So are we going to get Sting-taker and Corporate Man Punk vs D-Bry now?
God I hope not!!
So are we going to get Sting-taker and Corporate Man Punk vs D-Bry now?
So are we going to get Sting-taker and Corporate Man Punk vs D-Bry now?
If you're going to do something as significant as end a streak that has built up over the course of 21 Wrestlemanias and has involved numerous hall of famers you have to build up the opponent as someone who is a legitimate threat to The Streak.
Booking Taker as the 100% invincible guy and making Brock look completely inept and then SWERVE BROCK WINS CLEAN is really awful booking. If you can't see that, then wow.
Show of hands, after Brock pinned Taker who else kept telling themselves that the decision will be reversed any second. Any second. ANY SECOND!
Does it really matter how they book Brock? Everyone knows that Brock is the only real guy in a company full of actors and acrobats. Why do you think Undertaker would handpick Brock as the guy to break the streak?
Does it really matter how they book Brock? Everyone knows that Brock is the only real guy in a company full of actors and acrobats. Why do you think Undertaker would handpick Brock as the guy to break the streak?
1. Anyone who criticizes Punk walking out and giving Brock a pass for the same thing is a hypocrite.
2. Brock was the worst possible opponent to end the streak.
At this point, no one could have been booked to be a legitimate threat that the crowd posting on GAF would have bought. Don't you get that? The only reason Triple H was a threat was because of the internet's belief he buries everyone all the time. The only reason John Cena would be a threat is because he's John Cena and always wins.
Everyone else? The assumption is "okay they lose who is next year's opponent."
It's the fan's fault. Was the build great? Hell no. It was passable. Was it terrible? Hell no. That's a salty fan who is too prideful, stubborn, or ignorant to realize it was the fan's biases and assumptions the whole way through that colored how they interpreted everything.
why would i believe a random comment?or is he known?
Still bummed that Bryan's moment is forever overshadowed to the biggest upset in history. Again, seeds of a great program going in with Brock and Bryan.
At this point, no one could have been booked to be a legitimate threat that the crowd posting on GAF would have bought. Don't you get that? The only reason Triple H was viewed as a threat was because of the internet's belief he buries everyone all the time. NOTHING to do with the build. The only reason John Cena would be a threat is because he's John Cena and always wins. It would have NOTHING to do with the build for this hypothetical match. It's just a smark thinking he knows everything about backstage shit.
Everyone else? The assumption is "okay they lose who is next year's opponent."
It's the fan's fault. Was the build great? Hell no. It was passable. Was it terrible? Hell no. That's a salty fan who is too prideful, stubborn, or ignorant to realize it was the fan's biases and assumptions the whole way through that colored how they interpreted everything.
Which GAF creep just called in and said the divas needed more meat on them
Aiii has been pretty silent...hmmm.........
Kind of my thought too, it feels like Bryan got overshadowed.
Some are saying otherwise but I really don't think totally recovered even for Bryan. They popped when he won the belt, but there was less "YES"ing than I thought there would have been had 21-1 not happened.
D Bry wins
Sagat gonna win EVO
Year of the Tiger knee!!!
Still bummed that Bryan's moment is forever overshadowed to the biggest upset in history. Again, seeds of a great program going in with Brock and Bryan.
Meh its not like thats his first time winning the major title. He's already a 4 time champion
It figures. Bryan finally gets his moment, but of course it's half an hour after the fucking Streak ends. In every forum I've been to, I've seen one wrestling thread where the Streak isn't the dominant topic right now, and even then it's still 50-50 Streak and Bryan.
It sucks. If they knew the Steak was going to end in advanced they should have put it earlier in the card keep it away from affecting the Bryan match.
Barely anybody at the Wrestlemania party I was at could muster up the energy to cheer for Bryan more than 10 seconds after he won the match. Look at the crowd at the end of Mania, they pop for his win and YES with him initially but after he continued celebrating everyone was more or less just standing there.
Bless you based Stro.
Good. That means Brock can get the belt even quicker.
Brock aint getting the belt with that limited appearances contract of his
how you knew in advance taker will lose?It sucks. If they knew the Steak was going to end in advanced they should have put it earlier in the card keep it away from affecting the Bryan match. Put Bray/Cena after Brock/Taker (in hindsight since the crowd was surprisingly less interested in that match than I expected)
Barely anybody at the Wrestlemania party I was at could muster up the energy to cheer for Bryan more than 10 seconds after he won the match. Look at the crowd at the end of Mania, they pop for his win and YES with him initially but after he continued celebrating everyone was more or less just standing there.
Like the Rock? And Brock just accomplished something far bigger than holding the belt during a transitional period.
how you knew in advance taker will lose?
Did Rock have a limited appearances clause in his contract?
Meltzer suggested earlier that it wouldn't be an issue, that Brock would work more if the WWE paid him and that they can afford to do so.
Someone please link me to the this thread when Taker lost. I need to see the reactions!
I just... Can't believe it... And I missed it live. Wow.
I like how Hogan's 'hosting' duties were relegated to the opening segment, which even then he got cut off and overshadowed by the bro hug of the century between The Rock and Stone Cold.
And was that Silverdome line intentional or is it official now that Hogan doesn't know where he is at any given time?
> Admits to being a Brock mark
> Says Brock was the best person to end the streak
Ah okay, I wasn't aware of that so thanks for clarifying. If Brock's contract issue becomes less stupid and he can show up more, then I'm cool with him going after the belt.
> Admits to being a Brock mark
> Says Brock was the best person to end the streak
Ah okay, I wasn't aware of that so thanks for clarifying. If Brock's contract issue becomes less stupid and he can show up more, then I'm cool with him going after the belt.