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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing




iOS 7 finally looks as beautiful as Cook keeps saying it is. fucking flat icons, yessss

and it looks like it's not going to sacrifice function for form either (like WP7 kinda did)


That was a great showing. Tons of new stuff and I liked the humour on show.

iOS 7 looks excellent apart from the questionable home screen app icons. Getting excited about parallax effects makes me nostalgic for the SNES. I'm happy that it'll at least run on my iPhone 4, since that means I can keep running that old workhorse into the ground instead of buying a new phone.

10.9 looks like a similar upgrade to Mountain Lion. Loved the dig at the lack of stitching in Calendar because I really won't miss that. Mavericks? Hmm. Not sure. I'm sticking with calling it 10.9 for now.


iOS 7 Looks good to me.
  • I've been wanting the a flashlight as a camera-level utility feature for years. How did it take this long on any mobile OS?
  • Pull down setting menu like Android is great.
  • Safari got a nice makeover. I have no idea what the keyboard hub-bub was about why people thought they couldn't do it but axing search bar and full screen are great. Password sync is great because entering passwords on iOS is awful.
  • Speaking of the keyboard it still sucks doesn't it?
  • The visual paradigm looks good. Like Metro but with some personality.
  • Air drop is nice as a system level thing.
  • Auto updates thank God! Manually updating was so awful.
  • Better killswitch functionality is great, Apple's really been a leader in lost devices, I'm happy for that.

OSX Mavericks was pretty meh. Tabbed finder and better multiscreen support is okay I guess.

The new Macbook Air was pretty lame. 802.11ac is nice but I was hoping retina (and hoping it would at least try to compete with upcoming ultrabooks).


Nobody trusts Apple with Maps.

It's been a year and there has been no significant map improvements in the UK. It remains unusable.

I have to say, it's very pretty, but the lack of centralised file storage and being able to kill Apple Maps in favour of functional alternatives is really bringing me down.

While apple maps certainly isn't the greatest, if I have to use google, I'll just click on that app. What a consumer desires and what apple will provide are two different things. I can't imagine why they would let you choose to prioritize someone else's apps over theirs (ones of real value like or whatever). It's nice to ask, but you pretty much signed that right away when you bought the iPhone.

Edit: there were some ugly icons though.
Parts of iOS 7 look really, really good, but the transparencies are awful. The lack of an iPad demo was expected, but still disappointing. I want to see what they did with the big screen and much higher resolution.


The metro comparison sort of fails when you consider that iOS 7 is much more focused on levels, which it achieves with translucency.


I also like that they used the old palm per method of multitasking. I would have liked something closer the the galaxies method, but this should work too.


They took cues from everywhere, even Windows Vista with the glass effect. What a messy rainbowy hodgepodge. And the 'new' features are mostly nothing else than catching up.
The whole translucent fetish makes everything looks so painfully blurry and pastel-ish.

It's like putting a glass filter over a Lisa Frank picture.
iOS 7 is beautiful is an understatement. It's GORGEOUS!

Any word on what devices will be getting the new OS?
Edit: Nevermind... found it on Apple's site.
Edit 2:
I'm not in love with the new look. I'm not a big fan of flat design in general. It looks so... horsey.
I like the new features, though.

I really hope we finally get tactile screens in the next 2 years so we can make this silly flat design phase obsolete.
Well I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't like it.

- Too many transparencies. I thought we were over this after Vista?
- The circle buttons theme isn't very good looking
- Icons are horrendous
- Control center looks like straight up garbage. I can't believe Apple okay'd this.
- Notification center looks like it uses even more space to display even less information now
- Safari buttons and anywhere else that uses the unfinished looking wireframe buttons = ew

I wouldn't even mind these things if they could just add TWO simple functions to get me back to iOS.




I can enjoy Apple's hardware design.

But while iOS is a step in the right direction, it looks like it's held back by old users' expectations, rigidity and the need to differentiate it from other OS's designs, which looks forced in many places. Really don't like the translucent watercolor effect.


I really don't get why people like iOS 7s look. I think its a step backwards. Functionality is going forward, but at a snails pace.


Someone on the fence, the color scheme is not one for my liking. :|

Regardless, I have to see how it compares to jelly bean/key lime pie. Hopefully it might great for the new Iphone. Hopefully the new Iphone has more tray icons. :)

The Real Abed

The new Mac Pro is basically the G4 Cube evolved.

Also, I hope the parallax wallpaper works on my iPhone 4S. I really do. Really really really do. Because I want that shit in my veins right now.

I almost want to sign up for a Dev version just to get this shit early. But I'll wait for other Devs to report in on what's missing on older devices other than the few features they named. All I saw was AirDrop only works on newer devices so I won't have that for some silly reason. And filters partially don't work on older devices, but still do. And something else I won't work that I probably wouldn't use anyway.

The Real Abed

People sure have different opinions. I think iOS 7 looks great, Mac Pro as well.
Ditto. Especially the Mac Pro. Maybe they could make the next Mac mini be a flattened version of that.

It's weird that it looks like a G4 Cube mated with the iMac G4. Where the G4 Cube failed was that it was underpowered for the sake of looks. But now technology has evolved to the point it can be amazingly powerful and still tiny. I was amazed when I saw the comparison shot. It's like 1/6th the size of the older Pro and twice as fast.

I'm just waiting for a MacBook Pro Retina upgrade. The MacBook Air looks amazingly more advanced so I hope those features are coming to the Retina. That battery life is amazing. Really looking forward to them updating that. Hope I don't have to wait until the Fall.

My only surprise was OS X. Surprised it didn't absorb the new features and design cues iOS 7 brought. I'm guessing it'll come to next years version. And still no Siri to replace the aged OS X Voice Control feature no one uses. I want to ask my computer to do things like I can my iPhone. And I want it to not require me to press a key. "Computer, give me directions to Cupertino. Send them to my iPhone. Open Mail and send message, 'I'm on my way. Leaving now. Should be there in about a week.' Send.."


Gold Member

It looks ridiculous but is in fact one of the most significant thermal engineering innovations in ages in PCs. Single fan, supports two AMD FirePros up to 7TF graphics performance, Xeon E5 CPU, all in that tiny, tiny tube that's supposedly dead silent.

This was by far the most exciting announcement for me. It might be my new living room gaming PC, looks great too.
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