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WTF is wrong with me? The more I think about it, the more I like Evangelion.

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I'm kinda worried here. I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion roughly 3 weeks ago. I liked it, but sorta thought it was overrated at the same time considering its enormous popularity. Since then though, I've been thinking about some of the plot points, the ending, some of the symbolism present, etc, and from being a "likable" anime, it's grown to be my favorite one.

WTF is going on here?

A friend of mine named Jason has little Evangelion figurines and wall scrolls. I've always prided myself in that I could never be that bad as far as anime but now I'm not so sure. Will I end up getting wall scrolls and little Eva figurines? Am I going to end up with a Rei pillow case that I can dry hump every night?

I don't want to be like that. There has to be some kind of preventative measure I can take. What should I do? :(
Happened to me, not the wallscroll stuff, but the more I thought about the show the more I sorta understood it. Understood just what it was.

No matter what the haters say, it IS one of the most important anime ever created ;P
MrAngryFace said:
No matter what the haters say, it IS one of the most important anime ever created ;P

I agree. It seems like people knock it for the wrong reasons. I mean, I think it got better as it went along, not the other way around. I'm watching Outlaw Star right now and it just seems so bland to me compared to Eva. It's not a bad show at all and I'm enjoying it, but it also seems incredibly shallow and one dimensional compared to NGE.

Seriously, if a guy needs to have a mental breakdown to create a series like that...well, more anime writers should have mental breakdowns. ;)
I think as a giant robot anime, NGE fails. As a psychological trip through the mind of a troubled youth, it excels far beyond what all those dumb little 'relationship' anime attempt to do with their akward pauses and sweaty palms.

Its a great show, and there's absolutely no shame in admiring it. It did everything it set out to do with a failing budget. Plus it has a huge fanbase and is at the very least, interesting to even people who hate it.

Now if you start collecting asuka hentai real dolls ill have to call take backs and not support your decline.
MrAngryFace said:
Its a great show, and there's absolutely no shame in admiring it. It did everything it set out to do with a failing budget. Plus it has a huge fanbase and is at the very least, interesting to even people who hate it.

Now if you start collecting asuka hentai real dolls ill have to call take backs and not support your decline.

I'm not ashamed I like it. I'm ashamed I like it so much. I mean, just from thinking about it, it went from "It's one of the better ones" to "Best. Anime. Ever." :(

I'd never buy an anime-themed real doll; too expensive. Is the Asuka pillowcase ok?


Setec Astronomer
Actually, I kinda like how Evangelion did certain things beyond the whole psychological and symbolic stuff you mention, such as operations being technical rather than ACTIVATE MAGIC SUPERPOWER GO for everything.
Hitokage said:
Actually, I kinda like how Evangelion did certain things beyond the whole psychological and symbolic stuff you mention, such as operations being technical rather than ACTIVATE MAGIC SUPERPOWER GO for everything.

I liked how the Evas were basically biological with some electronics and armor. The design rocked IMO.


I really hated EVA. I liked it at first. But about a week after it finished I realised it was a big agnsty piece of snoogins. It must just be me though, because everyone loves it.

I'm a Bebop man myself.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Eva was the first real anime series that I sat all the way through. In addition to being farely complex, I think part of its appeal probably stems from the fact that I was excited to be introduced to a whole new genre of shows and movies. I enjoy the series immensely, but in retrospect, the animation was pretty shoddy compared to many others (in large part due to budget issues), and sometimes Annko's mega-ego really shines through in the show's refusal to explain some of its more involved symbolism (assuming it is not all in fact just pretentious, fabricated crap). End of Eva can be particullarly confusing the first few times through. I try not to dub any series as 'the best', as there so many different types out there, but Eva would definately be in my personal top ten along Beserk and Cowboy Bebop.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I would certainly rank it among my top 3 favorites, and probably the anime that shocked me the most, after watching it, a good 3/4 of animes you watch afterward just wont cut it anymore. And unlike many, i love end of evangelion and thought it added a lot of depth to the TV series with small bits i hadnt noticed on the first viewing.

Like MAF said, as a mech anime, it fails miserably, but then again, this isnt gundam or gasaraki, the eva units are simply tools to accomplish a really weird story and mentally disturb the pilots, creating a psychological drama that no other animes have ever touched. The EVAs shouldnt even be considered mechs anyway if we would want to be nitpicky about it ;) When you learn exactly what evangelions are, how humans managed to create them, its really fascinating, and unlike 99% of other anime mechs, this one is very technical to make it function and has lots of little details during the series that really didnt need to be there, but it is, to make it more believable. The entry plug, the LCL, the pilot interface, the activation breakers, the synchronization, the power supply, the mother souls in the evas, them going berserk, AT fields, so many little details. Their design itself is really good, some of my favorites, its really not your traditional looking mech thats for sure.

Btw, where does this EVA come from? The image says eva 01 but..


really badass

In other news, i got the NGE platinum 01 a few days ago, image and audio quality is really really good, gonna be a long wait for the other volumes though :( I'll listen to the audio commentary sometime this weekend.


Eva is one of my favorites as well. Up there with CB and Escaflowne.

I've seen it like 3 or 4 times and it never gets boring. The plot is such a mind fuck you can discover new things upon each subsequent viewing. And I disagree...the animation, for its time, was very very good. I'm looking forward to getting the remastered DVDs.
Buggy Loop said:
Btw, where does this EVA come from? The image says eva 01 but..


It is Eva 01 though there are differences. That is a cool pic though. That's exactly why I like the biological/technology fusion design. :)

isamu said:
I've seen it like 3 or 4 times and it never gets boring. The plot is such a mind fuck you can discover new things upon each subsequent viewing. And I disagree...the animation, for its time, was very very good. I'm looking forward to getting the remastered DVDs.

If there is one thing I'd complain about, it would be the animation though I think for the most part, it's just fine. I'm ok with the budget-scuse and why a lot of scenes are just static images but there were a few parts that I thought dragged on and on.
The scene just before Shinji kills off Kaoru is a good example. It seemed like whole minutes went by where it was just Eva 01 holding Kaoru with some music in the background.

Most of the time, the static scenes work but some of them just went on for too long.


well not really...yet
Ive been wanting to watch the whole series all over again right now ever since I got the platinum dvd vol. 1, but unfortunately i dont own the previous dvds, only the videos and god knows where all of them are, not that it would help since I dont have a vcr right now.....but i got my fix out of Death, which despite what some say is really well done in my honest opinion... even though the DVD by Manga sucks...


force push the doodoo rock
the end of the tv series is probably one of the most facinating and creative ways ive ever seen a director solve the inner turmoil of a character. Hideaki anno is easily one of the greatest directors ill ever see in my lifetime and i doubt ill see any better.


Hates quality gaming
The more I think about Evangelion, the more I want to shatter Shinji's teeth with an aluminum bat.


I think EVA would've been 10 times better if Anno devoted more episodes for the STORY. I'm talking about 2nd impact, nerv, seele, the evas, etc.... Or at least wrap it up nicely and close all loose ends at the end of eva. It would've NOT interfered with he psychological aspect of the anime. In fact it would've enhanced the experience because the viewer can focus on Shinji instead of thinking about other minor stuff. Saying the main story "wasn’t the point" of the anime doesn't mean it should be ignored.

Eva started great.. then the second half was even greater and it showed great potential until it just crashed completely. It tried to achieve something very different but failed. It gets credit for trying but in the end it's just a... I'd say a B anime. :)


Kills Photobucket
I love Evangelion, no matter how many problems I have with it.

More and more shows I watch, I realize that as good as Eavangelions story was, I didn't like any of the Characters (Except Gendo and Kaworu). Also, there was no character development (Something I realized a lot mowe after seeing Rahxephon and hearing all the comparisons calling it a rip off...sad). I realized what Rahxephon may have lacked in story compared to Eva, it more than made up for in Character development. In the end, everyone in Evangelion was the same (Some more dead than others, granted...). Shinji was still a wuss, Asuka was still annoying, Rei is still....Rei.

Even with this, It was one of the first anime I ever saw, and I still love the the story.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I watched the first few discs a few years ago and I absolutely loved it. I went into it knowing it wasn't a Gundam-style mech action show, so I wasn't disappointed that it wasn't. I really need to get back into Eva some day.
DrForester said:
I realized what Rahxephon may have lacked in story compared to Eva, it more than made up for in Character development. In the end, everyone in Evangelion was the same (Some more dead than others, granted...). Shinji was still a wuss, Asuka was still annoying, Rei is still....Rei.

I disagree. I don't think the development was made obvious but it was there. At the very least, I saw the characters grow and change.

Spoiler warning for people who haven't seen the whole thing

Shinji was basically a little bitch throughout the whole series, very few would argue with that. He didn't like piloting the Eva and was always saying "I mustn't run away" even though he desperately wanted to. He only piloted Eva 01 because he was told to. At the end of EoE, in the most important decision of his and literally everyone else's lives', he decided not to run away. He decided that despite all the pain in life knowing he'd be hurt again, he decided that was better than being in some lifeforce soup where everyone would have to accept him because there were no barriers between individuals (this is largely why I like the movie more than the last two episodes)

Asuka thought she was the best but deep inside she was vulnerable and weak. She attempted to end her life when she realized she couldn't do what she thought she was best at, piloting an Eva. Being a pilot gave her worth when she thought she was worthless otherwise. Because of Shinji's decision at the end, she too decided that despite the pain of life, it was still worth living which is why she was still in one piece at the end. After building a wall around herself toward everyone, she finally opened up and touched Shinji's cheek showing some genuine affection.

Rei was in a literal sense a puppet created by NERV and Gendo to do what they wanted. Throughout the series and most importantly during dialog with Shinji and Asuka, she reveled that she'd do anything Gendo would tell her to do, anything. That wasn't the case. At the end when it comes time to fulfill what she was made to do, she decides that Shinji, not Gendo should be the force behind 3rd impact. Against what she was built for and against what she'd said all along, she decided for herself who would be the best vesicle and it wasn't Gendo.

She was also for the most part "robotic" at the very beginning, but started showing some emotion later on, defending Shinji when Asuka was blasting him and again, sacrificing herself to save Shinji later on.

All the supporting characters didn't really change at all. It was mainly the Eva pilots that showed growth and change IMO. I wonder if that was done on purpose or just coincidence.


I forgot some other stuff about Asuka. In a real sense of the term, she did give up. She attempted suicide. She was later redeemed and given a second chance when she finally realized that the Eva wasn't just some toy but was in fact something entirely different and proceeded to kick ass. The reason why the Eva worked for her wasn't simply because she piloted it, but because there was a soul in there with her, that powered the AT field and it was in fact her mother's soul that was with her. I think that was a huge turning point for her, that her mother was still with her if not in a traditional way.

Edit 2:

*reads own post* This is exactly why I started this topic! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!! See what I mean? I am becoming one of those asshats with the figurines and wallscrolls. :(


*read The Shadow's post*

Hmm... I gotta re-watch EVA one day. I've only seen it once and after reading the RCB translation I'll be less confused this time. Currently I have it at the very back of my anime collection-- I do not want to remember my crushed soul after watching it for the first time. It was around the time I was getting into anime and the earlier disks were so good EVA ended up as my first anime "marathon." Until it ended and I had no idea what to think or feel... I started a topic an ANN and tried to digest everything. Unlike Shadow, the more time that went by the more I grown more bitter toward EVA and felt more like THIS guy.

I have too many anime to watch now but the boxset is still here so... one day maybe. :)


Setec Astronomer
The Shadow: You might want to get ahold of the Director's Cut editions of episodes 21-24, as various parts are a tad more fleshed out, such as the angel-before-kaoru being completely redone. Nothing incredibly new, but I certainly came out of it feeling I had a better grasp of what was going on.
Hitokage said:
The Shadow: You might want to get ahold of the Director's Cut editions of episodes 21-24, as various parts are a tad more fleshed out, such as the angel-before-kaoru being completely redone. Nothing incredibly new, but I certainly came out of it feeling I had a better grasp of what was going on.

Do they contradict some of the stuff I've said? That would stink. I think I have it all figured out and then the DC versions cut me down. :)

I don't really feel like I'm confused about it. I had a few questions but those were already addressed in the other thread.


Setec Astronomer
Well, not really, it's more like comparing TTT and its EE version. The original made sense, but the latter is a tad more watchable.

Then again, it's been years since I last saw Eva... in dub form, so I'm not sure whether or not some scenes were new(like Asuka+Rei in the elevator where Rei says "I'm not a doll"), but stuff like Misato attempting to spy on Kaoru as he talks with Seele is clearly new.
Hitokage said:
Well, not really, it's more like comparing TTT and its EE version. The original made sense, but the latter is a tad more watchable.

Ah. I'll see if the local video store stocks the DC versions.

I hope they have it anyway. Their selection of older stuff isn't so great though, and they don't always get the entire series of some runs. Kinda frustrating when you rent Vol. 1 and 2 of a particular series and then you notice that they don't have the rest and probably won't get it. :(

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Director cut's episode 24 was oh so much better than the original, the angel encounter with eva 01 is a touching moment and it adds even more background to Rei's feelings. Why it was cut i have no idea, it was a brilliant scene.

It will be included in the platinum versions, but its gonna take a while before we get to volume 7.


well not really...yet
Buggy Loop said:
Director cut's episode 24 was oh so much better than the original, the angel encounter with eva 01 is a touching moment and it adds even more background to Rei's feelings. Why it was cut i have no idea, it was a brilliant scene.

It will be included in the platinum versions, but its gonna take a while before we get to volume 7.
and by then I hope that adv will manage to get the rights to the movie renewal
Director cut's episode 24 was oh so much better than the original, the angel encounter with eva 01 is a touching moment and it adds even more background to Rei's feelings. Why it was cut i have no idea, it was a brilliant scene.

It wasn't actually cut. All the new stuff in the "Director's Cut" versions either came from the "Death" movies or was specially made for the "Director's Cuts."


If they made the series easier to intepret, but with as much development and similar themes...

would it have made it worse?

The problem with making things so multi-layered is that people start coming up with their own, somewhat valid, but actually erroneous interpretations, and it becomes a mess to disseminate what the hell actually happened.

Sometimes, you have to balance integrity with comprehendibility... but then again, Gainax went along and released projects like the stripping project artbook and various other character exploitation fan materials in japan, so the integrity is pretty questionable.


Buggy Loop said:
Yup. Next one is september 21st

Bi-monthly as in, 2 Volumes a month? Or as in 1 Volume every two months?
Anyone know if it's cheaper to buy each installment now, or wait for them all to be released in a box set? I mentioned to someone that I had planned to buy the Platinum editions but he said I would probably save money by waiting for a final boxed set that'll inevitably come.


Fafracer forever
The Shadow said:
I'm ashamed I like it so much. I mean, just from thinking about it, it went from "It's one of the better ones" to "Best. Anime. Ever."
And well you should be ashamed. Anyone with a brain knows Azumanga is the best anime ever :p

Do they contradict some of the stuff I've said?
Not really - but one episode contradicts itself. The extra material on ep 21. was a nice touch though.

DrForester said:
In the end, everyone in Evangelion was the same
Given that the whole story only takes a few months(of story time) to its completion, how much character growth can one really expect though?
The adults that have been involved in the whole chain of events for 15years don't exactly have much room to change anyway, in large part it's their obsessiveness that wrought the whole thing - and their inability to do anything about it now sorta gives the story a notion of fate.
And kids did grow up to become somewhat less brats in that short time.

Evangelion will consume you, everyone should watching it once at least, tho repeated viewing is recommended to fully appreciate it... Anyone waiting for the live action movies?? Wetta is making the effects, W00t!
I like Anime, but don't follow the fan scene much. That being said, I though EVA was acclaimed? Why so much hate then?

I like the show myself, and complains that "it doesn't make sense" and the such is dumb cuz most Anime doesn't exactly have the most tightly knit stories and plots.


FortNinety said:
I like Anime, but don't follow the fan scene much. That being said, I though EVA was acclaimed? Why so much hate then?

People wanted (and initially got) a boring monster of the week show. When it actually stopped being mindless, the fans revolted.


The final episodes of NEE make Tool's videos look like pre-school skits.
No wonder the bastard that made that sick anime commited suicide.
I know zilch about Evangelion, but I after reading this thread over I want to watch the series. Is there a way the entire thing can be purchased? I dont mean some special limited edition directors cut version 4.1 or whatever, just the straight series.
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