Interesting because I've had very few issues with the beta and have even seen a significant increase in my battery life.
These are some of the bugs I've been having, none of which are really a big deal (on iPhone 5)
- When sending a text message, "sending.." appears in the title pane, but doesn't disappear after sending, resulting in garbled text.
- The time is invisible (white text) when I use a panoramic picture with a light background on my lock screen. On a non panoramic background it seems to be able to calculate the right color to use for text better.
- When taking a video, sometimes it will be actually be recording but I can't see it, my screen is frozen on my last video/picture.
- The above seems to happen more when I take a video for a message. This also tends to crash the messages app.
- Sometimes I'll accidentally bring up the control center (or it just appears, I'm not sure), and it gets stuck on my screen, and sometimes it doesn't expand fully.
- On the phone app, in the contacts screen, the title pane is pushed down a few pixels and the pane with my contacts starts all the way at the top of the screen, behind the status bar. I've had similar issues with other apps, the problem goes away after quitting and restarting it.
- My phone has crashed, and restarted itself a few times