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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing


formerly "chigiri"
Doesn't it switch to black text?

Yeah with a light background/dark text to drop shadow pops into play when pulling down NC.

Also, still no way to delete music by anything but song. I really hope they add a delete artist and/or delete album soon.

It's black if you have a next-to-white background.
Slick new animation for downloading an app: https://vine.co/v/h7hlZJD6qQP


Seems like the keyboard now uses UIDynamics for it's pop up, or just a tweaked animation. Also happens when clicking a thread in messages where you can see the typing field lag behind the window a little bit


Not sure if something funky happened to my upgrade but I've lost all of the blurred layers. Notification window is completely black, keyboard lost its translucency etc.

iPhone 5 btw, I'm aware they canned the translucency for iPhone 4.

Guess Who

Not sure if something funky happened to my upgrade but I've lost all of the blurred layers. Notification window is completely black, keyboard lost its translucency etc.

iPhone 5 btw, I'm aware they canned the translucency for iPhone 4.

Go to Settings, Accessibility, turn the increased contrast option off.


Not sure if something funky happened to my upgrade but I've lost all of the blurred layers. Notification window is completely black, keyboard lost its translucency etc.

iPhone 5 btw, I'm aware they canned the translucency for iPhone 4.

If you have increase contrast set in Settings>Accessibility, there won't be any translucency

Edit: Beaten
those UI icons are still too saturated for my liking. a softer blue would work wonders.

that battery icon is also grotesque. but iOS7 is evolving nicely.


This is tangentially related to the betas - every time I've installed an iOS 7 beta (1, 2, and now 3), a couple of photos that I deleted years ago from my computer appear in my camera roll as if they're the most recent photos I've taken.

Does anyone have any idea what causes this? The photos were never taken with an iPhone, they were digital camera snaps that I added to iPhoto and then removed a while back, so being in the Camera Roll folder in particular makes it even more odd!
Much faster again on the iPhone 4. Almost iOS 6 level of performance. They're slowly bringing the translucency effects to iPhone 4, too.


This is good.

Changes I've noticed:

  • They got rid of the ".com" button on the main Safari keyboard. Now it's a period. No more accidentally hitting that nearly useless button instead of spacebar.

This is the best thing about the new beta. And you can still get to the .com, .org, etc. extensions by holding down on the period.

I like the regular weight font in Settings. I wish they went with a thicker font for the Stopwatch section of the Clock app. I know it's a petty issue (and one I can obviously live with or work around by finding another app), but I set my iPod down when I'm doing things like working out or cooking at home, and it's way harder to read the time than it was in pre-7 versions -- when the clock was uglier, but bold. It's one of the only stock Apple apps I use every day.


My iPhone 5 has been great. Minor bugs, nothing major.

Beta 2 on iPad mini was a different story.

I just updated my 5 to beta 3 and things so far are impressive.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
How is the battery life people?


Wish it didn't require 1.7gb free to update OTA :/

will have to wait for someone to upload the ipsw so I can update through itunes

Mr Swine

Guys with iPad beta 3, how does surfing Neogaf feel? Has the gifs gotten smoother or is it still shit as it always has been?


formerly "chigiri"
FYI bug in beta 3:

Crops/edits in Photos are not honored when viewing/copying photos from the phone on a computer (they were in beta 2).


I hope they change "slide to unlock" to. "swipe to unlock" before release, as you're no longer sliding anything but swiping instead.
How is the battery life people?

I'm monitoring Activity Monitor to see how it goes, but so far it looks ok.

I do see a 20-30% drop in backboardd activity with "Reduce Motion" on whenever the Paralax effect is in play (whether looking at Springboard or the tabs in Safari). I think I'll leave that disabled.


Does anyone think we'll see Senseg haptics this year?

Maybe that's why the buttons are borderless and "slide to unlock" has been stripped down. Maybe we'll feel physical buttons underneath our fingers.

Beta 3 on my iPhone 4 has been a world of difference so far. Much, much smoother performance. Hope it keeps it up.

Music controls on the lock screen still don't seem to work though.


Amazing improvement on an iPad 3rd gen over beta 2.
Everything is much snappier.
Haven't had a crash in a while, whereas I would had plenty of them before.


phoenix wright hd, downcast.

They work in beta 3?

Downcast never stopped working for me even on beta 1 (iPhone, anyway - couldn't tell you about iPad). There was a little bit of interface weirdness but that was cleared in beta 2 and I don't see any of that in beta 3 currently (with the latest Downcast update).


Is there a way to get into the beta at this point still? All of these screenshots are so pretty. I'm growing envious.


Beta 3 is much better on my iPad 2. Beta 2 was a sluggish, slow pos that I had to jump back to to 6.1.3. Beta 3 is a lot smoother, not iOS 6 levels, but getting very close. They also fixed Safari on Gaf I guess because before the top of the screen, the buttons were like off by a bit so you had to press below it a bit to hit the button.


formerly "chigiri"
I want innnnnn

Still installable without UDID registration?
People keep claiming it is but I haven't come across a single device in person out of the 20 odd devices I've handled which have been able to update to the beta without first being registered with a developer account. I'm talking devices I've had in person, not random GAFers.


People keep claiming it is but I haven't come across a single device in person out of the 20 odd devices I've handled which have been able to update to the beta without first being registered with a developer account. I'm talking devices I've had in person, not random GAFers.

I've installed it on both my iPad mini and iPhone 5 without UDID registration. Also downgraded back to iOS6 on my iPhone with no issues.

Maybe you're doing "restore" rather than "update"? Dunno, but it's worked for me.


formerly "chigiri"
I've installed it on both my iPad mini and iPhone 5 without UDID registration. Also downgraded back to iOS6 on my iPhone with no issues.

Maybe you're doing "restore" rather than "update"? Dunno, but it's worked for me.
Believe me I've tried every which way, with each beta. May be a 'quirk' of some iOS device models. But I remain unconvinced it's not just people unaware their devices are registered already, registrations carry over. Are your devices new and not refurbs or anything like that? If so, what's the models? I also have a source at Apple who can look up if your device is actually registered if willing.
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