How fitting that the zenith of hardware aesthetics come from such an aesthetically pleasing man.It begins:

How fitting that the zenith of hardware aesthetics come from such an aesthetically pleasing man.It begins:
So i guess I'm the only one who hates the flat design crap? I don't like the excessive skeuomorphism and Corinthian leather, but removing that doesn't mean getting rid of pleasing gradients and shadows.
At the risk of missing out, I'll wait to see what they have tomorrow and if it's in stable enough shape.
(Also, I heard they might be moving away from UDID registration for betas after iOS6.)
I only want a few things for iOS:
-Better Keyboard. Just pay Swype the licensing fee, I can't deal with the tiny button typing.
-Get rid of the search input on Safari, all other browsers have gotten rid of this because it wastes space, even moreso on mobile, please follow suit.
-Chromeless Safari in portrait mode. Dunno why you can only do this in landscape. Again stop wasting space.
-Ability to clear badges. This is something everyone who uses badges could do but doesn't, not just Apple. I don't read every email so my count keeps growing, I don't listen to every podcast so the count grows, just let me swipe over it to clear it or something.
For OSX:
-Basically neither the software or hardware supports touch interfaces. It's happening with or without them but for my next notebook/ultrabook/whatever it's a basic expectation. Especially for developers you'd think they'd put it in there.
Ive been given a quick peek at an early beta of iOS7 and can only describe what Ive seen. Im told I cant post the screenshots because Apple embeds little watermarks that could land the source in some trouble.
The whole OS has that skinny jeans Helvetica Nueue Ultra Light or similar that youve seen in those posters. At the top, instead of carrier signal bars, Apple now has 5 dots that are white or gray to represent the signal.
The app icons are different across the board, similar but not quite the same as the one we tweeted earlier.
Yes, they are flat. Our in-house Photoshop guru Michael Steeber has mocked up (Above) the icons based on descriptions which closely match what I believe well see tomorrow. A full mockup of a home screen is at the bottom of this post.
iTunes is Purple-ish with white (iSync-like arrows instead of a music note).
Camera is Gray gradient and icon is same shape as you see on the lock screen
Facetime is like it used to be without the gray. and flat.
The Maps icon is a different place. Perhaps near the Spaceship campus?
Compass icon is darker and flatter.
Safari icon is like the Mac circle icon without the silver frame.
Photos icon is a color wheel
Game Center is similar to the photos icon totally different than before.
Perhaps most interesting: There are two color schemes for many of these apps one black-ish and one white-ish. Were not sure if they are A/B decoys, if white iPhones and Black iPhones will have their own color schemes or as someone else suggested, the different color schemes might be invoked by the amount of ambient light or the time of day. But it is super-interesting, especially since weve heard whispers that the whole UI might shift slightly based on external factors similar to the way the music volume icon switches based on how you hold the iPhone.
When in Black mode, the keyboard is black with gray letters. In white mode, gray keys with white letters a little like Android.
Weve heard that maps has a new walking directions functionality. Also, grouped table views no longer have spaces on the left and right now rounded rectangles give way to more rectangular like the Twitter app UI update.
On Airdrop, weve now heard the share menu has a sideways scrollable row on top of the device and and computer airdrop photos like the circles with a pic of them. The next row has sharing services Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Vimeo. Next row has copy/paste/cut/etc.
Were updating this post. Stay tuned for more information in the coming hours as we count down to WWDC and our Liveblog.
9to5mac claims they just got their hands on ios 7!
I am so ready for a change. icons? And a different keyboard? Nothing to say about any extra functionality besides walking directions?
That mockup is HORRENDOUS.
Read the article, they can't, screenshots can lead back to the source.Why post a mockup?
Just show as the real thing.
Yeah and I'm calling bullshit on that.Read the article, they can't, screenshots can lead back to the source.
9to5mac probably has the best pre-event track record of anyone out there, though.Yeah and I'm calling bullshit on that.
Since there are so few direct commands with Voice Control, Apple slides the command options by on a waveform. Assistant is packed with seemingly endless possibilities, so Apple instead has a small info button which one can click to view some of the most commonly spoken commands. This command view not only shows command types, but actually provides some sample phrases; Apple obviously wants their implementation to be as intuitive as possible. In the middle of the Assistant interface next to the small command samples button is a silver microphone icon with an orbiting purple flare. The flare notes that your iPhone is ready to receive commands.
The whole OS has that skinny jeans Helvetica Nueue Ultra Light or similar that youve seen in those posters. At the top, instead of carrier signal bars, Apple now has 5 dots that are white or gray to represent the signal.
9to5mac claims they just got their hands on ios 7!
I am so ready for a change.
The linen Notification Center overlapping everything doesn't even make sense. It's the worst.I just want the skumorphism to go away. I know its purely a cosmetic thing, but I hate it.
Every icon's already a wide mix of styles anyway. The circle gloss on most app icons is added by iOS.I could live with it, if that's similar to what Apple has done. But won't it make all the third-party app icons stick out like a sore thumb? It's going to look uneven if we have beautiful flat design Apple apps and then, for instance, the NeoGaf icon on the same screen.
I could live with it, if that's similar to what Apple has done. But won't it make all the third-party app icons stick out like a sore thumb? It's going to look uneven if we have beautiful flat design Apple apps and then, for instance, the NeoGaf icon on the same screen.
Where did you hear that from and how are they gonna do it without using UDIDs?At the risk of missing out, I'll wait to see what they have tomorrow and if it's in stable enough shape.
(Also, I heard they might be moving away from UDID registration for betas after iOS6.)
Where did you hear that from and how are they gonna do it without using UDIDs?
Oh? How did you manage that, because I'm pretty sure nobody else did and ended up with a useable OS without exploiting bugs.I was actually able to install the iOS 6 beta without registering my UDID. It worked on all versions, surprisingly.
That mockup not only looks aesthetically awful, but some of the icons give zero indication of what the app actually is, particularly the Photos wheel and the Game Center whatever the hell that crap is.
Oh? How did you manage that, because I'm pretty sure nobody else did and ended up with a useable OS without exploiting bugs.
Yeah, I did the same. Was a matter of holding Shift (I think) when clicking "restore" in iTunes, then selecting the appropriate .ipa and away it went.
Interesting, usually that's only possible with the GM version just before release
the photos app better not be called photos still since there are videos there as well.