply let us know if you liked it (or loathed it) and why!

What if I'm gonna struggle with the game that was picked for me in any way?
No problem! I will do my best to assist in either setting it up, providing some tips, etc. Everyone else is also encouraged to do the same, especially if you're the person who posted the recommendation.

How can I track the challenge entries?
Every entry will be highlighted in the OP for easy visibility and access. Once you make any kind of progress with your entry, feel free to @ me or DM me and I will update the OP accordingly. The format will look something like this:
1. @Drizzlehell Post #69 | Genre: Hentai Visual Novels | Nominees: 1. Sex Standing 2. Sex With Hitler 2069 3. Hentai Waifu II (yes those are real) | Playing: Sex With Hitler 2069 | Status: In progress/Abandoned/Completed | Rating 69/100

Will there be any bonus challenges?
Sure! Although considering the diverse portfolio of games that may end up being selected, I think it will be best if the bonus challenge will be given individually by Ga(y)me Master - i.e.: me - should a participant chooses so. I may even throw some gold your way if you complete said bonus challenge. I don't guarantee that the challenge won't involve filming yourself jumping into a vat of chocolate and then squeezing your boobs together, but typically it should be something like "acquire this specific achievement and post a screenshot as proof" or something along those lines.

Alright smart-ass, but who's gonna curate this shit?


So, who's in?

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So we propose a genre that we have interest in, but not enough to actually play, and GAF propose games in it? I will try. But I do not play a lot and with this year having many games I want to play I would like a game that can be finished fast. Like Resident evil 3 remake or even faster.
I think FPS would do it. But just the campaign, no multiplayer please. My last FPS was DOOM 2016. It makes me sick. But with changing FOV I made it bearable.Not gone, I still got sick after prolonged sections, but doable. PS5 and pc( 1060 6gb) if that can help. Thanks for the thread by the way!
To get out of our comfort zone, wouldnt it be interesting if it was a genre we dont normally play? Like let's say for myself, I really dont play first person shooters. Having people recommend you some titles and then you have to go through one would be pretty interesting


I think FPS would do it. But just the campaign, no multiplayer please. My last FPS was DOOM 2016. It makes me sick. But with changing FOV I made it bearable.Not gone, I still got sick after prolonged sections, but doable. PS5 and pc( 1060 6gb) if that can help. Thanks for the thread by the way!
To get out of our comfort zone, wouldnt it be interesting if it was a genre we dont normally play? Like let's say for myself, I really dont play first person shooters. Having people recommend you some titles and then you have to go through one would be pretty interesting

Can be beaten in a relatively short time, anywhere from 6 to 20 hours depending on how you play.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Visual Novel. Higurashi, all 8 episodes.

I had to look up what that was.

There is no way I'd be able to get through 10 minutes of that, let alone all 8 episodes. I'd rather spend a day watching cats bang in a piss soaked alley than suffer that.

Sorry, I'm going to have to pussy out on that challenge.


I had to look up what that was.

There is no way I'd be able to get through 10 minutes of that, let alone all 8 episodes. I'd rather spend a day watching cats bang in a piss soaked alley than suffer that.

Sorry, I'm going to have to pussy out on that challenge.
fiiiine, i'll lower the difficulty a bit

Visual Novel. VA-11 Hall-A


The nicest person on this forum
I had to look up what that was.

There is no way I'd be able to get through 10 minutes of that, let alone all 8 episodes. I'd rather spend a day watching cats bang in a piss soaked alley than suffer that.

Sorry, I'm going to have to pussy out on that challenge.


Well that's a sick idea !

I am overhelm by the genre choice xD. If I respect the "out of the confort zone" I would probably choice something like Platformer or Racing game but chances are high that I quickly quit the game xD

It's also a long time I haven't played a FPS... It's tempting.

But I'll go with Strategy game (turn based or real time I don't mind. I have Red alert in mind when writing this if that's help). I let it quite open with the criteria (with city building or not etc...). Surprise me ! EDIT : Forget to mention I want a story/campaign to follow.
Restriction : I would probably not play on PC. Except if it's a very old game that my PC can handle and even my PC is in very bad shape so...
Console available : PS1, N64, Gamecube, PS2, PS3, PS5, Wii, DS, 3DS, PSP, Switch

Background with the genre : Hundred of hours of Warcraft 3, Civilization 3. Also quite some hours on Starcraft 2 WoL. Did Fire Emblem Awakening few years ago. Recently played Final Fantasy Tactics for the first time. Basically since my years with Warcraft 3, Civ 3 and Starcraft, I barely follow the genre and just play a strategy game once every few years.

For OP : Can we reapply for another genre if we are done with the chosen game ?
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