"Open in background" has been replaced with "Open in new window" in Safari and I fucking hate it. I hope to God that it's just a beta thing and they put it back by the time it goes public.
So many people have never visited the Safari settings page.iOS6 safari does not have open in background. Maybe you are confusing it with another browser? One of my peeves about safari actually.
Go into your Safari settings and change Open Links to "In Background" rather than "In New Page" then..
Fucking NO.
He was SVP of iOS and left almost 1 year ago. And that is the new version of OS X.Is this Forstalls "One last thing"?
That would be great. Let's hope so.Which I believe has been fixed I believe.
I believe.
There is no beta for iPad yet.I was going to try and beg for a a beta to use on my iPad 4. I guess I should wait on that?
Go into your Safari settings and change Open Links to "In Background" rather than "In New Page" then..
Oh wow, immediately turning that one off.So I was wondering how my phone knew I was heading towards work without me doing anything (a notice popped up on the lockscreen which gave me estimated travel time to <work location>).
Turns out there's this now, under Location Services:
Pretty nice. Looking at my location history, it's mapped out where my home and my work locations are.
Yes, but it's giving me the definition in Japanese. I also can't seem to find a way close the dictionary.Those on iOS 7, can you highlight this and press define (if it exists):
Thanks, I guess the dictionary feature is not up to speed. They showed that they had a Chinese-English dictionary added, and that was what I was looking for.Yes, but it's giving me the definition in Japanese. I also can't seem to find a way close the dictionary.
Edit: This is what I'm seeing. I had to clear Safari out of multitasking to close it.
Kind of upset over no quick reply feature for messaging... Why is it so difficult to make one? It's fucking 2013 already.
Same. This will be awesome when it works, though! Providing it does translate.Yes, but it's giving me the definition in Japanese. I also can't seem to find a way close the dictionary.
Edit: This is what I'm seeing. I had to clear Safari out of multitasking to close it.
Fucking NO.
Nice until somebody steals your phone and knows where you work, live and frequent.Pretty nice. Looking at my location history, it's mapped out where my home and my work locations are.
Use a passcode, turn on Activation Lock, and don't worry about it?Nice until somebody steals your phone and knows where you work, live and frequent.
That's why you set a lock code, use Activation Lock to wipe your phone, and why the next iPhone will have a fingerprint sensor.Nice until somebody steals your phone and knows where you work, live and frequent.
what do you mean by this? if you go into the autocorrect settings, you can make custom auto-corrects. i have it so that when i type "zzz" into a message, it auto-corrects it to "hey, what's up?"
Trying to figure out iCloud Keychains. I have everything set up (on Mac 10.9 & iOS 7).. Do I simply add my passwords into the Password Tab in Safari? Or is there something else I need to do?
i kinda like this. its charming.
i think it looks better than the iOS new app downloads with that blue sash thing on the icons.
By far the worst change is the Safari unified search bar. Not because it is unified, that makes sense, but because it is now a search and URL bar, the keyboard pop-up changed and it is AWFUL.
The fact the space bar is so small is terrible, consistantly hitting the ".com" button by mistake.
If you turn off "diction" or the "siri" option, the space bar will be longer.
If you turn off "diction" or the "siri" option, the space bar will be longer.
what do you mean by this? if you go into the autocorrect settings, you can make custom auto-corrects. i have it so that when i type "zzz" into a message, it auto-corrects it to "hey, what's up?"
He means being able to reply to a text without leaving the app you're currently in.
By far the worst change is the Safari unified search bar. Not because it is unified, that makes sense, but because it is now a search and URL bar, the keyboard pop-up changed and it is AWFUL.
The fact the space bar is so small is terrible, consistantly hitting the ".com" button by mistake.
[quote="NYR, post: 64077116"]But I actually use those features. :([/QUOTE]
Check if this tip still works in iOS 7:
[URL="http://www.idownloadblog.com/2011/10/29/dictation-key-is-space-bar/"]Siri Dictation Key Actually Doubles as a Space Bar[/URL] [QUOTE=iDownloadBlog]the dictation key changes to the same color as the spacebar. Why? Its because Apple wants to make sure that people are aware that the dictation key actually doubles as a spacebar extension. A double press of the Siri key on the keyboard inserts a space within text just like the spacebar does.[/QUOTE]
[U]More iOS 7 design commentary[/U]
On The Verge: [URL="http://www.theverge.com/2013/6/15/4431254/on-the-verge-khoi-vinh-apple-ios-7-the-guardian-nsa-prism"]Khoi Vinh talks iOS 7, The Guardian's Spencer Ackerman talks PRISM[/URL] | Khoi Vinh, Josh Topolslky
Subtraction.com: [URL="http://www.subtraction.com/2013/06/14/requiem-for-a-back-button"]Requiem for a Back Button[/URL] | Khoi Vinh
Wired: [URL="http://www.wired.com/opinion/2013/06/the-future-of-design-is-more-than-making-apple-ios-flat/"]The Future of Design Is More Than Making Apple iOS Flat[/URL] | John Maeda
I'd take Madea more seriously if his analysis took into account that flat design started with Metro UI... I'm really disappointed with a lot of the commentary on iOS 7 so far; a lot of it seems mired in minutiae of iOS 6 skeumorphism versus iOS 7 flatness (or depth) instead of a proper acknowledgement that flatness is finally the new paradigm and critiquing the different approaches of Microsoft, Google, Blackberry and, now, Apple. I do agree with Madea on one thing though:
[QUOTE]What we need now is to move [U]beyond[/U] the superficial conversation about styles and incremental adjustments to boldly invent the next frontier of interface design.[/QUOTE]
Apple has brought flatness/metro/modern design to the mainstream and it's time for the design hipsters to move before they drown. What's [URL="http://worrydream.com/ABriefRantOnTheFutureOfInteractionDesign/"]next[/URL]?
It's been a really fun week for a tech enthusiastic. I'll be selling my iPhone 5 and checking back in the Fall.
I lost all my save passwords on my iPhone with the update. I guess they wanted a fresh start? You have to turn on keychain via iCloud in settings.
I'm too lazy to try it out now, but if you turn off all international and alternative keyboards, does the international button disappear as well?
That's a pretty esoteric request.Still pathetic that for iTunes Match users we have to exit the music and and enter the settings/music setting every damn time to toggle on/off show all music in the cloud
Seriously, no excuse for this oversight for this long
By far the worst change is the Safari unified search bar. Not because it is unified, that makes sense, but because it is now a search and URL bar, the keyboard pop-up changed and it is AWFUL.
The fact the space bar is so small is terrible, consistantly hitting the ".com" button by mistake.
I have worse things to worry about than a thief seeing a smattering of unnamed random locations around the city in which the device was stolen in if my phone was indeed stolen. Maybe I should've been clearer thanI was and said that the locations that are remembered aren't named anything.Nice until somebody steals your phone and knows where you work, live and frequent.
Agreed. I have literally hit the ".com" button every time I've typed a search. It's pissing me off big time.
Broke and got me a new MBA. Just got the base model 11-inch since I'm just going to be using it as an "on the go" computer for light activity.
Actually thinking that this is going to replace my iPad now that iBooks is coming in Mavericks...we'll see.
It fits in my damn iPad bag which is crazy as balls. Only JUST fits, but it fits.
So far so good, my first Air.
The small screen size will take a little getting used to with a full OS experience, but hopefully it won't take me too long to get there.
Yeah, this is literally me right now.I've ordered a new air too, and have been thinking that it may as well be replacing my iPad.
I think PC + MBA + iPhone + iPad might be overkill.