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Wow. Is Sony gonna give Sly 2 a big push?


I just saw a Sly 2 commercial during the Yankees/Red Sox game on ESPN.

September 14 is the release I see! It's only July 25 and the comercials have already started!


I saw the Sly 2 advert about a week ago. The game looks good, but that's one of the worst gaming commericals I have seen in a long time. It had a decidedly 'clean is better than dirty' feel, if you know what I mean.
Lost Weekend said:
I saw the Sly 2 advert about a week ago. The game looks good, but that's one of the worst gaming commericals I have seen in a long time. It had a decidedly 'clean is better than dirty' feel, if you know what I mean.

Was this the commerical where Sly and company are talking about being framed for a crime and needing our help??? If so, then I personally loved that commercial.
Lost Weekend said:
That's the one. It made me cringe, actually.

I thought it was better then the first Sly 1 commerical which featured a pair of detectives investigating a crime scene, and later a racoon escaping through an opening in the wall... Oh well, we all have different taste...:)


Sony can overdo their commericials sometimes. They drill advertisements into my skull. I still see Jak when I try to do math.


Wario64 said:
I somehow think that this game isn't gonna do as great as the first one, sales wise

it's not like the first one was a huge hit right off the bat...it had poor initial sales. It got to its current number through month after month of good greatest hits sales.
DrLazy said:
Sony can overdo their commericials sometimes. They drill advertisements into my skull. I still see Jak when I try to do math.

They might overdo it a bit, but they seem to be the #1 TV advertising publisher, even ahead of EA (except on ESPN where EA owns). Just about every big game has had significant commercial airtime (GT3, Twisted Metal: Black, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, SOCOM, Sly, Getaway, Rise To Honor, Syphon Filter, various 989 sports).

Of course, I only watch certain channels, so maybe I'm missing the other guys outlets.


Agent Dormer said:
You've forgotten about MGS3 and GT4, oh and KATAMARI DAMACY!

MGS3 - not expecting it to release this year, besides after MGS2, don't really care. :)
GT4 - realistic racing game = meh. Not my thing.

KD - damn, can there be a two-way tie for GOTY?!?!
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