You identify beacons using a combination of three values:
The proximityUUID property contains the identifier that you use to identify your companys beacons. You typically generate only one UUID for your companys beacons but can generate more as needed. You generate this value using the uuidgen command-line tool.
The major property contains a value that can be used to group related sets of beacons. For example, a department store might assign the same major value for all of the beacons on the same floor.
The minor property specifies the individual beacon within a group. For example, for a group of beacons on the same floor of a department store, this value might be assigned to a beacon in a particular section.
You program the identity values into the beacon hardware itself using the tools provided by the beacon manufacturer. In your app, you then use those values to identify which beacon was found and respond appropriately.
A Boolean indicating whether beacon notifications are sent when the devices display is on.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL notifyEntryStateOnDisplay;
When set to YES, the location manager sends beacon notifications when the user turns on the display and the device is already inside the region. These notifications are sent even if your app is not running. In that situation, the system launches your app into the background so that it can handle the notifications.
If this property is set to NO, beacon notifications are sent only while your app is running.
The relative distance to the beacon. (read-only)
@property (readonly, nonatomic) CLProximity proximity;
The value in this property gives a general sense of the relative distance to the beacon. Use it to quickly identify beacons that are nearer to the user rather than farther away.