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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing


It didn't sound like you were aware of that, when you mention crashing, text rendering issues, sluggishness, and battery life (all of which are or could be related to early code).

But hey, it's whatever.

I did say in my original post "I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on those because it's very early" and "I'm sure things will change" - just making observations on my own experience with it so far. I certainly don't expect the release candidate to be as buggy of an experience as I'm having.

But it's not redundant.

I'd rather use one single app to edit all my contact data than having to go into each separate app. Plus there's data you can enter that apps don't normally use.

I don't see it as redundant at all.

Yeah they shouldn't get rid of it, I just want the ability to hide it (and any default app) completely because I have never used it once. I have a whole folder of unused Apple apps: Stocks, iTunes store, videos, passbook, contacts, game center.


^I think you mean beta, not release candidate, if it was an RC, you'd have every right to be concerned as to its current state.

As to people complaining about Contacts, it is to make the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/OS X experience more consistent, a few years ago, back when iOS on iPhone had no Contacts.app, people complained about that. Now that folders can have multiple pages, just hide it somewhere. The last page of a folder of the last page of the homescreen seems like a good place...


^I think you mean beta, not release candidate, if it was an RC, you'd have every right to be concerned as to its current state.

As to people complaining about Contacts, it is to make the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/OS X experience more consistent, a few years ago, back when iOS on iPhone had no Contacts.app, people complained about that. Now that folders can have multiple pages, just hide it somewhere. The last page of a folder of the last page of the homescreen seems like a good place...

No... I mean I don't expect the release candidate to be as buggy as the beta.


Hmmm... i think describing that as user account features is a bit of a stretch. Seems more like an advance form of managing backups.

Apple Configurator has done this for a while. Checkin/Checkout for individual users. Backs up their data, and restores it when next checked in.

It's not a user account feature.
I think it is more similar to accounts than backup, because it appears to just load personal data and leaves the underlying apps installed untouched. Backups take a lot longer since they assume a wipe and loading of an entire device backup.


formerly "chigiri"
I think it is more similar to accounts than backup, because it appears to just load personal data and leaves the underlying apps installed untouched. Backups take a lot longer since they assume a wipe and loading of an entire device backup.

Think of it as an enterprise version of iTunes where you can manage 20-30 devices all at once, set what apps/access/settings each should have and assign user profiles to them (eg device settings).

When in use, a device then functions based on what settings were laid out, once checked back in, that user's personal settings are ported over to the Apple Configurator database and the device is reset back to it's default-specified settings.

It's not a multi-user on the same device kinda thing.
Testing a custom panorama wallpaper, feature still super buggy


Alright seriously, how did you do this.

I have panoramas but I cant put them into the panorama folder. How did you get the image into a panorama folder so you can use it??


formerly "chigiri"
Alright seriously, how did you do this.

I have panoramas but I cant put them into the panorama folder. How did you get the image into a panorama folder so you can use it??

My phone auto-detects panoramas based on their resolution.
I initially thought it was meta data but I have photos with stripped meta and they still sort as panoramas.
Is it just me, or did the Mavericks Beta recover disk space? I could swear I had less than what I have now.

They're doing some novel stuff with compressing RAM which might explain that. Less need for swap, maybe smaller sleepimage. I haven't read enough about it to know for sure, but that's a possibility.
If you're having insane battery drain on iOS 7 it's likely a process gone wild. For me, itunesstored goes nuts whenever I do various things (playing music, installing apps I think). Open up instruments, choose "Activity Monitor" and then kill the process that's eating all of the CPU. You might have to do this every now and then when the process screws up again, but at least it will save you some battery until the next beta (hopefully next week).


formerly "chigiri"
If you're having insane battery drain on iOS 7 it's likely a process gone wild. For me, itunesstored goes nuts whenever I do various things (playing music, installing apps I think). Open up instruments, choose "Activity Monitor" and then kill the process that's eating all of the CPU. You might have to do this every now and then when the process screws up again, but at least it will save you some battery until the next beta (hopefully next week).

I started reading your post and I was "Ok I follow you" then it went off the rails and started sounding like you're talking OSX rather than iOS 7 and you lost me.
My phone auto-detects panoramas based on their resolution.
I initially thought it was meta data but I have photos with stripped meta and they still sort as panoramas.

I think your right.

I finally got it to work, I just needed the file to be very long. It didnt work until the width was above 3-4k for me


My phone auto-detects panoramas based on their resolution.
I initially thought it was meta data but I have photos with stripped meta and they still sort as panoramas.

Have you found the exact resolution to prevent this feature from bugging ?
Mine go up and down according to the tilt, leaving a black border.
I started reading your post and I was "Ok I follow you" then it went off the rails and started sounding like you're talking OSX rather than iOS 7 and you lost me.

It's a developer thing, so if you don't have Xcode 5 installed and your device set up for development I'm not sure you can use Instruments and everything. I only noticed because I'm working on some new stuff that targets iOS 7 and when I looked at Activity Monitor in Instruments it became clear what had been eating all of my battery.

So if you're comfy with Xcode and Instruments, this should look familiar (to launch Instruments, right click on Xcode 5 DP and "Open Developer Tool" and then Instruments, choosing the Activity Monitor template) : http://d.pr/i/JpS4

I just send a quit (I highlighted force quit in this screenshot, but there's no need to force quit) to the process and the battery issue clears up for a little while. itunesstored is used all over the place (basically any time you're dealing with the Music/App/Book/Movie store backends it will fire back up), so it's not something specifically in Music.app or anything that triggers it and can be avoided.


formerly "chigiri"
It's a developer thing, so if you don't have Xcode 5 installed and your device set up for development I'm not sure you can use Instruments and everything. I only noticed because I'm working on some new stuff that targets iOS 7 and when I looked at Activity Monitor in Instruments it became clear what had been eating all of my battery.

So if you're comfy with Xcode and Instruments, this should look familiar (to launch Instruments, right click on Xcode 5 DP and "Open Developer Tool" and then Instruments, choosing the Activity Monitor template) : http://d.pr/i/JpS4

I just send a quit (I highlighted force quit in this screenshot, but there's no need to force quit) to the process and the battery issue clears up for a little while. itunesstored is used all over the place (basically any time you're dealing with the Music/App/Book/Movie store backends it will fire back up), so it's not something specifically in Music.app or anything that triggers it and can be avoided.
Right yeah now I follow duh. Haven't looked at Xcode recently and have been out of any serious iOS dev for a while. Brain not in tune. :D


formerly "chigiri"
Have you found the exact resolution to prevent this feature from bugging ?
Mine go up and down according to the tilt, leaving a black border.
Have had that too with some photos I've tested as well. Haven't figured out a clear way of going around it yet. If I do I'll post it.

Sorry for the double post, mobile GAF fail.
Have you found the exact resolution to prevent this feature from bugging ?
Mine go up and down according to the tilt, leaving a black border.

I got it to work great, except my panorama looks awful on my lock screen because it changes the coloring/brightness when you make it a wallpaper.

Just make it 1138 tall, and I had mine work as long as they were about 3500px or longer.

The Real Abed

Parallels 8 was updated to allow for Mavericks installations and for running Parallels on Mavericks itself. I'm setting up a virtual machine to test it in now. You have to install a Mountain Lion VM first though which is easy as it just lets you do it from your machines already in place recovery partition.

As time goes on I'll probably install Mavericks on the second partition I have on my drive since apparently you can just install it freely and it doesn't create or ruin your recovery partition.

At the very least I can test out all my important programs and see which ones don't work before jumping all the way in. And until then I can work in the Mavericks VM/partition with my files shared on my main partition.

Edit: Okay. Hmm. It refuses to install onto the VM. Just gets stuck at the Apple logo. Maybe installing onto the second partition will work better..


My phone auto-detects panoramas based on their resolution.
I initially thought it was meta data but I have photos with stripped meta and they still sort as panoramas.

Can you link to the image? Thanks.

My phone has all the panoramas I took before iOS 7 in the Panoramas album but all the ones I took since then aren't showing up there, haha.

The Real Abed

Okay, got it installed on a separate partition on my internal drive. Really cool so far. Fast and stable as I've seen. Some of the new stuff is really nice. Haven't tested multiple displays yet.

But I like that I can finally put a Fullscreen app to the LEFT of the desktop space.

Tags are nice, but you can only use the 8 set colors they normally have. Hopefully by release we'll be able to use a color picker like we can in Calendar.

Speaking of Calendar, for some reason it no longer remembers its Fullscreen setting. Annoying. If I set an app to fullscreen, I want it to remember that! Chrome occasionally has a problem remembering too, but Calendar ignores it every time. -- Scratch that, all apps seem to forget their Fullscreen state when relaunching. Even Safari. Is this a hidden setting I need to find or an oversight? Hope to god they put it back by release.

Reminders still has the old look to it. And it no longer has a fullscreen button. Hope they put that back.

Notes kinda looks nice with the flat coloring. It's weird at first, but I dunno. I like it.

Contacts is back to normal. But more modernized than the version it was before it got turned into a book 2 years ago. Bravo.

Dashboard seems to continue updating even in the background. So if you have a clock or live Widget running you can see it actually updating. Previously it would go to sleep when you left it. Maybe they'll keep that. And I need to leave it running longer to test for sure. I'd always imagined creating a full screen sized clock/calendar type Widget that you could see in the little thumbnail when swiping into Mission Control. Would at least be beneficial to people who wish they had a clock visible in fullscreen.

The "Minimize into Application icon" option is still ignored. It still gives no status on the icon telling you there's windows minimized in there. And if I didn't have HyperDock to tell me there were windows minimized on hover it would be useless. I wish they'd enhance that. Put some dots or other visual cue that can tell the user there's windows down there.

Finder's new fullscreen and tabs and tags features are nice. I look forward to making it part of my workflow to have all my opened project folders in one window. You can open a folder in a new tab by right-clicking it. I wonder if there's a keyboard modifier for that... doesn't seem to be. -- Edit: Hmm, weird. If you have Finder windows open and windowed with tabs and such in them, OS X remembers them all when rebooting. But if you make one Fullscreen, it completely forgets it and discards it when rebooting. A small silly annoyance. Hopefully will be fixed by release.

The pinch gesture to show LaunchPad is now live. In that it begins the animation as you start pinching and you can do a half-pinch and have it half-shown. Unfortunately the same doesn't go for Mission Control which activates completely as soon as you start swiping up.

The removal of Linen really does make it feel nicer. Especially in LaunchPad with the transparent folders and the Desktop Picture that doesn't split anymore. As well as the Notifications Sidebar and the Login screen.

No sign of a so-called "iCloud folder" that someone mentioned in a review. Either it was a fluke or a misunderstanding or it'll be along in the final release but not in the previews. If it's true, it'll be pretty cool if we can put it in our Dock like a DropBox/Google Drive folder. Especially if it's integrated enough that opening it shows the amount of free space on your iCloud drive instead of your internal drive. Guess we'll see in time.

Can't wait to play with multiple displays. Gonna have me a second display that just has videos or status on it. Might even purchase AirDisplay for using my iPad. (I know there's a slight delay)

Still looking around, but I might just make it my primary machine. (Don't worry. I backup religiously so I could always revert very easily if something went terribly wrong.) For now I'll keep it as a separate partition until I'm sure nothing I require is broken.

I wonder, will future updates be downloaded inside Mavericks via Software Update or via Apple.com by downloading the app again? Hopefully the former will be an option.
The only thing I actually dislike about iOS 7 so far, to the point where it actively reduces my enjoyment of the phone, is Safari. Specifically, the keyboard for the unisearchbarthing. First off, I'm in the UK so I have ".co.uk" instead of ".com" as a button, which is fucking stupid because far more websites use .com. I can change that if I change the entire regional settings on my phone to American, which means I get typos when I correctly spell, say, armour, or favour. This upsets me.

Second, the space key is tiny, so you end up hitting the .co.uk/.com button all the time. Plus there's no "." so if you're manually typing an address in you have to switch the keyboard layout, and once you do it doesn't switch back after pressing a key like I'm sure it used to.

It's a living. Hell.

Other than that, I really like iOS 7, and using it the only issues I have is the animation speed needs to be at least 1.5x faster across the board. I like the look, I like the icons (I love the Safari icon, sorry), the usability of the thing is just so much better than it used to be. Only thing I would suggest is a home button press on the home screen bringing up your multitask icons, and the spotlight search coming down with the text in it highlighted, so when you type again you type over the last thing you searched for.

Anyone know where a non-dev plebian like myself can report stuff to Apple? Can I?


The Autumn Wind
The only thing I actually dislike about iOS 7 so far, to the point where it actively reduces my enjoyment of the phone, is Safari. Specifically, the keyboard for the unisearchbarthing. First off, I'm in the UK so I have ".co.uk" instead of ".com" as a button, which is fucking stupid because far more websites use .com. I can change that if I change the entire regional settings on my phone to American, which means I get typos when I correctly spell, say, armour, or favour. This upsets me.

Second, the space key is tiny, so you end up hitting the .co.uk/.com button all the time. Plus there's no "." so if you're manually typing an address in you have to switch the keyboard layout, and once you do it doesn't switch back after pressing a key like I'm sure it used to.

It's a living. Hell.

Other than that, I really like iOS 7, and using it the only issues I have is the animation speed needs to be at least 1.5x faster across the board. I like the look, I like the icons (I love the Safari icon, sorry), the usability of the thing is just so much better than it used to be. Only thing I would suggest is a home button press on the home screen bringing up your multitask icons, and the spotlight search coming down with the text in it highlighted, so when you type again you type over the last thing you searched for.

Anyone know where a non-dev plebian like myself can report stuff to Apple? Can I?
Does it give you the option of .com if you hold the button down?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Does it give you the option of .com if you hold the button down?
It does, but after releasing it, it will just still say .co.uk on the button for him, so the button will alway take the same amount of space, which is what the problem is, the .something button is large, so the space bar is too small.


Anyone know where a non-dev plebian like myself can report stuff to Apple? Can I?

Go to bugreport.apple.com and sign in with your Apple ID. If it doesn't let you, you may need to convert your Apple ID to a "deveoper" ID first, which is free, it gives you access to all the materials on developer.apple.com
These all will save and work as panoramas. Just need to be 1138 high and wide enough.

Here's the collection I have started, so just save one of these to try it out and get a panorama wallpaper.

56k warning

Loving this panorama mode.

The Real Abed

If you or anyone has the means to take a video of some of those in action, I'd love to see it. Mainly the Super Mario ones or the Wind Waker Outset Island one.


The only thing I actually dislike about iOS 7 so far, to the point where it actively reduces my enjoyment of the phone, is Safari. Specifically, the keyboard for the unisearchbarthing. First off, I'm in the UK so I have ".co.uk" instead of ".com" as a button, which is fucking stupid because far more websites use .com. I can change that if I change the entire regional settings on my phone to American, which means I get typos when I correctly spell, say, armour, or favour. This upsets me.
You don't need to change your entire regional settings, you can just change your keyboard. This has been the case for yonks.

They introduced a new Australian English language setting though, which I thought to be pointless since British English settings are fine. The dumb thing is it seems to be based off US English settings in the beta - using "Cellular" instead of "Mobile".
You don't need to change your entire regional settings, you can just change your keyboard. This has been the case for yonks.

They introduced a new Australian English language setting though, which I thought to be pointless since British English settings are fine. The dumb thing is it seems to be based off US English settings in the beta - using "Cellular" instead of "Mobile".

Changing the keyboard isn't enough. I had to change the regional settings. Changing the keyboard to just English didn't fix it. Unless I made a huge mistake along the way.


These all will save and work as panoramas. Just need to be 1138 high and wide enough.

Here's the collection I have started, so just save one of these to try it out and get a panorama wallpaper.

56k warning

Loving this panorama mode.

Freaking awesome, Thank you. Love the Pokemon one.


The only thing I actually dislike about iOS 7 so far, to the point where it actively reduces my enjoyment of the phone, is Safari. Specifically, the keyboard for the unisearchbarthing. First off, I'm in the UK so I have ".co.uk" instead of ".com" as a button, which is fucking stupid because far more websites use .com. I can change that if I change the entire regional settings on my phone to American, which means I get typos when I correctly spell, say, armour, or favour. This upsets me.

Anyone know where a non-dev plebian like myself can report stuff to Apple? Can I?

You can have a dev account without having to pay for it and submit a bug in radar.

I've reported that too, for what it's worth, because it bugs the shit out of me.


i know the podcast app in iOS 6 was awful (cost me $100 in extra 3G download cause there was a bug that kept downloading podcasts even after they had finished downloading), but in iOS7 its basically unusable.

For example, tried syncing an 8-4 play podcast - because i had started downloading it on my phone over 3G but hadn't finished, now it won't sync across from my computer. really ridiculous.

Also I can only sync one time, if i try again, it hangs and I have to reset both itunes and my phone. so bad. Same if I try to play a podcast, it will just not let me go back into podcast app. I have to uninstall the podcast app and download it again.

In short - what other apps are good for podcasts that are free at the moment?


formerly "chigiri"
These all will save and work as panoramas. Just need to be 1138 high and wide enough.

Here's the collection I have started, so just save one of these to try it out and get a panorama wallpaper.

56k warning

Loving this panorama mode.

None of these work on my phone, they're all black-barred.
i know the podcast app in iOS 6 was awful (cost me $100 in extra 3G download cause there was a bug that kept downloading podcasts even after they had finished downloading), but in iOS7 its basically unusable.

For example, tried syncing an 8-4 play podcast - because i had started downloading it on my phone over 3G but hadn't finished, now it won't sync across from my computer. really ridiculous.

Also I can only sync one time, if i try again, it hangs and I have to reset both itunes and my phone. so bad. Same if I try to play a podcast, it will just not let me go back into podcast app. I have to uninstall the podcast app and download it again.

In short - what other apps are good for podcasts that are free at the moment?

Not free, but I can highly recommend Pocket Casts and Instacasts. Have used both extensively, and they're both great.
I actually use iOS6's Podcasts app now though, it seems stable enough, and I've not had any 3G data surprises.


formerly "chigiri"
Control Center works horizontally too, quite neat:

Another quirk I've found is that many apps want to access the microphone for some reason (various games, Flickr, etc.):

(Super Hexagon pictured)

Can't figure out why though (GC voice chat? :p), there's no documentation regarding this hook as far as I can tell.


i know the podcast app in iOS 6 was awful (cost me $100 in extra 3G download cause there was a bug that kept downloading podcasts even after they had finished downloading), but in iOS7 its basically unusable.

For example, tried syncing an 8-4 play podcast - because i had started downloading it on my phone over 3G but hadn't finished, now it won't sync across from my computer. really ridiculous.

Also I can only sync one time, if i try again, it hangs and I have to reset both itunes and my phone. so bad. Same if I try to play a podcast, it will just not let me go back into podcast app. I have to uninstall the podcast app and download it again.

In short - what other apps are good for podcasts that are free at the moment?

Did you submit a bug report?
i know the podcast app in iOS 6 was awful (cost me $100 in extra 3G download cause there was a bug that kept downloading podcasts even after they had finished downloading), but in iOS7 its basically unusable.

For example, tried syncing an 8-4 play podcast - because i had started downloading it on my phone over 3G but hadn't finished, now it won't sync across from my computer. really ridiculous.

Also I can only sync one time, if i try again, it hangs and I have to reset both itunes and my phone. so bad. Same if I try to play a podcast, it will just not let me go back into podcast app. I have to uninstall the podcast app and download it again.

In short - what other apps are good for podcasts that are free at the moment?

Not sure. I actually really liked the podcast app since the last update. Now it's broken entirely for me in iOS 7. It wont run at all no matter how many times I uninstall and re-install it.

I'm now using Downcast until the app or next beta fixes it.


Hey sorry if this has been answered, but those using OSX Mavericks on a retina display:

Have you noticed if the graphical slow downs with OSX 10.8 removed? Is the OS fully fluid with no slow down/lag?
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