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WWDC13 Thread of iOS 7 & Mac OS X 10.9, where a whole new world's developing


They are, but I just tapped, slid, and otherwise pounded my phone against my leg and arm to see if it would change the settings. Nothing happened. No volume shift, no skipped songs, nothing. We'll see what happens when I've got it in my pocket, but hopefully that was just a bug they've somehow desensitized.

That blows. I'm not registered, and my OTA update worked just fine. I don't think I'll be updating to Beta 5 down the line in case they are actually able to hit the people they're really targeting. :x
I haven't had any actual issues with it changing controls in my pocket or anything, I just think it looks bad from an aesthetic point of view. Too cluttered and the controls aren't the main thing I look at my lock screen for, usually it's the date/time I want.


do you need 11.1 to install beta 4?

don't think there is a windows one yet.

i'm assuming this is your first beta, so make sure you have a backup before installing. i've had problems with backups before, so i recommend doing an itunes backup and an icloud backup.

you install the beta through the regular itunes.


...hate me...
If a beta expires you'll actually be up shit creek moreso than if it doesn't like your UUID.
Exactly. If you're knee-deep in iOS 7 just go along with it. I'm not registered but updated with no problems... if I ever get problems, my UDIDs are handy and I'll just go to one of those websites to have them registered.


Hmm, so I haven't heard anyone talk about this. on Beta 4 - on both my ipad mini and iphone 5 - the music player is bugged out. I'm on itunes match

in list view, it'll bounce down then up about one line. it does this every few seconds. This can interfere with actually selecting songs. Plus I've had rendering issues where the screen will invert colors in the music app when tapping on a download button.

anyone else seeing this? I've rebooted both devices after the OS upgrade and it still does it.

On a UI note, both the "shuffle" and "repeat" buttons now have a shaded rectangle surround them when active so it's easier to tell that they're activated buttons instead of just status indicators.

that seems to be a theme throughout the new beta. making buttons more obvious. stuff that was full screen width color patches before is now a round rect.-- a more obvious button. adding more indicators in general about where to touch.
took me a while, but got it to work. always forget itunes saves all this shit in appdata on my tiny ass ssd, so i ran out of memory before backup could finish... had to use an old icloud backup, but it all ended up working somehow.

love the transitions animations stuff in ios7, not too sure i'm a fan of the command center. gets in the way of apps that scroll up (I assume you need to implement something in an update to make it require 2 scroll up to open command center).

Can you not post to fb/twitter from nc anymore?

must apps be updated to support the ios 7 keyboard? seems all of mine use the old classic ios keyboard.
Can you not post to fb/twitter from nc anymore?

Maybe Apple is de-emphasizing the prominence of Facebook and Twitter with the many other social networks being baked in such as Flickr, LinkedIn (right?), etc. Having those two as the only options in NC might not make sense anymore. That said, I will miss that feature.

Could be wrong but just a hunch.


formerly "chigiri"
Maybe Apple is de-emphasizing the prominence of Facebook and Twitter with the many other social networks being baked in such as Flickr, LinkedIn (right?), etc. Having those two as the only options in NC might not make sense anymore. That said, I will miss that feature.

Could be wrong but just a hunch.

That and the re-focus on twitter/facebook/weibo/flickr etc. are now always prevailent on anything you tap on in app to share to.


After reading how well beta 4 is running, it makes me wish I had a developer account.
I wouldn't say it's great, but it's running a lot better than the previous builds. The battery life has notably improved, that's for sure. Some apps such as Spotify and Skype refuse to work, as does Phoenix Wright HD, but other than that it's fine.
I wouldn't say it's great, but it's running a lot better than the previous builds. The battery life has notably improved, that's for sure. Some apps such as Spotify and Skype refuse to work, as does Phoenix Wright HD, but other than that it's fine.

I don't get that last problem. Phoenix Wright HD has been fine on my iPhone 5 in every single iOS 7 beta.
phoenix wright and downcast works, so will stick with this then lol. better battery life than when jailbroken so thats a plus. I guess stick with beta 4 for stick on daily phone from now on.

only thing missing from jailbroken days... being able to open links up to chrome. :(

can at least the gmail app do that?
phoenix wright and downcast works, so will stick with this then lol. better battery life than when jailbroken so thats a plus. I guess stick with beta 4 for stick on daily phone from now on.

only thing missing from jailbroken days... being able to open links up to chrome. :(

can at least the gmail app do that?

At this point all the Google apps that aren't turds anyway can do that, yeah, as can a bunch of third-party stuff like the Mailbox app, just like many apps support sending map coordinates to Google Maps if you have it.


I don't get that last problem. Phoenix Wright HD has been fine on my iPhone 5 in every single iOS 7 beta.
Phoenix Wright was busted in Beta 1 on my iPhone 5. Worked in Beta 2 and has continued to since.

There have been a couple apps that didn't work, then worked on the next beta or after an app update. Seems to be different for some people.
I have one that was broke on iPad in beta 2, worked in 3, now don't work again in beta 4. lol.


I don't get that last problem. Phoenix Wright HD has been fine on my iPhone 5 in every single iOS 7 beta.
It hasn't worked for me in any of the betas and it's beginning to bug me. I downloaded it during the first beta and it's been sitting there, waiting for me to play it, but I can't. It's been the same with most of my games. Mirror's Edge, Sonic 1 and RUA2 work absolutely fine but others, like Phoenix Wright and Slender just don't load at all. Still, I have just noticed that Spotify seems to be working properly now, which is a blessing.
Damn, well I enjoy the quick settings without jailbreaking, but songs skip back one second when unlocking the device, so I guess I'm rolling back.


I find it funny how the buttons on my headphones work with Spotify but not the stock music app.

Based on the issues I’m having with the Music app plus what I’ve seen others talk about, I’d say beta 4 seriously borked it.

Looks like we gotta wait for beta 5 (at the earliest) for stable music playback

The Real Abed

I guess that rules out them ever putting a weather widget in the OS X Notification Center. Damn. I'd give anything for the OS X widgets to appear on the left side when I swipe from the right to show it. There's so much unused space there. I don't even use Dashboard but I'd enable it again if they made it so it was part of that and not a separate gesture or space. Just for weather.


Any reason why the menu bar doesn’t work for you for that quick glance for weather? lots of apps that do that. I’m guessing it might be because you use a lot of full screen apps that hide the menu bar?

(I personally like the app Living Earth as it offers great hourly detail when clicking on the menu bar icon)


Guys, I can't update my 4th gen iPad right now (will do so tomorrow), but did beta 4 fix home sharing in the Music app? Before, for some reason, home sharing would find my iTunes library and display every song correctly, but a download (the "cloud" button, which shows on songs you own but are not in the device) appeared for every track and they just wouldn't play.

The Real Abed

Any reason why the menu bar doesn’t work for you for that quick glance for weather? lots of apps that do that. I’m guessing it might be because you use a lot of full screen apps that hide the menu bar?

(I personally like the app Living Earth as it offers great hourly detail when clicking on the menu bar icon)
That's mainly it. The menubar becomes useless in fullscreen. I've said it before but there should be an option to keep it visible at all times. I don't see a real reason to get rid of it.

I actually used to have weather in a Bowtie Bowlet I made for displaying time and the date on my desktop as well as iTunes info. Since Bowtie has an option to keep it visible in Exposé, it shows up in Mission Control. But I had to remove the weather (Which I used Google's open XML file. The same one they used for iGoogle.) when I accidentally turned up the check rate to a really high number and Google banned my IP for that file because it detected me as a possible bot. Oops. So I've just been too lazy to find another weather site with an XML file I can access. If I ever do I will put it back. Then it's just a swipe up to see the time, date, weather and current song. (And anything else I can cram beside the Dock) The only problem is Bowtie is outdated and no longer updated so the part of the API that returned the current song time returns the wrong value so I can't have a time displayed. Small potatoes though.

It's a brilliant idea though since that space is unused and it can look really nice on certain desktops. For instance...
(The text is black and is now hard to read because Mavericks changed my MC background from an orange I used to have and I'm too lazy to change it right now.)

The clock and calendar even animate into place when iTunes is opened and closed. (Thank you based CSS Transitions.) The middle stuff is GeekTool.

This method works fine for me and is quick to access when I need it. Once I get weather back down there it'll be great. And I will use it until the day Bowtie stops working. (Really wish the developer hadn't apparently abandoned it. He no longer replies to Twitter either. At least it works in Retina.)


So I downloaded 11.1 beta for iTunes and it made me dig around in the options for the first time in ages. I noticed I had a crapload of backups stored from old iPhones, iPads etc... since like 2 years ago. Deleted them and it's still in the process of getting rid of them, so I'm watching my HDD space skyrocket... turns out I had at least 70GB of backups, if not more since it's still going.

Why on Earth does iTunes do this?

Edit: Finally finished. It was about 80GB in total. Crazy.


I have yet to see a screen shot of the word prediction popup keyboard panel for eastern languages. Has that been improved in iOS 7? Also, I asked this before but it was a while back, do things such as stacks of photos/songs have parallax/depth to them? It looks like they would, but it is really hard telling from screenshots. Thanks. iOS 7 looks like it should be a hit with many people.

PS: I haven't seen any mention of the fact that you can scroll at any time (including Mission Control) in a scrollview in Mavericks. What do people think of the feature?


So I downloaded 11.1 beta for iTunes and it made me dig around in the options for the first time in ages. I noticed I had a crapload of backups stored from old iPhones, iPads etc... since like 2 years ago. Deleted them and it's still in the process of getting rid of them, so I'm watching my HDD space skyrocket... turns out I had at least 70GB of backups, if not more since it's still going.

Why on Earth does iTunes do this?

Edit: Finally finished. It was about 80GB in total. Crazy.

It will keep one backup for each device you have. However, each time you do a restore, it will append the backup with a time and date, copy it, and start again.

If you do a lot of restores (and some of the major iOS updates actually didi a restore), then you will quickly pile up on those large backups.

Mac OS X has a habit of utilising disk space in excess to make things 'convenient'. For the most part, I'm kind of appreciative. I know a lot of people get annoyed that disk space is being used up, but if it is for convenience, I don't mind. A good example is how iPhoto manages non-destructive editing by having a master copy and only editing on a copy, essentially doubling the storage taken up by photos.

That said, it does suck if you don't know stuff like that is going on, and Apple COULD be a bit more open about some of it and provide tools to clean up old unwanted copies. for iTunes backups, you can obviously do it through the preferences.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Now when I put my phone on the Sony lightning dock clock, it instantly tells me it's not a supported device. What does that mean?
iTunes notifications on Mavericks displays the artwork for songs in the local library, if they have it.

Mountain Lion only shows the iTunes icon.

Mavericks also has a skip button on the banner when moused over, ML only has the skip button on Alerts that have to be cleared.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Has this problem with my wife's phone (not Lightning or iOS7, but same message) and a monoprice USB cable. Rebooted and problem went away. No idea why it happened.
Now that I know is a case of them wanting to annoy people with third party cables.

But in my case with the Sony clock, you'd think they wouldn't treat that same way since there's no official apple clock to run out and buy.
iTunes notifications on Mavericks displays the artwork for songs in the local library, if they have it.

Mountain Lion only shows the iTunes icon.

Mavericks also has a skip button on the banner when moused over, ML only has the skip button on Alerts that have to be cleared.

Ah, good to have that cleared up, thanks.
Now when I put my phone on the Sony lightning dock clock, it instantly tells me it's not a supported device. What does that mean?

Even though it's not Lightning Bolt, I've had this happen with my iPhone 4S and my iHome clock... check the phone's port and the plug on the clock for any sort of dust or lint. As dumb as it sounds, that turned out to be the issue for me.
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