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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing


Really impressed by what they showed today. With the exception of a few of the icons, I think iOS 7 looks amazing and is way exceeding my expectations in look and features. And that Mac Pro looks fantastic. My wallet is crying between preordering Xbone (and PS4 tonight) and setting some aside for that Mac Pro.


That is interesting. Spotlight is one of the greatest features of apple products.

On iOS I really only started using it in the last few months every once in a while, before that never since it was released.

Perhaps this is rolled into the new Siri features.....? (With a typing option?)
Wasn't Apple talking about a "post-pc" era not to long ago? And now they are about to release a badass Mac Pro??

I think that design is pretty "Post-PC". Makes the Mac Pro into a "Proper" Professional Workstation if you ask me. This shit is right back to Silicon Graphics era shit, and with a price to match I'd bet.

Pixar/Pro Photogs/Video Editors are NOT in a "Post PC" world yet. There's a difference between consumer and Pro (NOT enthusiast).

That shit is going to be a tough sell for a 19" rack however...

Mac Pro Maxi looks cool. I want one but will wait for proper support from thunderbolt accessory makers before purchasing.

That's my worry. How long have we had thunderbolt? 2 years? Still not a HDD caddy in sight. Update has been slow to say the least. Worse than firewires early days even. It's only good if people make things for it.
i really, really hate those fucking icons. horrible designs and even worse color choices. but the glass/transparency is great.

Wasn't Apple talking about a "post-pc" era not to long ago? And now they are about to release a badass Mac Pro??

they're right. apple will probably sell less than 300k of these. its geared toward the serious professional who will always need beast machines for serious work. the casual computer user wont really need anything besides a tablet these days.




table view (spotlight still there)



tab bar








progress bar


nav bar




Two steps forward, One step back (e.g. how are those swiping features going to work with all the popular third party apps that have been following the sidebar design) *smh*
Nice to see sync 'read status' support; The Real Abed should be happy with that one.
Game Controller APIs is a megaton.

Apple doesn't have the magic anymore. At best this update will bring iOS on par with Android and WP8 — but Google and Microsoft have yet to show their new OS versions this year so by the time Apple gets around to releasing iOS7 to the public (and that's only for the iPhone?) they could be playing catchup again.


On Control Center:

I just hate looking at this screen. The frosted glass effect combined with ambiguous icons. Is the WiFi on or off? Unreadable white text on a light, muddy background. Two sliders in the same space, but both with completely different purposes.

My guess is that Ive’s team attempted to take the app style principles and apply it to the overall iOS7 experience, but at the same time, tried to segregate it from each individual app, so the user realizes when they are in a ‘top level’ view versus being in-app. This resulted in this. Frosted glass effects. Mish mash colors. Poor contrast. They tried to NOT follow flat design principles for the sake of being unique.


Will start substantiating his hate
Not too impressed with the aesthetics of iOS 7. Some of it looks a bit amateurish to be honest.

Also a bit disappointed with the new Airs. I was really hoping for some sort of screen upgrade. Not necessarily retina but at least a better panel.


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Put me in the "very impressed" category.

Going to download it and check it out later, but in general I think they found a great way to freshen things up without changing the enter paradigm.

The color scheme/icons don't bother me, but I can see how they'd be viewed as kiddie or something to that effect.


is there a link to the wave background from Mavericks?

in iOS, I really don't like the Gamecenter icon, Safari icon is okay, and everything else looks pretty damn good to me.
Never change GAF. I watch the keynote, think this is everything I wanted, come to NeoGAF and look at it being shit on.

Pretty much. No fundamental flaws and lots of time for the trivial stuff like icon styles to hopefully be addressed.

Developer feedback is taken seriously and there will be some changes before GM.
Really love the look of ios 7 actually, though I could do without the bubbles for Game Center. Other than that, I normally use dark backgrounds so I doubt I'm sure the transparency of the command center will really bother me. Yeah it's colorful, but I really think it's quite fun tbh.

MBA is what I expected, a nice bump overall and glad that there's no retina as it'd probably kill the battery on it anyways.

Mac Pro, wow that definitely looks interesting but I think it looks kinda cool. Can't wait to see it in person later this year.


table view (spotlight still there)



tab bar








progress bar


nav bar




ugh, now that i spend more time looking at this, some of this is just plain ugly. i hate that blue theyre using for the text and it makes no sense why some buttons dont have icons. how are users supposed to know whats tappable and what isnt? similar problems like metro.

honestly looks like a google product. i doubt theyll fix some of these things by launch too :/ ah well. iOS7 is worth an upgrade for control center alone.




just got iOS 7 installed.. this is really an ugly POS.

hoping for MAJOR changes.

Also additionally ugly on iPhone 4 with no translucency.

Are you just hyperbolizing for your post to get attention or do you actually believe that it's so bad to be labeled an "ugly POS"?


let's see how I did

Only one more sleep left.

My predictions, so I can score myself later. Or for eating crow.

Widget API ( they remain in NC) NOPE
NC improvements with better hit targets LOOKS LIKE IT'S EASIER TO USE. NO REAL HIT TARGET INFO
More multitasking APIs for background downloading or other tasks. YUP
Since Cook mentioned opening up of APIs I expect that we'll see iOS 7 allow apps to access more system level stuff. Doubt he'd say it only to have it waiting for iOS 8 or later. So one example could be using the faster rendering of built in safari for third party browsers. NOPE. THERE'S NEW APIS BUT NOT THE STUFF I WAS THINKING ABOUT HERE
More Siri services YUP
More Maps database partners and a statement about better poi results SORT OF. THEY SAID THEY MADE IT BETTER BUT NO CONCRETE INFO
A better way for apps to share documents and have one document be edited by multiple apps without needing to make copies of that doc. HALF AND HLAF. SHARING FROM ONE DEVICE TO ANOTHER IS BETTER (AIRDROP) BUT NO DOCUMENT STORAGE POOL

Plus the style redesign, sharing seevices and the iradio stuff.

Aside from the current Mac OS leaks (finder tabs, proper full screen multimonitor support) I really have no idea what to expect. Well, I guess a similar UI skinning with less linen and leather. NOT MUCH OF A PREDICTION BUT IT HAPPENED

Plus updates to the macbook pros NO, airs YES and I'll say the mac pro, too. YES, BUT NOT FOR SALE


just got iOS 7 installed.. this is really an ugly POS.

hoping for MAJOR changes.

Also additionally ugly on iPhone 4 with no translucency.

are any of the icons 'live' (clock, calendar?)

that would seem like it would need to be an API thing for apps but maybe its only for like 3 apple ones..

also I'm always amazed at how people can think some android custom homescreens look good (see the old android homescreen thread)... this sort of reminds me of that
They've got a few months to refine the look based on some of the complaints.

They don't do it often, but at times they do.

i sure hope so. i know they were really running behind on iOS7 so im hoping some of these were just placeholders. im still very pleased with it overall.
It's a confident design, so it's going to get split opinions. I generally like the ideas but not the execution.

The one argument against the icons with which I strongly agree is that there is unintentional color pairing between apps that have nothing to do with each other. Camera & Settings are both grey, Game Center & Photos are white with colorful dots, Stocks and Clock are black, etc.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
The one argument against the icons with which I strongly agree is that there is unintentional color pairing between apps that have nothing to do with each other. Camera & Settings are both grey, Game Center & Photos are white with colorful dots, Stocks and Clock are black, etc.

Those all go perfectly together!

Camera/Settings are both invocative of physical, mechanical things.

Gamer Center/Photos are both interactive apps dealing with sharing with others.

Stocks/Clocks are both for the working person to both stay on time and check their portfolios.

...perfectly logical!


Neo Member
On first blush, I find the new look aesthetically pleasing. If for no other reason than it is different, and different feels nice after so many years of the same.

That being said,


I still like iOS well enough to stick with it into the foreseeable future. Upgraded multitasking for apps is welcome, as is the WebOS-inspired app switcher. I didn't expect changes like the ability to set different default apps, but it's still disappointing that such a simple option wasn't made available.

AirDrop being restricted to the iPhone 5 and up (and newer iPads) is on the same level of frustration as no turn-by-turn for iPhone 4 - my fiance has an iPhone 4 and when they initially discussed the AirDrop functionality, I was excited to be able to make use of it, but it was not to be, at least until she upgrades in the future. I'm used to Apple arbitrarily holding back functionality, but I never lost sleep over lack of Siri or Panoramas. This was a bigger impact, and one that can't easily be gotten around by using turn-by-turn in Google Maps. The ability to share management of a single PhotoStream was a happy get, at least.

I'm excited to be able to look at something different, even if the underlying functionality is broadly the same.

edit: Ah! The quick toggle options are a godsend on iPhone - no more going through the settings app just to adjust brightness.


Regarding looks, I like most of it. Particularly the clean look of photos, music, mail and safari.

I think the transparency is overused. I think it's OK for things that slide over the main UI partially (non interactive parts of keyboard, control center) but it just looks tacky with Siri and NC, imo. I would have preferred a lighter, Google Now style background for those full screen elements.

Also not liking the safari icon or what they've shown of game center. I hope they can iterate on that a few more times before launch.
are any of the icons 'live' (clock, calendar?)

that would seem like it would need to be an API thing for apps but maybe its only for like 3 apple ones..

also I'm always amazed at how people can think some android custom homescreens look good (see the old android homescreen thread)... this sort of reminds me of that
The clock is, nothing else (apart from the calendar).

Thankfully it seems like it was really rushed, so I expect a lot of changes.


So ugly with a brigth wallpaper yet it's nice with a more dark one.


Anyway, nice to see they borrowed the quicksettings from android, one of the best things from android phones.

Waiting for the beta to drop for ipads.


AirDrop being restricted to the iPhone 5 and up (and newer iPads) is on the same level of frustration as no turn-by-turn for iPhone 4 - my fiance has an iPhone 4 and when they initially discussed the AirDrop functionality, I was excited to be able to make use of it, but it was not to be, at least until she upgrades in the future. I'm used to Apple arbitrarily holding back functionality, but I never lost sleep over lack of Siri or Panoramas. This was a bigger impact, and one that can't easily be gotten around by using turn-by-turn in Google Maps. The ability to share management of a single PhotoStream was a happy get, at least.

It's frustrating for me too, because I have a 4S, but it has to do with a WiFi mode supported by the 5's chipset. This isn't some arbitrary Apple "you can't have it" thing.
im not sure what im more excited about, mavericks or iOS7. finder tabs and especially multi-displays are a godsend. GODSEND.

IOS 7 looks alright. Nobody was expecting a ton of functional changes so have idea why people are complaining.

i dont think anyone will complain about the new features. its some of the weird aesthetic choices thats annoying people, and rightfully so.


Neo Member
It's frustrating for me too, because I have a 4S, but it has to do with a WiFi mode supported by the 5's chipset. This isn't some arbitrary Apple "you can't have it" thing.
Fair enough, though I'd be interested in a more expanded explanation on the WiFi mode that the 4 and 4S are lacking. The iPad 2 came out before the 4S, and it's supported - wonder why it has the necessary components? (I understand more in the case of the mini, iPad 3-4, and iPod touch 5G, considering they all released later).
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