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wow Finding Dory was awful, really disappointed in Pixar

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I didn't t particularly like it, but it was inoffensive and thoroughly OK. I've hit the point where Pixar has made more movies I dislike/don't care about, than movies I think are great. It was bound to happen though. At least we aren't lacking in decent to good 3D animated movies these days.


no, inside out isnt up to snuff

Inside Out didn't really do anything for me.

Inside out was trash at least Finding Dory had some funny moments. Both movies are not classic Pixar quality.

Inside Out was a wasted 90 minutes

Yes! Rise up, brothers! I could not find anyone else who agreed with me on this around release. Inside Out was a big pair of pants. Finding Dory wasn't great but I'd rather watch it again than Inside Out.
Finding Dory was OK but I thought they made the animals a little too capable. The first one had the fishtank fish helping Nemo escape and the bit with the giant net at the end but Dory takes it up about 10 notches.

Also Inside Out was overrated and Storks was decent.


I liked it. Zootopia I thought was pretty bad though, I'm surprised that one is so highly thought of. Eh, I guess it wasn't bad, but I definitely found it boring.

My exact sentiments. Was pretty hyped about Zootopia but it turned out the trailers already showed the best scenes.
I wasn't as hyped about Finding Dory before I watched the movie, though so I had my expectations in check. Still liked it. Baby Dory is probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen in any movie.


Watched it with my relatives last weekend and two of us three were pretty disappointed. The movie was pretty dull, it got off to a really slow start and it never picked up until the final few minutes. The two of us who didn't like it enjoyed The Good Dinosaur a whole lot more which I never would have expected because I had high hopes for this sequel.
I liked it more than Inside Out which didn't click with me at all and don't understand the critics' love for. Feels like it'll be forgotten pretty quickly.

Dory is nowhere near Nemo which just might be my favorite animated movie ever, and completely fell apart in its 3rd act but it was alright. And yes Hank was cool.
Wow. Surprised no one mentioned Brave (actually, maybe that's a GOOD thing lol). That personally is the worst Disney Animated film I've watched.

Finding Dory is meh. 5/10. Finding Nemo was a way better film. The only Pixar films I've haven't watched are Ratatouille and The Good Dinosaur.

No, I will not watch TGD. It looks so boring and tedious to go through, and I've already been there with Brave.

And to be honest, Walt Disney Animation Studios have been on fire. Moana (still need to watch), Wreck-It Ralph, Zootropolis...and while I dislike Frozen (still watched it) that film spawned a lot of love around the world. Hard to forget that LET IT GOOO... song.

It's like Walt Disney Animation Studios stole writers from old Pixar or something.


My exact sentiments. Was pretty hyped about Zootopia but it turned out the trailers already showed the best scenes.
I wasn't as hyped about Finding Dory before I watched the movie, though so I had my expectations in check. Still liked it. Baby Dory is probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen in any movie.
I honestly think Zootopia is one of the most overrated movies I have ever seen. It's not that its bad, it's just the praise it receives is so much more than what I thought it deserved.

Not as good as Nemo but I enjoyed it. I went in not expecting much at all though. Would it matter if it didn't exist? I'd be indifferent.

To be honest I'm not a huge fan of The Incredible either, though I'm still keen on checking out the sequel. Mostly to see what the kids are like now. A Bug's Life is still one of my fave Pixar movies that never seems to get much love. But I'm also ok with it remaining a standalone movie!
Oh man, I loved A Bug's Life.
Not as good as Nemo but I enjoyed it. I went in not expecting much at all though. Would it matter if it didn't exist? I'd be indifferent.

To be honest I'm not a huge fan of The Incredible either, though I'm still keen on checking out the sequel. Mostly to see what the kids are like now. A Bug's Life is still one of my fave Pixar movies that never seems to get much love. But I'm also ok with it remaining a standalone movie!

Maximus P

I actually preferred it to Nemo, but I don't rate Nemo very highly either.

I know i'm in a minority here but Ratatouille still remains my favourite Pixar Movie.
My ratings for Pixar films. The ones not listed means I haven't watched it.

Toy Story: 8/10
A Bug's Life: 8/10
Toy Story 2: 8.5/10
Monsters Inc.: 8/10
The Incredibles: 9/10
Finding Nemo: 7/10
Cars: 6.5/10
WALL-E: 5.5/10
Up: 7/10
Toy Story 3: 9.5/10
Cars 2: 5/10
Brave: 2/10
Monsters University: 7/10
Inside Out: 7.5/10
Finding Dory: 5/10

The slope definitely started from Finding Nemo IMO.


My ratings for Pixar films. The ones not listed means I haven't watched it.

WALL-E: 5.5/10


I thought Inside Out had a few great ideas but overall it lacked something. That might be because I was watching it with my 4yo daughter and more concerned about the things she couldn't uderstand though.


how the fuck can too unrealistic be a complaint in an animated movie about talking fish?

Sure it's talking fish but Finding Nemo and just about every other Pixar movie are believable, at least as believable as the premise of talking fish or talking toys could be. Felt Finding Dory crossed the line from believable to absurd, which is something I had never really felt in a Pixar movie. It got too cartoony I suppose, too fake.
Finding Nemo is one of my least favorite Pixar movies. I might catch this someday, but I'm definitely not going out of my way to do so.

Same here.

Watch Finding Dory win the Oscar, because that's the animated movie that made the most money in 2016 (domestic: $486,295,561) and has name recognition among the 60+ year old Academy voters due to their grandchildren seeing it and liking it.


It happened with Brave so it wouldnt surprise me if it happened again.
The only time the academy has not giving them the oscar after being ultra famous was with Cars (and cars 2 of course) because the old people there probably heard second hand most people didnt liked it.
And instead of giving it to that years better but smaller movies, they gave it to fucking happy feet.

I don't know how they'll follow up the sequel. I know Brad Bird is returning as writer & is working on the screen play, but where can they take it?

Its going to be more of a family movie about kids being older (Violet out of the university and probably going to marry, dash starting university and jack jack as a teen) and all the problems and fears parents have about those situations, mixed with how would a family of superheroes deal with those problems, and how does the world treat them now, than any typical superhero sequel.
People who want them to continue from the mole villain from the first movie' ending and that being something central are going to seriously be dissapointed.

And glad is going to be like that.


I didn't enjoy it because it wasn't nearly as grounded in reality as other Pixar films are. Sure the studio is known for making films about talking toys or bugs or cars or rats, but those films were always believable, even Finding Nemo was believable. Everything about this film, from fish jumping between salt water to fresh water(and even into dirty mop water) to actually driving a truck was just too unrealistic for me.

When i saw the truck part and heard the accompanying music i felt like i was going insane.

I dont hate the movie as much as other people do but its obvious that Pixar pumps out more crap than quality these days.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
This film is the first one from Pixar that just felt completely soulless to me.

Have you seen Monster University?
That film is just utter garbage. Not even on a "bad for Pixar" scale

Yes! Rise up, brothers! I could not find anyone else who agreed with me on this around release. Inside Out was a big pair of pants. Finding Dory wasn't great but I'd rather watch it again than Inside Out.

Inside Out was a movie I watched and thought "yeah. that was a movie. Sure made 90 minutes of my life go by!" and then never thought about it ever again. I don't think it's bad, it's just...there.


I didn't love it either but in what realm is it a bad movie?! Fuck me. Have a lot of you clowns even seen a truly bad movie? Fuck off with the hyperbole, this is why we get a bad reputation.


Pizza Dog
It's crazy how much people are praising Inside Out here and through GAF. I didn't think it was a bad film by any means, but the character design was a little bland, I felt like they didn't do enough with the concept and the environments were pretty dull. I remember that there was a control room and then just endless grey hallways of shelves. I love Amy Poehler but this just didn't do anything for me really.

You see, I thought about that when I was thinking about the film. I was trying my hardest to remember what happened apart from the humans live in some ship being lazy and forgetting how to walk.

I haven't watched this film since it came out on Blu-ray. And I've rewatched a lot of Pixar films since then, including Cars 2. So that tells me something that, while I didn't find it boring or bad, I didn't find it awesome either. Hence the 5.5. (I had to put the .5 so it can better Cars 2).

Worse than Cars 2?

Nothing is worse than Cars 2.

BRAVE. At least with Cars 2 I was awake.
I was surprised with the reviews tbh. Very generic and dull ESPECIALLY compared to the brilliance of the first one.

Was also surprised that they basically straight up made fun of mentally handicapped people.

So Moana with the dumb chicken did the same? Please.

It was just an ok movie. And lol at the ghibli mention, probably the most overrated animation studio.
Funny...i liked it, Zootopia and Tomorrowland. I must be really weird eh?

While I can't comment on Tomorrowland (as I never watched it, also it's not an animated film), but you're not weird for liking Zootopia man. That's actually a stunning film.
I feel that after Toy Story 3, the only new Pixar Film I have watched and enjoyed was Inside Out (Watched Brave and hated it totally, couldn't get through Monsters U). The Normal Disney animated things like Frozen, Zootopia and Wreck it Ralph, while not on the level of Pixar's Golden Period, are so far ahead of the bulk of Pixar's output this decade.

I watched Up and Wall E this past week. No contest.
Note: Moana is not included in the list above. Apart from Hei Hei (see my avatar) and the Rock, it was pretty forgettable.
So Moana with the dumb chicken did the same? Please.

It was just an ok movie. And lol at the ghibli mention, probably the most overrated animation studio.

the chicken in moana wasnt part of a group of seals that speak english, and was presented as just a dumb chicken. I dont even know if you can call that seal mentally ill though, its more like an inbred idiot seal. Who knows, the whole process of character creation is weird and fascinating and i wish i know how it was even conceived.

can we talk about how Edris Elba has been completely assimilated by Disney?

Hissing Sid

Took the kids to see this in the theatre.

First time in a looooong time I've started looking at my watch half-way through a film.

My five year old found collapsing his seat and taking trips to the toilet more fun than what was being shown on the screen (He loves Finding Nemo).

My Seven year old kept asking me if it was nearly finished yet? (The cinema version of a 'Are we nearly there yet?' car journey with the kids).

To top things off the seats smelled of stale piss and the oinkers sat in front of us were all eating some nasty, mass-produced, hot cheesy nacho foodstuff that also gave off an aroma of stale piss but had the added twist of smelling like 'warm' stale piss!

So yeah my overall recollection of the Finding Dory experience was one of bored kids and a stressed wife half watching a mundane animation whilst trying to ignore the piss stink of the theatre and its patrons.

The only bit of all that I don't hold Pixar responsible for is the piss stink.

The octopus was kind of ok though I suppose.


I was ready to be down on this movie when the first act was just lazily retreading the first movies beats and characters, but once they got to marine biology center the movie came into its own and was enjoyable.

Its not their best work but its a better watch than The Good Dinosaur or Cars 2.


Pizza Dog
It's because Inside Out is an amazing movie and one of Pixar's best.

I mean, everyone's entitled to their opinion and everything so I don't disagree you felt that way, but it's strange for me to see it praised when compared to the visual spectacle of their other films. I guess the story didn't really resonate with me as much.


I don't expect any Pixar movie to be worse than Cars 2, even Cars 3 will probably be better, so i doesn't really seem fair to mention it. Good Dinosaur was indeed boring as fuck, but it was a nice looking film. Don't believe I've ever seen Brave.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I wouldn't call it awful, but it was very average and extremely overrated. It doesn't even come close to touching Finding Nemo.


It wasn't as good as Finding Nemo, sure, but I wasn't bored or anything while watching it. I thought it was a pretty fun.


I liked all the yelling at Gerald, but I would be happy listening to Iris Elba reading a phone book. Totally OK with Disney's strategy of putting his voice in all their movies.


I didn't enjoy it because it wasn't nearly as grounded in reality as other Pixar films are. Everything about this film, from fish jumping between salt water to fresh water(and even into dirty mop water) to actually driving a truck was just too unrealistic for me.

This is what took me out of Finding Dory, too. I didn't enjoy much of the film at all. I did like the cruel seals and Hank though, but not his driving a Truck for crying out loud.


I liked it better then I thought I was going to like it. Girlfriend works with special needs children. So having that in my mind was just relating to Dory more and more.
This exactly. My wife also works with special needs children and really identified with Dory's parents.


Can we get an edit where it speeds up every time someone says 'Dory'? Might be the best way to watch it. Otherwise it was straight to DVD tier at best... 'cept for Ed O'Neill saving every scene, he was Oscar worthy

To those folks with special needs kids, I get that angle, tho. Maybe they should have pushed it more that way in marketing? Context means a lot


I found it entertaining and fun. And sad at times. Saw it with 2 other adults. We all liked it. Anyone saying this film is bad should actually watch a bad movie sometime.


It was forgettable and mostly felt like it was revisiting everything from the first film. It was nowhere near as bad as that new Jungle Book cg movie that's also on Netflix.
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