There hasn't been nearly enough fuckery in this match.
Yeah, I think the restholds are due to Seth's illness unfortunately. He needs the breathers.Spot -> leglock -> spot -> leglock
This match fucking blows ass.
just keep checking his back
Not going to try and find a Riley Reid image that I can post here (because I don't have six hours) but here's Seth's.
I need to see this riley reid tat seth has
Please tell me someone or sunhi has a freeze frame of it
HHH got distracted by the sledgehammer
To be fair, when has a WM crowd ever been excited for Triple H match?
Yeah, that spot was fantastic.LOL I love that Triple H apparently can't resist a sledgehammer whenever he sees one, regardless of what he's doing.
Lol. I'm just so happy to hear that theme and see Jeff rock out. I didn't even see New Day.New day lol
SDL Women's match better not get cancelled for time.
Thank you based Meek Mahan
SDL Women's match better not get cancelled for time.