both films try and have some kind of realistic message. in monsters u - you can fuck up and get kicked out of college, and sometimes you just aren't going to do the thing you love, no matter how hard you work or how much you want it. in finding dory, i was afraid it would fall into the 'marlin and nemo were my family all along' but it even avoids that. instead it's about dory finding confidence in herself and overcoming fears. its message is 'i can get through this'.
it's grayer areas that work at a deeper level than pixar's earlier stuff.
That's actually a really good point. Nemo dealt with some really hard issues like fatherhood, but there are a lot of mature ideas in Finding Dory just as well. The whole idea of Dory being "lost" herself both figuratively and literally, I thought was a great idea, and they handled it extremely well.