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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing


Polarizing was correct, I suppose. Personally I really like it aside from a couple of the icons, Safari in particular. I'm glad though that I can finally move off of Chrome with some of the new updates. I think all the transparencies look really playful. Honestly it makes me really, really want to get a white iPhone next time.
Happy with most everything except the icons. Wish there were more in the way of remote views, but I haven't been able to get any extra developer info since the internet is down today.


I like the cues they took from Android. Looks like a good upgrade overall.

Agreed. As a multi-OS user you could certainly see where they borrowed functionality from Android but spun it to meet their own design guidelines and user experience. I'm glad that they've done this - it certainly allows Apple to not seem so stagnant. It will also kickstart the UX team at Google, because they've got their work cut out for them.

That said, I'm not as big a fan of the overly colorfulness that comes from the transparencies. I like the idea of them and much of what they are doing with Flat, but something just feels off about the whole thing and I think it has to do with the animations atop the transparencies.


Well, 10.9 is a bit disappointing from a consumer perspective, although the battery life improvements will be nice.
Wonder how much they'll charge for it?


While apple maps certainly isn't the greatest, if I have to use google, I'll just click on that app. What a consumer desires and what apple will provide are two different things. I can't imagine why they would let you choose to prioritize someone else's apps over theirs (ones of real value like or whatever). It's nice to ask, but you pretty much signed that right away when you bought the iPhone.

Apple would let you prioritise someone else's app over theirs because maps make them no money, but having to use their Maps as a core OS feature makes their hardware considerably less attractive. Which doesn't make money for them.

In much the same way Apple let me install Windows on a Mac.

To be blunt, over the years Apple have added a bunch of stuff people have set there and defended as "un-needed by the general public" until Apple put it in, when people accepted that actually it was always needed after all.

A background downloading API (which someone told me Apple would never do on this board less than a month ago IIRC) was one. Quick access to the settings toggles another. A notification centre before that. Running third party apps before that.

The last three major things where that's true are a centralised file storage that can be shared between apps, changing the default apps and multiple user accounts. They are necessary. Apple will even do them eventually. But it's too late to defend their absence.


Well, 10.9 is a bit disappointing from a consumer perspective, although the battery life improvements will be nice.
Wonder how much they'll charge for it?

Probably $15-$30 as they have in the past. Personally I would have been happier with the OS being called Sea Lion and then going with an Aquatic theme with OS names going forward :)
What the fuck is this garbage?


Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Holy shit at the Mac Pro.

You can disagree with their decisions, but seriously they're good at making things.

It's gonna be a bitch to service tho.


The translucency looks pretty disjointed until you see the os in motion. It'll be better once people remove that obnoxiously bright wallpaper and put in a nice matte, dark one.

Game Center looks like something Sony would design. (Not a compliment.)

SMB2 replaces AFP as the default file sharing protocol in OS X Mavericks.
Hope it's reliable. AFP was always rock solid while SMB was sketch.

The Real Abed

Looking forward to playing with Finder tabs and tags. Wish I actually needed multiple display support, but this might actually convince me to maybe get a second display.


It looks like they're doings a but more of that live colour selection stuff they introduced itunes 11.

Like on the unlock screen it looks like the colour of the buttons depend in the background.

I certainly like the thought put into the design so that it's not just about appearances. Like how animations on Mac OS X were more than just snazzy, they indicated what happened to things. On iOS 7, it's showing the hierarchy of the layers, so you feel more oriented.
The same?


After owning black iOS devices since the beginning, I think my next purchase will be a white device (iPad mini retina...whatever that will be).

The original iOS seems to be primarily developed with black in mind (not surprising since that was the original iPhone color). Seems like white is the starting point this time...unless there are two different themes for white and black this time around.


OS X Mavericks isn't really exciting, but it addresses most of the complaints people had about Mountain Lion. I'll be happy to install it. Maybe Mac OS X 10.10 will be the jumping-off point for new features and a visual refresh, once Jony is done with refreshing iOS.

iOS 7, now that's something I'm excited for.


It'll look a lot better with dark backgrounds. I can't stand how bright it is, especially with text shadows gone.

what if the background is set to a white rectangle? how do you read the text then? maybe it adjusts??

I like what I see a lot. Radio is disappointing, I hope Google brings Music All Access to iOS. Fingers crossed there's a version bigger than 4" released this fall.


Some selected new APIs

Game Controller Framework
The Game Controller framework (GameController.framework) lets you discover and configure Made-for-iPhone/iPod/iPad (MFi) game controller hardware in your app. Game controllers can be devices connected physically to an iOS device or connected wirelessly over Bluetooth. The Game Controller framework notifies your app when controllers become available and lets you specify which controller inputs are relevant to your app.
Inter-App Audio

The Audio Unit framework (AudioUnit.framework) adds support for Inter-App Audio, which enables the ability to send MIDI commands and stream audio between apps on the same device. For example, you might use this feature to record music from an app acting as an instrument or use it to send audio to another app for processing. To vend your app’s audio data, publish a AURemoteIO instance as an audio component that is visible to other processes. to use audio features from another app, use the audio component discovery interfaces in iOS 7.

Peer-to-Peer Connectivity

The Multipeer Connectivity framework (MultipeerConnectivity.framework) supports the discovery of nearby devices and the direct communication with those devices without requiring Internet connectivity. This framework makes it possible to create multipeer sessions easily and to support reliable in-order data transmission and real-time data transmission. With this framework, your app can communicate with nearby devices and seamlessly exchange data.

Pass Kit Framework
You can specify that a pass is relevant only when it is in the vicinity of specific Bluetooth beacons.


I can't get over how bad some of those icons are

the ones with the gradients are mostly ok, but safari and a few others look awful. they are so simple and plain that somehow they just look like someone mocked them up in something slightly better than mspaint.

sort of looks like some kind of accessibility mode or something.
Yeah. The icons, the transparencies/frosted glass (all of notification and control center), the wireframe button icons are the worst parts of iOS 7.

Still mad they couldn't even give us default apps and sharing intents (even BlackBerry has this, come on). Oh well.


How to customize your app icons without jailbreaking | iDownloadblog

Jony Ive is not a Graphic Designer i.e. Jony Ive is a Human Interface designer | stratechery (via HN)

iOS 7 Went Too Far In The Other Direction | @flyosity

Jailbreak tweaks in iOS7
| /r/jalibreak

Two steps forward, One step back (e.g. how are those swiping features going to work with all the popular third party apps that have been following the sidebar design) *smh*
Nice to see sync 'read status' support; The Real Abed should be happy with that one.
Game Controller APIs is a megaton.

Apple doesn't have the magic anymore. At best this update will bring iOS on par with Android and WP8 — but Google and Microsoft have yet to show their new OS versions this year so by the time Apple gets around to releasing iOS7 to the public (and that's only for the iPhone?) they could be playing catchup again.

Interesting battery life stats on the MBAs. They still have shitty TNT low res panels though. UGH

Mac Pro Maxi looks cool. I want one but will wait for proper support from thunderbolt accessory makers before purchasing.

Are we allowed to ask for beta registrations here? I know we did it last year, but not sure if things are different.

Hopefully a Mod will clarify. Tread carefully until then I'd say. I've dipped and re-enabled my Dev account. Up to 24 Hours for re-activation however
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