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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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If you're going to do something as significant as end a streak that has built up over the course of 21 Wrestlemanias and has involved numerous hall of famers you have to build up the opponent as someone who is a legitimate threat to The Streak.

Booking Taker as the 100% invincible guy and making Brock look completely inept and then SWERVE BROCK WINS CLEAN is really awful booking. If you can't see that, then wow.

At this point, no one could have been booked to be a legitimate threat that the crowd posting on GAF would have bought. Don't you get that? The only reason Triple H was viewed as a threat was because of the internet's belief he buries everyone all the time. NOTHING to do with the build. The only reason John Cena would be a threat is because he's John Cena and always wins. It would have NOTHING to do with the build for this hypothetical match. It's just a smark thinking he knows everything about backstage shit.

Everyone else? The assumption is "okay they lose who is next year's opponent."

It's the fan's fault. Was the build great? Hell no. It was passable. Was it terrible? Hell no. That's a salty fan who is too prideful, stubborn, or ignorant to realize it was the fan's biases and assumptions the whole way through that colored how they interpreted everything.


1. Anyone who criticizes Punk walking out and giving Brock a pass for the same thing is a hypocrite.

2. Brock was the worst possible opponent to end the streak.


Show of hands, after Brock pinned Taker who else kept telling themselves that the decision will be reversed any second. Any second. ANY SECOND!

I thought they would but I'm glad they didn't, the streak needed to end and I'm perfectly happy that Brock was the one to do it


Does it really matter how they book Brock? Everyone knows that Brock is the only real guy in a company full of actors and acrobats. Why do you think Undertaker would handpick Brock as the guy to break the streak?

It does when they appear to try and make him look weak and scared.





At this point, no one could have been booked to be a legitimate threat that the crowd posting on GAF would have bought. Don't you get that? The only reason Triple H was a threat was because of the internet's belief he buries everyone all the time. The only reason John Cena would be a threat is because he's John Cena and always wins.

Everyone else? The assumption is "okay they lose who is next year's opponent."

It's the fan's fault. Was the build great? Hell no. It was passable. Was it terrible? Hell no. That's a salty fan who is too prideful, stubborn, or ignorant to realize it was the fan's biases and assumptions the whole way through that colored how they interpreted everything.

You're looking way too far into this.

Once again, go back and look at post history talking about the Brock/Taker buildup before WM. Everyone then was talking about how terrible it was because it was such a one-sided build up. Either Taker would win because The Streak, or Brock would win and it would make 0 sense because they didn't book Brock as any kind of threat.

They managed to make HBK look like a threat to the streak twice. They managed to make HHH a threat to the streak by throwing everything in HHH's favor.

I would have been okay with HBK beating Taker either time because they booked HBK as a threat who could actually beat Taker. I would have been okay with HHH beating Taker because he was billed as someone who could stand toe to toe with Taker in no-holds-barred matches. I would have been okay with CM Punk beating Taker because he was fresh off of a year-plus long WWE Title reign and was booked as being legitimately inside Undertaker's head. Brock was built up as a former UFC champ who was scared of a 49 year old man who wrestles once a year.


Watched the show with a few buddies.

Great show. Genuinely surprised at the Taker finish, kinda sore that the match wasn't great. Awesome moment for my boy D.Brine!


I need one of those shield masks dammit, I can even wear it too in public since those guard/surgical masks are common here in Japan if you're sick or around sick people.


Still bummed that Bryan's moment is forever overshadowed to the biggest upset in history. Again, seeds of a great program going in with Brock and Bryan.

Kind of my thought too, it feels like Bryan got overshadowed.

Some are saying otherwise but I really don't think totally recovered even for Bryan. They popped when he won the belt, but there was less "YES"ing than I thought there would have been had 21-1 not happened.
At this point, no one could have been booked to be a legitimate threat that the crowd posting on GAF would have bought. Don't you get that? The only reason Triple H was viewed as a threat was because of the internet's belief he buries everyone all the time. NOTHING to do with the build. The only reason John Cena would be a threat is because he's John Cena and always wins. It would have NOTHING to do with the build for this hypothetical match. It's just a smark thinking he knows everything about backstage shit.

Everyone else? The assumption is "okay they lose who is next year's opponent."

It's the fan's fault. Was the build great? Hell no. It was passable. Was it terrible? Hell no. That's a salty fan who is too prideful, stubborn, or ignorant to realize it was the fan's biases and assumptions the whole way through that colored how they interpreted everything.

The WWE built up those expectations from years of previous booking, they didn't magically spring up in a vacuum. The fans aren't to blame for any of it. You can't just look at the build and ignore the entire context of it.
Kind of my thought too, it feels like Bryan got overshadowed.

Some are saying otherwise but I really don't think totally recovered even for Bryan. They popped when he won the belt, but there was less "YES"ing than I thought there would have been had 21-1 not happened.

It figures. Bryan finally gets his moment, but of course it's half an hour after the fucking Streak ends. In every forum I've been to, I've seen one wrestling thread where the Streak isn't the dominant topic right now, and even then it's still 50-50 Streak and Bryan.


It figures. Bryan finally gets his moment, but of course it's half an hour after the fucking Streak ends. In every forum I've been to, I've seen one wrestling thread where the Streak isn't the dominant topic right now, and even then it's still 50-50 Streak and Bryan.

It sucks. If they knew the Steak was going to end in advanced they should have put it earlier in the card keep it away from affecting the Bryan match. Put Bray/Cena after Brock/Taker (in hindsight since the crowd was surprisingly less interested in that match than I expected)

Barely anybody at the Wrestlemania party I was at could muster up the energy to cheer for Bryan more than 10 seconds after he won the match. Look at the crowd at the end of Mania, they pop for his win and YES with him initially but after he continued celebrating everyone was more or less just standing there.
It sucks. If they knew the Steak was going to end in advanced they should have put it earlier in the card keep it away from affecting the Bryan match.

Barely anybody at the Wrestlemania party I was at could muster up the energy to cheer for Bryan more than 10 seconds after he won the match. Look at the crowd at the end of Mania, they pop for his win and YES with him initially but after he continued celebrating everyone was more or less just standing there.

Good. That means Brock can get the belt even quicker.
I like how Hogan's 'hosting' duties were relegated to the opening segment, which even then he got cut off and overshadowed by the bro hug of the century between The Rock and Stone Cold.

And was that Silverdome line intentional or is it official now that Hogan doesn't know where he is at any given time?
It sucks. If they knew the Steak was going to end in advanced they should have put it earlier in the card keep it away from affecting the Bryan match. Put Bray/Cena after Brock/Taker (in hindsight since the crowd was surprisingly less interested in that match than I expected)

Barely anybody at the Wrestlemania party I was at could muster up the energy to cheer for Bryan more than 10 seconds after he won the match. Look at the crowd at the end of Mania, they pop for his win and YES with him initially but after he continued celebrating everyone was more or less just standing there.
how you knew in advance taker will lose?
HOLY SHIT. I would say this was one of the best WM's in a longgggggggggggg time. Probably top 5 if i ever get to watching all of them. Hot crowd, tons of fucking crazy moments, epic ending. Just great show. I'll give it a solid A. A+ if they had some JR.

Some highlights
- Austin/Rock bro shake. Great moment and cute they all put each other over. Top 3 guys ever having a toast. Can't get any cooler than that.

- H/Bryan was 5 star. Probably the best H wrestling match in forever Happy he got in good wrestling shape. The entrance was dope. Sad panda for no Final Countdown. :(

- Shield match was a complete waste.

- Cesaro!!!!

- Holy shit a Cena match in the 2nd hour and H curtain jerking! Yup, he brought the shovel as i predicted. The match itself was actually good imo. The story was fun, Wyatts character kept it interesting. I'm glad they didn't go TOO far with the "cena heel" shit because it's been done to death. Before i rant about Cena being a poison and NEVER creating any stars like he supposedly wants to. I'll wait for ER and see what happens.

- BROCK FUCKING LESNAR. I'm a huge Lesnar mark so this was amazing. I was indeed legit shook. It's fucking hilarious the marks are crying when they were the same ones jumping up and down when he came back 2 years ago. This whole future star winning or Roman Reigns is laughable shit. Have you guys even seen Reigns wrestle a singles match yet? lol. They completely jumped that train hence Cesaro getting the WM moment. Brock was the perfect guy to lose it to. Lesnar is beast and a heel for life. So all you smarks can suck a big one on this topic. Heyman celebrating was great. And at this point it's pretty much a fact Taker respects the fuck out of Lesnar. He gave him the rub when he was younger. Followed him during his UFC run. Wouldn't surprise me one bit Taker picked him for his last match. With that said as much i was hyped for a Taker/Sting i think it's time so say goodbye, The streak is done. Watching the match was brutal. So old and beat up. Damn near every false finish had no crowd reaction. It was really depressing because we know Brock can go when with good hands. I don't think it was THAT bad like some of you say but it definitely could have been better. Perfect event to hang up the boots and the perfect person to lose it to imo.

- Divas match surprisingly wasn't total shit. Kudos.

- Triple threat was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than i imagined. Much credit to Bootista, Orton, and H for pushing Bryan over the fucking moon tonight. The crowd was insane and watching him sit there with tears in his eyes. Sooo good.

- WWE Network is LEGIT. Not one hiccup during the entire show. Instant buffer when i rewatched a bunch of stuff. The Network has been a grand slam since launch. *bow to Vince*. Also no fucking Vince the entire show?!? Not at the press conference. Didn't reveal the stage. No promo. Nothing. =(

Can't wait for RAW.


> Admits to being a Brock mark

> Says Brock was the best person to end the streak



Meltzer suggested earlier that it wouldn't be an issue, that Brock would work more if the WWE paid him and that they can afford to do so.

Ah okay, I wasn't aware of that so thanks for clarifying. If Brock's contract issue becomes less stupid and he can show up more, then I'm cool with him going after the belt.


I like how Hogan's 'hosting' duties were relegated to the opening segment, which even then he got cut off and overshadowed by the bro hug of the century between The Rock and Stone Cold.

And was that Silverdome line intentional or is it official now that Hogan doesn't know where he is at any given time?

Hogan has been fucking up on the mic every time he's been on live WWE TV since his return. Father Time is undefeated, brother. #thestreak


Hogan's face when he realized he botched Superdome twice was priceless.

What made it even better was the fact that MERCEDES BENZ SUPERDOME was right fucking there in plain sight


> Admits to being a Brock mark

> Says Brock was the best person to end the streak



Ah okay, I wasn't aware of that so thanks for clarifying. If Brock's contract issue becomes less stupid and he can show up more, then I'm cool with him going after the belt.

Brock is all about the money so if Vince is willing to open the checkbook wider he will show up more.

Vince feels comfortable enough with the way things are going that he is signing a ton of old guys to ambassador deals etc. so Brock wont be an issue.

WWE will be announcing Network numbers as far as subscribers later today so will be interesting to see.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
> Admits to being a Brock mark

> Says Brock was the best person to end the streak



Ah okay, I wasn't aware of that so thanks for clarifying. If Brock's contract issue becomes less stupid and he can show up more, then I'm cool with him going after the belt.

The grind of the WWE schedule is exactly why he left the business in the first place, though.

He loves wrestling, but he doesn't love the grind
There was a rumour a few months ago that Taker was 50/50 on wanting to face ether Brock or Bryan at mania.

Yeah know.....maybe if they did things in reverse and had Brock win the title and Bryan beat the streak that would have been cool since Bryan can always win the belt but you can only beat the streak once and it made more sense to give it to a full timer with a few years left in the tank but who knows. maybe that was dirtsheet BS.

MC Safety

It was pretty clear the Undertaker had nothing left. So I don't think the decision to let Brock win was anything more than a statement the streak had to end this year.

I liked the ending for the Undertaker match. It was just very stark, very quiet. I mean, I expected a whole lot more finishing moves, submissions, chair whackings, and kickouts before the match ended.

This Wrestlemania was very good. I was surprised, given the card. Only the divas match was sub-par.


Junior Member
Just got finished watching Wrestlemania late with my brother (who has not wacthed wrestling since the last Wrestlemania). My impressions....

First thing, WWE Network worked FANTASTIC! We fast-forward and rewound with no problems. Kudos to WWE for handling large traffic.

What kind of host are you Hogan? You show up at the beginning and that's it? (Actually, I'm not sure since my brother fast-forwarded some moments). Not only that, "WWFE Network" The New Orleans Silverdome" (which Rock poked fun at him with). It was kinda cool seeing Stone Cold, Rock and Hogan all in the same ring, but my brother was more impressed with that moment than I was.


I didn't get to see this until after Wrestlemania was over. Okay match. Glad to see my fave, Cesaro turn face. I predicted Usos would win.


Surprised this was the first match since previous info had it as the second to the main event. Strong back and fourth, but predictable outcome with Bryan getting the win.


A satisfying squash match. Shield dominated and deserved to.


I fucking marked out and screamed "OH MY GOD!" when Cesaro's (or as my brother couldn't stop calling him "Cesario") picked up the Big Show and threw him out of the ring. MY favorite moment of the night. My brother didn't know who he was until tonight and he became and instant fan of Cesaro. Also, Kofi keeping his feet on the stairs was a cool moment.


My brother didn't know who Wyatt was so he didn't really like his act. "Are we supposed to believe the guy who defeated the Rock last year is gonna be defeated by some hillbillies"? He was right of course. I predicted Team Fruity would win.

I just wanted to say this. I don't hate John Cena. He's a very talented worker and will do whatever is asked of him. He's done more for make a wish than any wrestler ever. I just hate his act. It's stale. He needs to change it up somehow. Make him a heel, put him in a faction. ANYTHING!



WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?!! Nobody was predicting this outcome. What sucks is this was far from his toughest Wrestlemania match. Shawn Michales and Triple H had much, much better feuds with him it sucks that it ends like this and I wonder if this means The Undertaker has retired for good.


Worst match of the night. What a mess. What kind of rule is that? Not elimination, but whoever pins first?!! With everyone wrestling at once. UGH!


I was predicting they were gonna beat on Bryant for awhile and then turn on each other then RKO WITH ORTON LANDING HIS BACK HARD ON A MONITOR!! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! You can see the concern on Batista. I laughed when the MP's cam out and put BRYAN on a stretcher instead of Orton. We all knew who was really injured. It was fan demand vs. Batista's contract and the fans won.

Overall while not great, it was a better WM than the last few disappointing years. The biggest/most shocking moments were Cesaro's power lift of Big Show, Undertaker losing, Bryan winning and Randy Orton still working after taking such a huge bump on his back.


I'm convinced Vince had someone bet a shit ton of money on Brock, and he, Brock and Taker are all laughing to the bank. +850 is huge and anyone with insider knowledge could have made bankkkkkkk,
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