How much better is the battery life in Maverick's?
I'm not noticing it.
How much better is the battery life in Maverick's?
I'm not noticing it.
I did. Will sort you out in an hour or so. Not at a PC currently.Tune,
Did you get my PM?
How much better is the battery life in Maverick's?
Your iPhone 5 shuts down once you get below 20%?The whole shutting down when the battery gets below 20% thing beta 3 is doing for me is awfully annoying, but otherwise this thing is really shaping up.
It does sound weird. I've noticed a slight dip in performance when my battery hits less than 5% but I've never had the iPhone actually shut down on me.Your iPhone 5 shuts down once you get below 20%?
My 4 has died on random occasions, but not necessarily with battery < 20%.Does this happen to everyone on Beta 3? Sounds too weird
Try holding down the power button & home button.What the fuck.
I updated to the newest beta and now my phone won't turn on.
I like that feature. And I have yet to activate or pull it up in error when I'm using the iPhone.Apparently you can pull up the lock screen UI whenever if you pull up straight from the bottom at anytime.
That feels like a bug, but I'm not sure what to believe.
I'm getting about an hour better - however, I also switched from using Chrome to using Safari under Mavericks, which also noticeably helps battery life.
Apparently you can pull up the lock screen UI whenever if you pull up straight from the bottom at anytime.
That feels like a bug, but I'm not sure what to believe.
Your iPhone 5 shuts down once you get below 20%?
If only Safari had the cross-platform support Chrome has, and a more open and less invasive extension system like Chrome has (and especially used have).
What does a "more open and less invasive extension system" mean? AFAIK there's nothing less open about Safari extensions than Chrome (both have to be signed, but certs are free). I've done simple extensions for both and there's not much difference unless you're getting into the level of things like HTTPS Everywhere.
I've stuck with Safari mostly as the extensions suck a little less: 1Password for Chrome is forced to slide down a nasty div on log in that covers page content, while Safari allows you to use browser chrome for dialogs.
I'll say it again because I said it before but people thought I was crazy. I don't see any problem with the 1Password extension in Chrome. I've used both versions. I have both installed in both Chrome and Safari. They both look and feel exactly the same to me. What exactly does the Safari one do that the Chrome one doesn't?I've stuck with Safari mostly as the extensions suck a little less: 1Password for Chrome is forced to slide down a nasty div on log in that covers page content, while Safari allows you to use browser chrome for dialogs.
That's exactly why I don't go by what the percentage tells me. I actually prefer the battery itself showing the depletion rather than a number. I mean battery percentage is off by default anyway.Yeah, it's really like the calibration is off. Never had trouble before. Won't boot up until I get some juice back in to it. Sometimes it powers down at ~10%, last night it was at 20%.
I suspect it's that the percentage it's shown is wrong and not that there's actually an issue. No troubles at all as long as I keep it charged.
I'll say it again because I said it before but people thought I was crazy. I don't see any problem with the 1Password extension in Chrome. I've used both versions. I have both installed in both Chrome and Safari. They both look and feel exactly the same to me. What exactly does the Safari one do that the Chrome one doesn't?
That's exactly why I don't go by what the percentage tells me. I actually prefer the battery itself showing the depletion rather than a number. I mean battery percentage is off by default anyway.
Plus, I'm assuming your doing it right because your calibrating the battery percentage by using the iPhone till it dies. So yeah.
This isn't a dealbreaker for me, but I can see what you mean. Chrome needs to open up more API stuff to developers. I understand why they limit it though, but still. Give us some more abilities.Exactly what I said. Safari lets extensions integrate with the browser chrome pushing down the page content. Chrome covers up the page content making navigation bars inaccessible.
It's a deal breaker for me especially as I work with lots of sites in development and staging environments where I can't simply store a password or dismiss the domain (you might say hit 'Never for this site', but I deal with all sorts of crazy domains and this is just one example of a local site so I could get a screenshot). It also kills me on sites in the wild too.
The folks at AgileBits confirmed to me that they hate it too, but it's the best they can do with Chrome for now.
This isn't a dealbreaker for me, but I can see what you mean. Chrome needs to open up more API stuff to developers. I understand why they limit it though, but still. Give us some more abilities.
Wow. Right after you posted this last night. I drained my iPhone completely down to 20% on purpose to see if it happens and I got the "20% low battery" warning but probably 5 minutes later the iPhone 5 died. I tried to turn it back on and nothing happened so I plugged in it a power source. 5 minutes later it turned on and it said I had 19% left.The whole shutting down when the battery gets below 20% thing beta 3 is doing for me is awfully annoying, but otherwise this thing is really shaping up.
Which iPhone are you using? iPhone 4, 4S or 5?As beautiful as iOS 7 is, my phone is bugging the fuck out on this beta. I might actually downgrade.
My 4 has died on random occasions, but not necessarily with battery < 20%.
5.Which iPhone are you using? iPhone 4, 4S or 5?
Not to drag us off topic more, but I agree. I think Chrome also needs a sidebar API. I can think of a lot of extensions that currently use a button popover that could work so much better as a sidebar.Chrome gives more control to extensions than Apple does in general (for better or worse) but they've just made some boneheaded decisions on integration and the UX of extensions.
The popover interaction with Chrome extensions stinks. I have a time tracking extension that I built for both and Chrome handles a second click on the toolbar icon not as closing the popover (like basically every UI toolkit that I can remember), but by awkwardly reopening the same menu. For a bit of contrast, the settings button behaves like it should (first click opens menu, second click closes).
Chrome just needs a major facelift on the UX side. Lots of old mistakes still floating around. I'm surprised how little the chrome (no pun intended) has changed over time.
One of the things that I just LOVE in iOS 7 is the flat wallpapers. Just like you should always have been able to, set a monochromatic picture as the wallpaper and bam there you go, no gradient bullshit, a pixel perfect background with your color of choice.
Black for a 3G-style throwback. White looks godly. And the way the flat icons blend in, Safari with a white background looks like a round icon, the calendar icon just displays pure text. Too good. Makes me kinda wish for additional freedom in icon design though.
But anyway, I could post shots but just try it yourselves if you haven't yet. It's amazing.
Yeah the black gradient overlay on top of the wallpaper always annoyed the shit outta me. Glad it's finally gone.One of the things that I just LOVE in iOS 7 is the flat wallpapers. Just like you should always have been able to, set a monochromatic picture as the wallpaper and bam there you go, no gradient bullshit, a pixel perfect background with your color of choice.
Black for a 3G-style throwback. White looks godly. And the way the flat icons blend in, Safari with a white background looks like a round icon, the calendar icon just displays pure text. Too good. Makes me kinda wish for additional freedom in icon design though.
But anyway, I could post shots but just try it yourselves if you haven't yet. It's amazing.
To answer my own question: Apps compiled with Xcode 5 have GPU-accelerated scrolling enabled by default, unless developers specifically opt-out of it.
Wouldn't mind seeing a screen shot, actually.
I've been using iOS7 since the first beta and I could never go back. It's just better than iOS6.i switched back fro ios7 to io6.
i don't like the icons and the look&feel of the os at all :-/
doesnt feel right for some reason.
How so? Windows 8.1 brings a lot of new features for consumers and developers as well ("5000 new API" is the same bloated count that Apple uses, though).I think you are selling Mavericks short, it is a much greater upgrade (tech wise) than W8 -> W8.1.
That's not true.8.1 is basically just SP1. Which are always free anyway.
Has Windows ever had an upgrade like that though? What do Service Packs do? What would those be equivalent to? 10.x.x updates?
Correct.No it's not... If anything, it's equivalent to an OS X 10.x update.
Yeah, more like 10.x.x. The biggest SP I can remember was XP SP2, as it was basically when Microsoft was forced to start taking security seriously (lots of security features, enabled the firewall by default).
To answer my own question: Apps compiled with Xcode 5 have GPU-accelerated scrolling enabled by default, unless developers specifically opt-out of it.
My phone is a mess when it can't find a connectionit's just in my gym bag and it lost 20-30%.
Maybe I should just turn it on airplane mode, because cell signal is just wonky here
EDIT: even in airplane mode it lost another 20-30% wtf?!?
Not in an scientific environment at all, I got vast battery improvements as soon as I turned off AirDrop.
My battery really lasts like it were on iOS 6, feels like less than 10% different at most tbh.