By far the worst change is the Safari unified search bar. Not because it is unified, that makes sense, but because it is now a search and URL bar, the keyboard pop-up changed and it is AWFUL.
The fact the space bar is so small is terrible, consistantly hitting the ".com" button by mistake.
Yeah, this is literally me right now.
PC for gaming
MBA for mobile computing/home office work
iPhone for everything
iPad for...reading?
Broke and got me a new MBA. Just got the base model 11-inch since I'm just going to be using it as an "on the go" computer for light activity.
Actually thinking that this is going to replace my iPad now that iBooks is coming in Mavericks...we'll see.
It fits in my damn iPad bag which is crazy as balls. Only JUST fits, but it fits.
So far so good, my first Air.
The small screen size will take a little getting used to with a full OS experience, but hopefully it won't take me too long to get there.
what do you mean by this? if you go into the autocorrect settings, you can make custom auto-corrects. i have it so that when i type "zzz" into a message, it auto-corrects it to "hey, what's up?"
By far the worst change is the Safari unified search bar. Not because it is unified, that makes sense, but because it is now a search and URL bar, the keyboard pop-up changed and it is AWFUL.
The fact the space bar is so small is terrible, consistantly hitting the ".com" button by mistake.
I'd suggest hopping in your TARDIS and popping back and reminding yourself, but you'd be crossing your own timestream.I installed the Mavericks Developers Version. Is there anyway to revert back? I stupidly forgot to make a backup before hand. Do I have to reformat and reinstall ML?
Worst problem with this beta is that bunch of apps just stopped working. Big name apps even like ebay, google+, Skype, and I'm seeing crashes a lot on Flipboard, and even in Safari every once in a while while copy/pasting text when I'm posting on mobile gaf. It seems like everything that needs some kind of login authentication just crashes.
Also, unified search bar/space/.com keyboard thing is really annoying. They should just remove the stupid .com button altogether. Tons of sites are not .com anyway so it's often fastest to just type site name, have it listed on google, and click the first link.
Worst problem with this beta is that bunch of apps just stopped working. Big name apps even like ebay, google+, Skype, and I'm seeing crashes a lot on Flipboard, and even in Safari every once in a while while copy/pasting text when I'm posting on mobile gaf. It seems like everything that needs some kind of login authentication just crashes.
Also, unified search bar/space/.com keyboard thing is really annoying. They should just remove the stupid .com button altogether. Tons of sites are not .com anyway so it's often fastest to just type site name, have it listed on google, and click the first link.
Well, if you hold it, .net, .org, etc. all show up.Also, unified search bar/space/.com keyboard thing is really annoying. They should just remove the stupid .com button altogether. Tons of sites are not .com anyway so it's often fastest to just type site name, have it listed on google, and click the first link.
Mind blown.Hold the .com button and it gives other extensions. It's a lot quicker.
By habit I just type the address sometimes even with .com (before unified) and go to google, because it essentially corrects for typos.[/B]
Hold the .com button and it gives other extensions. It's a lot quicker.
I actually knew that, but it doesn't have (for me at least, it has some other ones probably due to multi-language keyboard). Still, I think selection from that is not really faster than just going the google route, especially when compounded with the number of mistakes it creates due to making space bar so small. Space is *really* small if you have the multi-lingual keyboard support enables, as it adds another icon that switches keyboards and that makes space smaller. I'd definitely disable that .com button altogether if I had the option.Well, if you hold it, .net, .org, etc. all show up.
How the hell did I not know this considering I knew to hold other buttons for accent marks, etc?!Hold the .com button and it gives other extensions. It's a lot quicker.
That's also literally my situation. Might think about giving the iPad up.
I'm the exact same, except I sold my iPad to fund my new MBA. I dont use iBooks, but Kindle has been available for Mac OSX forever and I absolutely love my new MBA. With 8gb of ram, I get no slow down, and plays WoW and the Steam games I care about.
Tho I still have my PC if I want to really game.
By far the worst change is the Safari unified search bar. Not because it is unified, that makes sense, but because it is now a search and URL bar, the keyboard pop-up changed and it is AWFUL.
The fact the space bar is so small is terrible, consistantly hitting the ".com" button by mistake.
Use a passcode, turn on Activation Lock, and don't worry about it?
I need some help...
I tried reverting back to a previous backup but it didn't restore my apps. I wouldn't mind downloading my apps but there was a SideCar Drive app that's no available on the store (I had to get it from someone) and I'm trying to figure out how to get it back
Do you have a backup of the app on iTunes? That's probably the only way.
No I don't see it. I know it wasn't downloaded on the App Store...I think he put it on the browser and it downloaded on the phone
Is the podcast app completely busted for anyone else. Crashes every single time on my friend's iPhone 5.
Hey, Apple. In Mavericks, can we please get an option to keep the menubar visible on screen in fullscreen mode so it doesn't keep sliding down when I'm trying to close a tab and getting in my way? I've accidentally exited FS mode so many times because that damn blue button slid under my mouse unwantedly. If we had an option to keep the menubar visible and shift the window top down a bit it would prevent this from happening and eliminate any wait time for the menubar to appear when you actually need it. Maybe make it also available as an option to app developers that can let the user choose whether to hide it or not like in apps that are virtual windows to other machines like Parallels or Screen Sharing. (Obviously I wouldn't want my Mac menubar showing up while I'm running Windows. But when I'm in Sublime Text or Chrome I don't want the damn thing showing up unwantedly when I'm just trying to select a tab and I accidentally go too far.)
Alternatively, add a delay to it or make it only show up when you double-bump like how you get the Dock to show up. (i.e. mouse to the bottom of the screen, then keep going.)
That too. I have to use a Clock toolbar extension in Chrome in order to see the time. I doubt they'll do this though and that sucks. I'd settle for a third party hack that A) forces the menubar to never hide and B) tricks the app into thinking the screen is 22 pixels less tall than it is so it ends up nesting itself right under the menubar. Would be so much better. Even a delay would suffice. Actually Screen Sharing has a delay I believe. It'll take a few seconds to show the menubar when SS is in fullscreen. No other apps have this delay so I don't know if it's intentional or a bug. But it works. Put in a delay of a half second or more so it doesn't just appear immediately when we make a mistake.Yes please.
Any of those solutions, be it permanent, or a double bump or delayed or an option would be better.
I mostly just want to see a clock on my full screen
But yeah that annoying bouncing around is really distracting sometimes.
How often do these betas get updated, cause I'm kinda...I've made a huge mistake.
How often do these betas get updated, cause I'm kinda...I've made a huge mistake.
Easy solution to the small space bar: get rid of your emoticon keyboard.
Easy solution to the small space bar: get rid of your emoticon keyboard.
So I'm guessing you guys also don't know you can hold the comma button and get an apostrophe on the iPad.
Mind blown #2.My favorite little trick like that is this: if you want the contraction version of a word, repeat the last letter. "Well" stays "well", but "welll" auto corrects to "we'll".
My favorite little trick like that is this: if you want the contraction version of a word, repeat the last letter. "Well" stays "well", but "welll" auto corrects to "we'll".
How do I download Safari 6.1 Beta? I wanted to check out the new features and, mostly, to see if the whole "reloading page when going back/forward" issue is gone.
Yes do a opt-click restore rather than an update. Otherwise you'll potentially brick the device.How do I install the .ipsw file onto my phone from iTunes? Do I hold down alt/option and click on Update?
And should I restore my jailbroken device before installing iOS 7?
Yes do a opt-click restore rather than an update. Otherwise you'll potentially brick the device.
So I shouldn't restore it to iOS 6 from my jailbreak but rather restore it to iOS 7 b1?