Go on...
You completely missed the point of his post. Do you realize that not all Jews are Israelis?
Neither are all Muslims ISIS or all Arabs suicide bombers. People are dumb.
Go on...
You completely missed the point of his post. Do you realize that not all Jews are Israelis?
Neither are all Muslims ISIS or all Arabs suicide bombers. People are dumb.
Israel isn't a theocracy, unlike the vast majority of muslim states. If Ataturk could see the state of Turkey today he would weep. Egalitarianism only takes you so far, but you're right that a secular establishment should be the crucial distinction.
It's a testament to the pernicious and cruel nature of anti-Semitism that we only register its existence when Jews start getting killed. Anti-Semitism never went away; it just was slightly less awful than "kill all the jews" over the last 60 years.
Jews, Blacks, and Native Americans are in a tight race for "most persecuted minority."
I think Native Americans (First Nations) have won that award as most persecuted especially since their political weight and influence are almost non-existant.
Israel policies are the biggest reason for antisemitism around the Muslim world, you know.
The owner of that Jewish market in France moved to Israel right?
As much as people like to bash Israel (fairly, usually) it's sometimes clear a Jewish state should exist since anti-semitism seems to be a costant problem, at least to some extent, everywhere.
In the Middle East it will. There was not antisemitism in the ME prior to the existence of Israel. The hatred became much stronger because of Israeli policies. If a fair peace between Palestinians and Israelis happen tomorrow, then hatred towards the Jews, will be much, much less in the ME. In Europe that´s another story, because there was always discrimination against the Jews.
Four hundred Jews were injured in violent demonstrations in Egypt in 1945 and Jewish property was vandalized and looted. In Libya, 130 Jews were killed and 266 injured. In December 1947, 13 Jews were killed in Damascus, including 8 children, and 26 were injured. In Aleppo, rioting resulted in dozens of Jewish casualties, damage to 150 Jewish homes, and the torching of 5 schools and 10 synagogues. In Yemen, 97 Jews were murdered and 120 injured
I take it this is in the United States you're talking about, right? Because if we're talking about worldwide there are minorities in countries such as Burma which face extermination so that Burma can be more 'pure'. Given the direction of this thread it'd probably be ill advised to bring up the Palestinians but shit, they've got it pretty bad too.It's a testament to the pernicious and cruel nature of anti-Semitism that we only register its existence when Jews start getting killed. Anti-Semitism never went away; it just was slightly less awful than "kill all the jews" over the last 60 years.
Jews, Blacks, and Native Americans are in a tight race for "most persecuted minority."
I don't mind being proven wrong, but I really can't think of any worse atrocity committed than the holocaust. There was a documentary on TV in the UK recently called 'Night Will Fall' which shows (in unflinching detail) some of the scenes and footage of the liberation of the main concentration camps. I sincerely hope there never was, is or will be anything worse in the world than what that footage showed.
By the way, the holocaust was, of course, committed by white people. Moreover, that was part and parcel of the 'logic' for it happening.
When someone in that thread has that opinion, I won't begrudge you pointing it out as wrong. What's with all of the contests people are trying to start in a thread about anti-semitism?
Black people need a haven like Israel
In the Middle East it will. There was not antisemitism in the ME prior to the existence of Israel. The hatred became much stronger because of Israeli policies. If a fair peace between Palestinians and Israelis happen tomorrow, then hatred towards the Jews, will be much, much less in the ME. In Europe that´s another story, because there was always discrimination against the Jews.
Thought this was topical after the recent anniversary.
More at the article. There's a lot of history in it as well and not enough current events like other riots and Anti-Semitic stuff in 2014 (some of which my friend was a victim of in Boston), but I found it interesting nonetheless.
What do you guys think? Do we have a new wave of anti-semitism on our hands with the potential for exponential growth, or are these just isolated incidents that don't represent much change from before?
You do realize Mao Zedong literally starved or killed almost 40 million Chinese to death during the cultural revolution right? Or Joseph Station eradicating nearly 10-20 million people through mass executions, purges, lifetime gulag sentences, starvation. The Indonesian invasion of East Timor roughly killed almost 45% of the total population of the nation.
And if you think Nazi Germany rule was bad, the North Korean regime that is still alive to this day, makes them look like amateurs by comparison. North Korea's regime has ruled with an iron fist for almost 60+ years now. Hundreds of thousands killed, hundreds of thousands sentenced to generational punishment. Which means their kids, their grandkids will also be sentenced to a life of hard labor in a similar concentration camp because of something they might have down decades back. They're revered as God's because of their total control over their people, people who are brainwashed into oblivion. Unless your military, you're basically starving to death.
Human suffering is universal, there is no, oh my god, this is the worst, or these people have had it worst. You'll look on it with what you can relate to. Where would you rank something like the Partition of India, where literally overnight, you had a mass migration of 15 million people, forced to pack up and move across country lines? Within days almost 200,000 to 700,000 people killed each other in violence or fighting.
Wow, you actually believe that? People will always hate other groups, especially of they are closed and don't integrate. Imagining a society where people are 100 welcoming of jews is a pipe dream, because people are dumb everywhere in the world, and you will always see anti-semitism with or without Israel.
I wouldn't think so in Western Europe. I would say education system and media has done a good job of this.
(last part wasn't relevant)
Haiti gained its independance from France via revolution. It was not givenThey gave Haiti to former slaves
Black people need a haven like Israel
Wow, you actually believe that? People will always hate other groups, especially of they are closed and don't integrate. Imagining a society where people are 100 welcoming of jews is a pipe dream, because people are dumb everywhere in the world, and you will always see anti-semitism with or without Israel.
Black people need a haven like Israel
Black people need a haven like Israel
This is The Hague last august:
Protesters were shouting chants idolizing ISIS, praising Hamas and literally: "kill all the Jews".
While I certainly don't believe that, Israel has made the problem worse rather than better. It's unfortunate that being Jewish is equated with Israel, especially since some of the largest vocal critics of Israeli policy are Jews(hell, a lot of them are Israeli), but Israel is also to blame for that as well as the nation portrays itself as part of the Jewish identity. Right now it's pretty clear that the Israeli government has no interest in peace, and that is definitely harming the image of Israel and, in turn, harming the image of Jews and being a contributing cause to the rise of anti-semitism.
It's similar to how ISIS and Al Qaeda and whatever other Islamic religious nutjob is causing a rise in Islamophobia despite most Muslims not wanting to do anything with them and despite their biggest critics and largest number of victims being Muslim.
Wouldn't use it as a data point to suggest widespread anti-semitism in Europe. That gathering also looks rather small.
Again, I think the education/media system has done a pretty good job in reducing anti-semitism in Western Europe.
We already tried that (or at least the US did). It's called Liberia. There was a movement, led mostly by white people, to encourage black people to move back to Africa. Most people refused. And as you can see, Liberia ain't doing so hot right now.
In the space of just one week last month, according to Crif, the umbrella group for France's Jewish organisations, eight synagogues were attacked. One, in the Paris suburb of Sarcelles, was firebombed by a 400-strong mob. A kosher supermarket and pharmacy were smashed and looted; the crowd's chants and banners included "Death to Jews" and "Slit Jews' throats". That same weekend, in the Barbes neighbourhood of the capital, stone-throwing protesters burned Israeli flags: "Israhell", read one banner.
In Germany last month, molotov cocktails were lobbed into the Bergische synagogue in Wuppertal – previously destroyed on Kristallnacht – and a Berlin imam, Abu Bilal Ismail, called on Allah to "destroy the Zionist Jews … Count them and kill them, to the very last one." Bottles were thrown through the window of an antisemitism campaigner in Frankfurt; an elderly Jewish man was beaten up at a pro-Israel rally in Hamburg; an Orthodox Jewish teenager punched in the face in Berlin.
In a study completed in February, America's Anti-Defamation League surveyed 332,000 Europeans using an index of 11 questions designed to reveal strength of anti-Jewish stereotypes. It found that 24% of Europeans – 37% in France, 27% in Germany, 20% in Italy – harboured some kind of anti-Jewish attitude.
Arfi said that in France antisemitism had become "a portmanteau for a lot of angry people: radical Muslims, alienated youths from immigrant families, the far right, the far left". But he also blamed "a process of normalisation, whereby antisemitism is being made somehow acceptable". One culprit, Arfi said, is the controversial comedian Dieudonné: "He has legitimised it. He's made acceptable what was unacceptable."
A similar normalisation may be under way in Germany, according to a 2013 study by the Technical University of Berlin. In 14,000 hate-mail letters, emails and faxes sent over 10 years to the Israeli embassy in Berlin and the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Professor Monika Schwarz-Friesel found that 60% were written by educated, middle-class Germans, including professors, lawyers, priests and university and secondary school students. Most, too, were unafraid to give their names and addresses – something she felt few Germans would have done 20 or 30 years ago.
"The logical conclusion, in fact, is radicalisation: on social media people self-select what they see, and what they see can be pure, unchecked propaganda. They may never be confronted with opinions that are not their own."
I can oppose Zionism and not be antisemitic.
Zionism is a form of racism and often leads to racism. I'm Palestinian. The amount of racism attributed towards me for a so called "Jewish State" is a result of racism being the answer to racism. It's not. Integration should be the answer not special status afforded to an individual.
Anti-Semitism will unfortunately continue to rise as Europe and Muslims fail to integrate with eachother. That region is a boiling pot of angry people; and will only get worse as their economies decline. Angry people will continue to point to Jews, and there won't be less things to be angry about in the near future. And with the rise of social media and jackasses like Dieudonné, it will propagate like wildfire.
In Germany last month, molotov cocktails were lobbed into the Bergische synagogue in Wuppertal previously destroyed on Kristallnacht and a Berlin imam, Abu Bilal Ismail, called on Allah to "destroy the Zionist Jews Count them and kill them, to the very last one." Bottles were thrown through the window of an antisemitism campaigner in Frankfurt; an elderly Jewish man was beaten up at a pro-Israel rally in Hamburg; an Orthodox Jewish teenager punched in the face in Berlin.
Maybe, but does the sentiment turn into violence against muslims often?
This is The Hague last august:
Protesters were shouting chants idolizing ISIS, praising Hamas and literally: "kill all the Jews".
They gave Haiti to former slaves
I am a bit confused about anti-jewish and anti-semetic
I assumed Anti-Semetic was a prejudice against ethnic Jews and Jewish religion. So if you criticize the faith you are called an Anti-Semetic still? If you criticize the faithful rather than faith itself ? I know it is more of a ethnoreligious thing but other religions could use the same argument as well.
This is coming from someone who says any religion like Judaism which is not causing harm to society should not be prejudiced against and ethnic prejudice is obvious hatred.
I figure ending Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands would go a long way to lessening anti-antisemitism.
It would certainly engender goodwill in the EU and most of the Muslim world.
Yeah! If those darn Israelis would only stop acting like dicks, I'm sure the millenia-old hatred of Jews in Europe and the Middle East would decrease a lot.
These things are both rational and solely predicated on current events, you see.
Antisemitism is odd, because Judaism falls in the gap between an ethnicity and a religion. Critisicm of Judaism as a faith and a faith alone isn't really a "thing," because the practice is intrinsically linked to the practitioners (we don't get enough converts for non-ethnic Jews to be a large enough minority to hate). It's different from Christianity or Islam where it's a more broad-spread practice.
Gazans?There is a word for people who consider the violence in Gaza so unique that it justifies their own violence.
So I'm admitting this is all honesty, a few nights ago I was talking about dating with some friends and I said, "I'd have a hard time dating a Jewish girl because of the whole Israel thing". As soon as I said it I felt really fucking terrible. Because the two don't have anything to do with each other. But it was a gut response and I said it without thinking. I feel like that's a mildly anti-Semitic thing to say, ignorant, and I'm really sorry for it. But analysing it, I think as people's distain for Israel grows (and I do think that's the trend even amongst Americans) people are prone to conflate and generalize that to Jewish people generally. So I do think sadly that anti-Semitism is likely to become more prevalent again, at least in the short term.
Maybe people should ask themselves why anti-semitism is on the rise, if in fact it is.
I figure ending Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands would go a long way to lessening anti-antisemitism.
It would certainly engender goodwill in the EU and most of the Muslim world.
I'd love to hear an explanation from you on 'why'