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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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So I thought Cena has said (countless times now) that he's willing to put people over...

...so why didn't he do that tonight when everyone else did?

Why don't people call him on this shit more? I know the smarks do, but why don't more of the live audience? Boo this crap.

love him

hate him



Fox Mulder

I'm convinced Vince had someone bet a shit ton of money on Brock, and he, Brock and Taker are all laughing to the bank. +850 is huge and anyone with insider knowledge could have made bankkkkkkk,

it's pretty stupid that places accept bets on pro wrestling anyways.


And then Cena refuses to hit Wyatt with a chair, yet has no problem hitting Rowan with one. And he speared Harper through a barricade even though Harper didn't do anything. This is Cena's legacy.

At least Cena hugged everyone's parents at the end of that. Nikki/Brie's mom, his dad, and Rock's mom.
Despite the shocking turn of events with the undertaker actually losing, Daniel Bryan came out of Wrestlemania 30 the big star. He beat Triple H, Randy Orton, and Batista in one night, won two different matches in one night and is now carrying around both belts and to top it all off it happened at Wrestlemania 30. After how he was treated since summerslam it is almost unbelievable they actually gave him the spotlight.

Also what does Batista do now? he has this two year deal yet he just tapped out in the mainevent at wrestlemania 30. They pushed him to fast in his comeback which caused the fans to turn on him and now he is on the outside looking in.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Smarks are hilarious. Bryan beat the booker man, tapped out a dude who signed to promote a big movie, and won the only world title on one night. Obvious screw job since the crowd only cheered 90% as loud as dude watching from home believes they should have.

Despite the shocking turn of events with the undertaker actually losing, Daniel Bryan came out of Wrestlemania 30 the big star. He beat Triple H, Randy Orton, and Batista in one night, won two different matches in one night and is now carrying around both belts and to top it all off it happened at Wrestlemania 30. After how he was treated since summerslam it is almost unbelievable they actually gave him the spotlight.

Also what does Batista do now? he has this two year deal yet he just tapped out in the mainevent at wrestlemania 30. They pushed him to fast in his comeback which caused the fans to turn on him and now he is on the outside looking in.

There are PPVs between now and Guardians.



hindsight being 20/20 (heh), taker should have definitely retired right here. 20-0. awesome match, awesome visual at the end.

What? It's clearly being overshadowed by the taker loss. It's too bad, but that's simply the truth.

I love D-Bry, I'm happy about his performance tonight, and we'll look back at this Mania as possibly the greatest moment of his career, but right now, the biggest angle in wrasslin history just ended, and it ended in a fucking awful manner.

I just listened to 3 hours of the LAW, and not ONE person called in about D-Bry. It was all about Taker and the streak. What's everyone talking about after the show ended?

D-Bry's win has been absolutely overshadowed.

Good god. Some of you people will never be happy.
This is not exactly the first time a Taker (or other lower card) match has overshadowed the main event at Wrestlemania. I'm not sure it matters for Bryan at all.


I don't get the complaints against Cena not putting Wyatt over. Sure, he doesn't sell moves as usual but he wasn't in the title picture and gave Bray the match and the feud which will most likely continue. They could have easily inserted Cena into the title picture because he never got his rematch after Summerslam and have the Wyatt family face the Shield again. The crowd would have been super hot for that rematch.
I don't get the complaints against Cena not putting Wyatt over. Sure, he doesn't sell moves as usual but he wasn't in the title picture and gave Bray the match and the feud which will most likely continue. They could have easily inserted Cena into the title picture because he never got his rematch after Summerslam and have the Wyatt family face the Shield again. The crowd would have been super hot for that rematch.

I think if the feud is going to continue, it would make more sense for Wyatt to win the first match before Cena eventually comes out on top. I'm not sure where this even leaves that storyline. Cena already overcame all his struggles and won, why should it continue? The Wyatts can beat him up again on Raw and it will just feel pointless.
I don't get the complaints against Cena not putting Wyatt over. Sure, he doesn't sell moves as usual but he wasn't in the title picture and gave Bray the match and the feud which will most likely continue. They could have easily inserted Cena into the title picture because he never got his rematch after Summerslam and have the Wyatt family face the Shield again. The crowd would have been super hot for that rematch.

I think Cena losing would've had the same result in the feud continuing. Cena had no place in winning that match and they didn't even have to tease the heel turn. Bray cou;d've just straight up won and it would've gotten the same reaction. But not Cena winning. So backwards. The lone blemish to an otherwise great PPV.


Good god. Some of you people will never be happy.

I love D-Bry, I'm happy about his performance tonight


I'm pretty happy with the show overall, but Taker's loss hurt it. Bottom line. you have a better show if Taker wins that match. The reactions, and the fact that we're even talking about this match instead of Bryan's big win says it all.

I don't get the complaints against Cena not putting Wyatt over. Sure, he doesn't sell moves as usual but he wasn't in the title picture and gave Bray the match and the feud which will most likely continue. They could have easily inserted Cena into the title picture because he never got his rematch after Summerslam and have the Wyatt family face the Shield again. The crowd would have been super hot for that rematch.

It's the usual "same old shit" complaints. Cena winning this match does NOTHING for him, whereas Bray going over would have meant everything (He beat John Cena... at Wrestlemania!).

I stopped caring the moment the match was confirmed because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Cena was going over.

I'm pretty happy with the show overall, but Taker's loss hurt it. Bottom line. you have a better show if Taker wins that match. The reactions, and the fact that we're even talking about this match instead of Bryan's big win says it all.

Do you really? If Taker lost we'd be talking about how he had the worst match on the card and should just hang it up because he has nothing left. Bryan winning isn't dominating the discussion because it was expected, Taker's loss was a shock and of course it's the main topic of discussion.
I don't get the complaints against Cena not putting Wyatt over. Sure, he doesn't sell moves as usual but he wasn't in the title picture and gave Bray the match and the feud which will most likely continue.

Because he did not need the win it does nothing for him. Where as if Cena puts Bray over it gives him the push he needs and credibility as a big heel threat. Cena did not need the win at all. I do not know if this is worse or his win over Brock. Neither one of those matches he should have won.


Do you really? If Taker lost we'd be talking about how he had the worst match on the card and should just hang it up because he has nothing left.

Sure, some of us would.

But most of us would be talking about Bryan's career night, and how he had an awesome match with HHH and the ultimate feel good moment at the end of the show.

Instead, most of us are talking about the end of the streak.

Jamie OD

I'll try and put my thoughts together in he morning but Mania was incredible live. An awesome, awesome night. But now I need sleep. Badly.
Sure, some of us would.

But most of us would be talking about Bryan's career night, and how he had an awesome match with HHH and the ultimate feel good moment at the end of the show.

Instead, most of us are talking about the end of the streak.

The streak has been bigger than anything else on Wrestlemania for a while. Was anyone feeling sorry for Rock/Cena/Miz/etc. when Taker was the main topic of discussion for the last half dozen Wrestlemanias? Short of a shitty and boring Taker match (which it would have been had Taker won,) what can you do at this point? Come Raw Bryan will be the champ and the center of attention anyway.
Amazing WrestleMania!

I'm sad that Taker lost. God damn, I had my mouth open for 5+ minutes straight and stunned speechless. That being said, we should have seen it coming. All of Taker's WM matches had HUGE build ups and hype and this one just seemed odd. Coming into the night, it was a "meh" match that we all thought was totally predictable based on the build-up, and that's why they chose to end it now since the shock value would be the highest.

It had to come to an end sometime. Dude is getting old and gets hurt after every match. If it was a last minute change, I'm sure Warrior's words in his HOF speech where he called out the older superstars about what to do AFTER wrestling struck UT. If UT just comes out for 1 month out of the year to win at WM, that gets old and tired after a while and it has been for a few years now.

It needed to happen. You can be upset at how, when and who, but if not now, then who and when?

Overall, there was only 1 bad match and that was the 6 man squash match. You could fucking blink and miss it. Even "bad" matches like the two battle royals were pretty entertaining. About the Cena match? I actually like the guy and hoped he would win. I also hope that DB gets to keep his belts for awhile and not another 24 hour reign. Lesnar/DB, RO/DB (assuming RO didn't jack up his body from the table) is shaping up to be pretty good.

This WM was all about ushering in a new era. WWE can't rely on the old guys forever.
Good god. Some of you people will never be happy.

You'll never please some. The WWE just put on the best Wrestlemania in over a decade and kept everyone guessing throughout the show. They also made Bryan's career, and set the seeds for a future superstar in Cesaro. Wyatt still looks strong and was part of an engaging and unique match.

And you all paid $9.99 for it.
I still say the ending of the Taker match made the whole thing before it make much more sense.

The entire match was playing up the fact that Taker is old, he's beaten down, he's not a superhuman, no one is immortal. If Taker won then it would have just been remembered as a giant sad shit stain on his career but with him losing the psychology of the match just makes sense.

I mean the old man couldn't even fully lift Brock for the Last Ride.


So not worth it
The Network cannot be praised enough, what a glorious service and flawless all night. The future is here!
I thought about him but he be in a feud with Swag for about 2 PPV's. Then maybe a push at the IC

What if it was a simple match between the two. It could elevate the both of them and RAW itself tenfold. Go 20 minutes, have Cesaro get distracted or get beat up by Swagger for the DQ.

Ending's not perfect but dammit i wanna see them at it again!

The Network cannot be praised enough, what a glorious service and flawless all night. The future is here!

Totally, the unsung hero of WWE right there.


Unconfirmed Member
What? It's clearly being overshadowed by the taker loss. It's too bad, but that's simply the truth.

I love D-Bry, I'm happy about his performance tonight, and we'll look back at this Mania as possibly the greatest moment of his career, but right now, the biggest angle in wrasslin history just ended, and it ended in a fucking awful manner.

I just listened to 3 hours of the LAW, and not ONE person called in about D-Bry. It was all about Taker and the streak. What's everyone talking about after the show ended?

D-Bry's win has been absolutely overshadowed.

What precisely are they upset about? Sure it's a missed opportunity, but I don't see how it hurts the enjoyment of the product. I get how having a missed opportunity combining with nothing worth cheering is worth complaining about, but we're talking missed opportunity but something worth cheering about. Can't people just enjoy the product they choose to watch for entertainment just once in their lives?

It's not like Undertaker's legacy is dead because of it, and it's not like Undertaker had much of a career left worth protecting. And I thought people liked Brock Lesner, so even if they wish someone else got the bump, it can't be that bad to see Brock Lesner get the higher visibility from the win, right?

I'd guess I'd get it if people wanted to see Lesner go away or take a lesser role, or if they wanted to have Undertaker leave Wrestlemania with a better potential for future matches, but neither of those things seem like common opinions. It just seems silly to me to get super caught up in the missed opportunity part when the outcome is still decent. Worst case is Brock leaves tomorrow and never comes back, and ruining a streak that would just be a tiny occasionally mention factoid in the future anyhow. That's not the end of the world.

I just look at it as Bryan getting to have a very legitimate reason to play the underdog yet again, even with the title and after beating the authority, by having to face an unstoppable Brock Lesner. Brock may suck when fighting other monsters, but he always kills it in underdog matches. Really I'm happy where ever they take it. This is really Lesner's first meaningful success since coming back which means whatever comes next should be fresh as long as it doesn't turn into the same old Cena overcomes the odds crap.
Amazing WrestleMania!

I'm sad that Taker lost. God damn, I had my mouth open for 5+ minutes straight and stunned speechless. That being said, we should have seen it coming. All of Taker's WM matches had HUGE build ups and hype and this one just seemed odd. Coming into the night, it was a "meh" match that we all thought was totally predictable based on the build-up, and that's why they chose to end it now since the shock value would be the highest.

Exactly they delivered on the biggest shock in wrestling history. They also built up a year long storyline with Bryan and delivered on the ultimate payoff. Smarks need to learn that, deep down, they actually know jack shit and learn to enjoy the ride. The PPV had fantastic wrestling, great storytelling, considered long term booking and kept you guessing every minute of the way. What more do you want!?

I always liked the idea of the Undertaker "passing the torch " in his final Mania match to an up and comer but the reaction myself and millions went through last night shows what a terrible idea that would be. It would be be too big a cross to bear and wouldb have consumed the career of someone like Roman Reigns because the crowd would never accept him as worthy of ending the streak. Brock can take the heat in his stride. Having the foresight to realise that shows that those in charge of the WWE really do know what they're doing.
What if it was a simple match between the two. It could elevate the both of them and RAW itself tenfold. Go 20 minutes, have Cesaro get distracted or get beat up by Swagger for the DQ.

Ending's not perfect but dammit i wanna see them at it again!

Totally, the unsung hero of WWE right there.

I can see this happen
tomorrow night on Raw too

good looking out on a possibility


On second watch, Bray/Cena made no sense because Cena has done way worse to dudes with not nearly as compelling of an angle and not felt bad or conflicted at all. Dude tried to murder JBL and Batista without a second thought. And did some pretty fucked up shit to the Nexus guys with no confliction.
Bray: Hit me with a chair when I am defenceless John!

Because John Cena would never hit a defenceless guy with a chair, because that would be something a he-

This angle gets saved if it goes next level and Bray calls Cena out on his hypocrisy.
Top 2. 17 might be better, not by much.

WOW that's what I'd like to hear. I loved the show soley based on how it elevated some people that really needed it (sans Wyatt) I have faith in Lesnar to be the all time monster he was truly destined to be.

It's because AJ won huh?


So not worth it
WOW that's what I'd like to hear. I loved the show soley based on how it elevated some people that really needed it (sans Wyatt) I have faith in Lesnar to be the all time monster he was truly destined to be.

It's because AJ won huh?
That match not being as much of a clusterfuck helped, yeah. But it's more the opening segment, Cesaro's moment with The Giant, the ending of the Taker match and the glorious Bryan stuff that elevated this one.

If Bray had gone over, I might have considered it the best.



I'm pretty happy with the show overall, but Taker's loss hurt it. Bottom line. you have a better show if Taker wins that match. The reactions, and the fact that we're even talking about this match instead of Bryan's big win says it all.

It did not. It actually made this wrestle mania legendary. The reason we are talking about this match is because it was a massive swerve. Bryan was gonna win we all knew it.

The reactions from the crowd were amazing they were LEGIT shook. And so was everyone else. Its a moment like that which makes wrestle mania memorable. Moments no one was expecting.

Brutal Truth

Neo Member
Was not shocked at all, every wrestler with rising stock won. Cena will win more often than not, hes sells more merchandise than everyone else. Bryan's been hot for months, Cesaro too. Taker losing to a former UFC champion, why not. Taker loves and respects MMA, why not lose to a former champ and announce his retirement on Raw tomorrow. Taker wants to get into managing MMA fighters, best of luck to him. Brock's "Eat Sleep, End The Streak" t-shirt is looking real sexy right about now.

Cena vs Daniel Bryan rematch coming soon.
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