You do realize Mao Zedong literally starved or killed almost 40 million Chinese to death during the cultural revolution right? Or Joseph Station eradicating nearly 10-20 million people through mass executions, purges, lifetime gulag sentences, starvation. The Indonesian invasion of East Timor roughly killed almost 45% of the total population of the nation.
And if you think Nazi Germany rule was bad, the North Korean regime that is still alive to this day, makes them look like amateurs by comparison. North Korea's regime has ruled with an iron fist for almost 60+ years now. Hundreds of thousands killed, hundreds of thousands sentenced to generational punishment. Which means their kids, their grandkids will also be sentenced to a life of hard labor in a similar concentration camp because of something they might have down decades back. They're revered as God's because of their total control over their people, people who are brainwashed into oblivion. Unless your military, you're basically starving to death.
Human suffering is universal, there is no, oh my god, this is the worst, or these people have had it worst. You'll look on it with what you can relate to. Where would you rank something like the Partition of India, where literally overnight, you had a mass migration of 15 million people, forced to pack up and move across country lines? Within days almost 200,000 to 700,000 people killed each other in violence or fighting.