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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing

So, I bought one of the new Airport Extremes to replace a very old third gen model. I was hoping for a drastic increase in range on my 802.11n devices.

Unfortunately, I am going to return it to the Apple Store this week. The range, honestly, seems to be about the same. I'm beyond disappointed.

I think I will go back to my old model for now, and try the Second gen Asus router when it comes out.

Two years or so ago, they drastically increased the power output and added an additional pair of antennas to the AirPort Extreme which made huge gains in it's range and made the 5GHz band actually useful. If you've upgraded from a model from before then to an ac, unless the ac has been nerfed somehow, you should have much better range, or you're being unrealistic as to what kind of range you're going to get. If you're going through two floors and a bunch of walls or something, yeah, the signal is going to be weaker.

It's the ac specification, which requires both an ac router AND an ac device, that can be tailored to route signals around obstructions like walls, floors, and ceilings.


...hate me...
Speaking again of the Extreme/Time Capsule, I'm kinda bummed that it lost the Kensington Lock (which has been a trend in more recent Apple products, unfortunately).


I want to get one of these, but. How do I keep it safe in a semi-public environment? It's a €/$300 piece of equipment.


Speaking again of the Extreme/Time Capsule, I'm kinda bummed that it lost the Kensington Lock (which has been a trend in more recent Apple products, unfortunately).


I want to get one of these, but. How do I keep it safe in a semi-public environment? It's a €/$300 piece of equipment.

Could some tell me why i should buy a super expensive router? You can get the best Asus router for much cheaper. This is a serieus question. Are there some "magical" apple features?


...hate me...
Could some tell me why i should buy a super expensive router? You can get the best Asus router for much cheaper. This is a serieus question. Are there some "magical" apple features?
The router itself costs $200, which I don't find absurd for a bleeding-edge wireless device, with 802.11ac, beamforming, all gigabit ports, crazy range and other advanced functionality. $300 gets you the Time Capsule version, with a 2TB HDD inside, which comes super-handy if it's serving a Mac-dominated environment.

But I do wish these could backup iOS devices as well. Bummer.


Could some tell me why i should buy a super expensive router? You can get the best Asus router for much cheaper. This is a serieus question. Are there some "magical" apple features?

As a guy who has worked network admin jobs, Apple's routers are by far the simplest and most reliable routers on the market. Never had one issue with either my Time Capsule or AirPort Extreme over years, compared to constant issues with routers from other companies. Never had to reset my Apple routers once
Could some tell me why i should buy a super expensive router? You can get the best Asus router for much cheaper. This is a serieus question. Are there some "magical" apple features?

The best Asus router has the same MSRP as the AirPort Extreme: $199.

The $299 one has a HDD inside for backups.
As a guy who has worked network admin jobs, Apple's routers are by far the simplest and most reliable routers on the market. Never had one issue with either my Time Capsule or AirPort Extreme over years, compared to constant issues with routers from other companies. Never had to reset my Apple routers once

Pretty much. I miss some of the advanced stuff I was able to do with a router running dd-wrt and Tomato, but I haven't needed to even think about resetting my router for the past few years.

The only thing I wanted from a new Airport Extreme was USB 3, which they didn't deliver. The one place where I'm happy to use an external hard drive regularly is tethering it to my router, but USB 2 is a no.


listen to the mad man
Could some tell me why i should buy a super expensive router? You can get the best Asus router for much cheaper. This is a serieus question. Are there some "magical" apple features?

The consensus best router pick right now is the Asus RT-N66U or the Asus RT-AC66U if you want AC compatibility. The Extreme is considered to be a high end router (very stable, high quality), but doesn't generally compete on performance-for-price with other high end consumer routers. For consumers who don't know anything about anything, it's a good brand to point them to, though. Better than some off the shelf D-Link.


Could some tell me why i should buy a super expensive router? You can get the best Asus router for much cheaper. This is a serieus question. Are there some "magical" apple features?

Back to Mac — (Supported Routers)
Time Machine

But even Macworld admits that the Asus routers are probably a better buy than the Apple routers — Review: Apple's AirPort Extreme is a safe choice (April 2013)

Macworld said:
As a Mac user, why would you ever consider buying a high-end router other than Apple’s AirPort Extreme? Easy, because some non-Apple-specific routers cost less, offer more features, and deliver better performance. When I pitted the AirPort Extreme against the highly rated Asus RT-N66U, the Asus boxed its ears on most of the benchmarks I ran.

But benchmark performance isn’t everything; you’ll also want to consider the experience of installing and using a non-Apple device. Apple’s “think different” concept isn’t just advertising copy. So in addition to performance, I’ll also discuss the feature sets offered on each router.


Which router should a Mac user buy?

In addition to the differences in features between Apple and non-Apple routers, you should consider the prospect of dealing with two tech-support resources should you run into a problem. All too often, one company will blame problems you might on the other’s equipment. There’s also the fact that many non-Apple routers don’t work with Apple’s Time Machine backup service, even though every high-end router has at least one USB port to support an external hard drive these days.

In terms of performance, I’d pick the Asus RT-N66U all day long. It delivers substantially higher performance on the 2.4GHz frequency band, much better range on both the 2.4- and 5GHz frequency bands, it offers a number of features the AirPort Extreme does not, and it’s street-priced $10 less than the AirPort Extreme.

The absence of Time Machine support doesn't bother me, because I don't rely on router-attached storage. I use a dedicated NAS box, because it delivers much higher performance, several times more capacity, and even more features. But if you intend to make use of a hard drive plugged into your router’s USB port, or if you want Time Machine support, be sure to pick a router that supports it. As I mentioned earlier, there are non-Apple routers delivering those features today, and Asus plans to offer it with the RT-N66U in the near future.

No one will laugh at you if you decide to stick with Apple for your networking needs, but you won’t kick yourself for buying a non-Apple router, either.


Could some tell me why i should buy a super expensive router? You can get the best Asus router for much cheaper. This is a serieus question. Are there some "magical" apple features?
My Time Capsule is the only router I've had that hasn't had to be restarted regularly. In fact, in the 3+ years I've had it, the only times it's been restarted have been for firmware updates.

Mobius 1

Could some tell me why i should buy a super expensive router? You can get the best Asus router for much cheaper. This is a serieus question. Are there some "magical" apple features?

I've had an Airport Extreme for 3 years, and it never, ever froze, hang, or hiccuped on me.

I can't speak for the newer models, but my experience has been absolutely flawless.


...hate me...
Back to Mac — (Supported Routers)
Time Machine

But even Macworld admits that the Asus routers are probably a better buy than the Apple routers — Review: Apple's AirPort Extreme is a safe choice (April 2013)
That isn't considering the new one. While looking odd, being tall should mitigate the whole internal antenna thing. It's basically a big antenna by itself.

But anyway, can anyone help me? I don't want it for home usage, but for work, where we have really really bad wireless. And we have costumers that demand better. And yes, safety is a concern.


So we still haven't seen or really even heard anything about the iPad versions of iOS 7, have we?

Anybody else holding out hope that the delays are partly due to some attempt to further differentiate it from the iPhone/iPod version of iOS 7?
It's only been 7 months since software design was put under Ive's domain. There are 3 months until September.


That isn't considering the new one. While looking odd, being tall should mitigate the whole internal antenna thing. It's basically a big antenna by itself.

Pfft, Asus will just add a fourth antenna :p. As always, wait for reviews and benchmarks.

But anyway, can anyone help me? I don't want it for home usage, but for work, where we have really really bad wireless. And we have costumers that demand better. And yes, safety is a concern.
Put it behind a locked glass cabinet?


...hate me...
Pfft, Asus will just add a fourth antenna :p. As always wait for reviews and benchmarks.


Put it behind a locked glass cabinet?
Ha, well I don't mean it will be better than the Asus one, but it should help it not to have a so noticeable shorter range.

It still has a lot less flexible design that the Asus, where you can point the antennas anywhere so they're always vertical no matter what position you put it in, you can wall mount it etc.

But as our company is dominated by Apple devices, down to a Mac mini serving a Filemaker database for management, the other perks that come with the Extreme or Time Capsule make up for it.

Glass/acrylic cabinet... hmm not sure if very feasible but I'll look into it.


formerly cjelly
Holy shit the 10.9 notification centre is 100% linen free. It looks so... plain.

Side-mounted dock has some weird Aero-esque filter on it, too.


How likely do you think it will be that there'll be Retina Thunderbolt 2 Displays announced with the Mac Pro?

Somewhat likely. Considering how they pushed "this can run 4K displays" and the talk about how you could expand it greatly via Thunderbolt, to me it would be odd if they didn't offer a TB expansion chassis and high-rez displays to match when it comes out. I understand Apple doesn't want to step on peoples toes regarding Thunderbolt but especially for the new Pro I want something sleek to stack under it like the Mini, and that cries out for at least one first-party option.

I really, *really* hope that Ive doesn't have the power to flatten OS X in the next release. I don't want my OS to look like Windows 8 and Vista had a baby; get rid of the leather if you want, but don't remove my gradients and my gel buttons. (Although I guess bringing back more color would be good.)

EDIT: Just noticed they seemed to increase the size of the actual window buttons back to the classic size. Thank god. I wasn't sure what the point of making the buttons smaller than their actual targets was. Anyone with the preview tell me if they are recessed like 10.5-10.8 or popped out like 10.3 and earlier? Can't tell from the screenshots.



My biggest issue with iOS 7 is the new omnibar in Safari. Because it handles both URLs and searching the keyboard makes the space bar tiny and adds a .com button next to it. It's going to take a lot of getting used to before I stop pressing .com in place of a space when trying to search.

Guess Who

EDIT: Just noticed they seemed to increase the size of the actual window buttons back to the classic size. Thank god. I wasn't sure what the point of making the buttons smaller than their actual targets was. Anyone with the preview tell me if they are recessed like 10.5-10.8 or popped out like 10.3 and earlier? Can't tell from the screenshots.

Hate to break it to you bro, but the window controls are totally unchanged from 10.7/10.8.


so this is where the apple fans hang out mostly? here is a question for you:
I have a $50 apple store gift card. What is there to buy? The only product I own that I use is my iPhone 4s. I don't think I want ear pods. I can buy half of an Apple TV but I see no purpose in owning one(half of it is a joke, I can easily pay for the other half lol). I've considered buying a $50 iTunes card with it but I don't know if there are $50 worth of apps I want/need.

on a completely different note, is there a way to stop safari from refreshing every time i go back to it in iOS 7?
so this is where the apple fans hang out mostly? here is a question for you:
I have a $50 apple store gift card. What is there to buy? The only product I own that I use is my iPhone 4s. I don't think I want ear pods. I can buy half of an Apple TV but I see no purpose in owning one(half of it is a joke, I can easily pay for the other half lol). I've considered buying a $50 iTunes card with it but I don't know if there are $50 worth of apps I want/need.

on a completely different note, is there a way to stop safari from refreshing every time i go back to it in iOS 7?

If you don't mind paying the extra $50 and have other iDevices or Macs then I'd recommend getting an Apple TV. Airplay for iOS devices and OS X 10.9 is nice.
Could some tell me why i should buy a super expensive router? You can get the best Asus router for much cheaper. This is a serieus question. Are there some "magical" apple features?

Like some have already quoted, the best ASUS router is the same price (or even slightly more expensive). The time capsules are great if you have Macs you need to back up. Saved my ass several times. The magical Apple features are that it works really well, never crashes, and gives excellent performance.

As a guy who has worked network admin jobs, Apple's routers are by far the simplest and most reliable routers on the market. Never had one issue with either my Time Capsule or AirPort Extreme over years, compared to constant issues with routers from other companies. Never had to reset my Apple routers once

I haven't worked network admin jobs, but I have done plenty of lab work and the Airports always made my life easier. ASUS routers are just as good though (and were even better than the previous generation Airport Extremes).

The consensus best router pick right now is the Asus RT-N66U or the Asus RT-AC66U if you want AC compatibility. The Extreme is considered to be a high end router (very stable, high quality), but doesn't generally compete on performance-for-price with other high end consumer routers. For consumers who don't know anything about anything, it's a good brand to point them to, though. Better than some off the shelf D-Link.

The two routers Stump talked about are great at going through walls too. My buddy had an Airport, but had a lot of concrete in his house (Florida building codes, don't ask) and he had a bad signal on the other side of the house. Got the RT-N66U and it cleared up the problem. However, I've heard the new airport does the same in preliminary tests, now that they have better antennas.
Hi guys. I just signed up for an iOS developer's account right after the iOS 7 announcement, and I was wondering, what is the best way to get started on iOS app development? Naturally, I would want to try making an iPhone only app at first to get aquatinted with the tools. Are there any good tutorials out there? I downloaded the XCode 5 beta as well.

And just out of curiosity: Is porting from iPhone to iPad "simple", or would you have to make an entirely separate build for the iPad app?
Hi guys. I just signed up for an iOS developer's account right after the iOS 7 announcement, and I was wondering, what is the best way to get started on iOS app development? Naturally, I would want to try making an iPhone only app at first to get aquatinted with the tools. Are there any good tutorials out there? I downloaded the XCode 5 beta as well.

And just out of curiosity: Is porting from iPhone to iPad "simple", or would you have to make an entirely separate build for the iPad app?


These should be available inside Xcode

and no it shouldn't require a different build iirc.

Also this:


but there should be one for iOS 7 coming around it's release, but a lot of the fundamentals from that book shouldn't necessarily change too much.

also objective-c by steve kochnan(?) is a good start if you feel like buying a book and haven't programmed in objective-c yet.
Hi guys. I just signed up for an iOS developer's account right after the iOS 7 announcement, and I was wondering, what is the best way to get started on iOS app development? Naturally, I would want to try making an iPhone only app at first to get aquatinted with the tools. Are there any good tutorials out there? I downloaded the XCode 5 beta as well.

And just out of curiosity: Is porting from iPhone to iPad "simple", or would you have to make an entirely separate build for the iPad app?
The Big Nerd Ranch books are great if you're just getting started.


on a completely different note, is there a way to stop safari from refreshing every time i go back to it in iOS 7?

My iphone5 hardly ever refreshes, so I can only assume it's a RAM thing. iPhone 5 has 1GB. Iphone4s has 512MB, I believe.

Edit: oh ios7, never mind then. Maybe it still stands. I imagine ios7 has a greater overhead than ever before.
Hi guys. I just signed up for an iOS developer's account right after the iOS 7 announcement, and I was wondering, what is the best way to get started on iOS app development? Naturally, I would want to try making an iPhone only app at first to get aquatinted with the tools. Are there any good tutorials out there? I downloaded the XCode 5 beta as well.

And just out of curiosity: Is porting from iPhone to iPad "simple", or would you have to make an entirely separate build for the iPad app?

iTunes U has a Stanford course that covers iOS 6 but you should definitely watch those lectures. Makes a HUGE difference.


My iphone5 hardly ever refreshes, so I can only assume it's a RAM thing. iPhone 5 has 1GB. Iphone4s has 512MB, I believe.

Edit: oh ios7, never mind then. Maybe it still stands. I imagine ios7 has a greater overhead than ever before.

well i can switch apps for two seconds and then safari needs to reload the webpage. very annoying because i lose the spot where i was reading when i have to answer a text

hm definitely interested now. now i need to decide if i should wait for a hardware refresh


Hi guys. I just signed up for an iOS developer's account right after the iOS 7 announcement, and I was wondering, what is the best way to get started on iOS app development? Naturally, I would want to try making an iPhone only app at first to get aquatinted with the tools. Are there any good tutorials out there? I downloaded the XCode 5 beta as well.

And just out of curiosity: Is porting from iPhone to iPad "simple", or would you have to make an entirely separate build for the iPad app?

watch these: they are incredible -- https://itunes.apple.com/ca/itunes-u/ipad-iphone-application-development/id473757255

edit: I used these for job training about 1.5 years ago and I've been a full time app developer for 1 year.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
So I was browsing around Philly in the new maps app and somehow ran into this:

...I just checked on my friends phone and the Gayborhood doesn't show on his phone.

What the hell?! :lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν

The Real Abed

I just tried to find Gayborhood in the Google Maps app to see if it was there too and it made me realize just how much nicer Apple's app actually is now. I couldn't read Googles at all with satellite underlay on. Apple's fonts are so much clearer and bigger and easier to read.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Has anyone done a comparison between iCloud Keychain and 1Password? 1 adore 1Password, but a native solution is tempting.
I forgot to check this out and just played around with this...i was able to set up my iCloud keychain...but can't figure out how to generate passwords or save them.

Will have to check it out later. I know they went over it at the keynote.
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