There's a lot of stuff I like about the new look.
But there's also a lot of stuff I don't. I don't like the font, which is too thin and wispy. I don't like the emphasis on white. I hate most of the new icons. Steve Jobs wouldn't have signed off on a lot of this stuff, and I think that's a good and a bad thing; SBSettings is kneecapped by Command Center (yay!), but Command Center looks like a busy mess.
No more green felt! Yay! But even stuff like Messages now looks very very flat! Boo!
Safari in particular looks terrible to me, that URL bar, man I dunno.
Most of the new features for iOS7 look excellent, especially iTunes Radio. $24.99 for unlimited no ads and iTunes Match beats the hell out of $10/month for R-dio or whatever.
Agree on all counts. Some of the icon design looks unbelievably bad though, and there's something off about the look of Command Center.
Getting rid of the green felt was a good call, but what's with the glossy, realistic bubbles that have nothing to do with anything? Doesn't really seem like an all around improvement.
I really like the function of the new design, and the added features look incredible, but from a purely visual standpoint, I'm not really sure, but I never hated skeuomorphism as much as everyone else.
Gruber seems to think that this interface feels more like hardware: solid, not just pixels on a screen. I actually feel the opposite from what I've seen (beta is still downloading), something about the iOSs 1-6 feels more solid, and this feels flimsy and redesigned for the sake of redesign.
I think overall it will be an unquestionable improvement, but I'm not wholly onboard with the look and feel, maybe it will improve over the beta period, or I'll just come around on it.
Mavericks looks excellent though, and I REALLY like the look of the Mac Pro (dat website)