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WWE Draft |OT| A McMahon on every show

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Oh for fucks sake, they do call Graves up and then PUT HIM ON FUCKING RAW and move JBL to Smackdown along with Otunga?!

They're intentionally tanking Smackdown aren't they?

I'm pretty sure they think Cena, Orton, Ambrose and I guess Styles can carry the entire show ratings-wise and nothing else matters. Only issue is that two of those guys are for sure out of here in about two years, Ambrose will see his star diminish rapidly without the likes of Rollins to work with, and Orton is at a position where he isn't really going to make someones career. You'll get great matches from him, but he can't give AJ the rub that a clean win over Cena would give AJ. Shit, he can't even give AJ the rub that Ambrose would at this point.

Its crazy that WWE shelled out for AJ, gave him a huge Royal Rumble debut and have just fumbled him completely since. He doesn't even have his tiny-ass, always losing stable! What was the point?
Oh for fucks sake, they do call Graves up and then PUT HIM ON FUCKING RAW and move JBL to Smackdown along with Otunga?!

They're intentionally tanking Smackdown aren't they?

JBL was good in his first spell on Smackdown. Maybe because he didn't have Vince shouting in his ear like on Raw.


AJ is the biggest heel on SD and the second biggest name on the show after Cena
On Raw he would be stuck on mid card forever with Rollins and Reigns trading places as the champ for the rest of year

I personally think that he is fine where he is

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Who the fuck is commenting NXT now?



NeoGAF's smiling token!
So Daniel Bryan is going to be on Smackdown Live like "so there's Shinsuke, but is No Way Jose NXT's top babyface now? No! No! No! Let's keep Shinsuke in NXT because I don't want to have the best brand!"

Like, really think about this reality you guys are talking about.
So the reason in kayfabe and real life that Nakamura (who as far as we know is a draftable NXT star) won't be drafted is because... Raw and Smackdown want NXT to still have a draw?

Tonight, they will look at a list of draftable talents, see Shinsuke fucking Nakamura, and PASS? In kayfabe or real life? REALLY? And fans wouldn't shit all over this? REALLY?

Daniel Bryan tonight: "Guys, I really wanted Shinsuke Nakamura, but you know who's really setting our hearts on fire? Instead of Nakamura, I want... TYE DILLINGER."

They have real fans to please on this show they've promoted for two months.


Guys, no matter what branding terms Triple H uses, NXT is developmental. They will develop new guys. They'll bring in new top indie guys. It'll be fine. Nakamura does not need any further development, kayfabe or real life.
I get the feeling you think kayfabe is like some magic trick they're pulling on gullible fans who buy into whatever they say. Who knows how fans had the agency to decide they don't like Roman despite the company telling them what to think!

You can't have a draft where Nakamura is an option and not logically pick Nakamura, the hottest star in NXT. Unless they state a new rule that disqualifies him (which fans will rightly shit on), Nakamura is coming up. You don't have a good kayfabe or real life reason why this won't be happening.
This isn't "real life" logic in wrestling, though. No one, as an intelligent human, looks at a roster of wrestling guys, sees Nakamura, and says "no, this huge moneymaking star with global celebrity potential who mesmerizes audiences is going to stay in the minor leagues because we need him to continue to mesmerize 200 fans."
There wasn't a draft that put a public spotlight on bringing the top six NXT people up right now.

Assuming the champs are ineligible (which I could see happening), no one is drafting Tye Dillinger, Austin Aries, Alexa Bliss, Nia Jax, etc. over Shinsuke fucking Nakamura.

Give this a serious thought. Think about what the live crowd and everyone watching at home is going to feel when Daniel Bryan tries to tell us he's picking Mojo Rawley when we know he has the option to pick Shinsuke Nakamura.
That's not the kayfabe reason. No one in kayfabe knows that yet.

Man, you're trying to talk to me about logic, but you're saying Shinsuke fucking Nakamura isn't a top 6 NXT star. LOL.
No one in the world cares about this. Not in kayfabe, not in real life. Besides, even in kayfabe, Nakamura just beat Balor clean.

You're telling me WWE signed New Japan's hottest act over the last five years to keep him in NXT because it's more important that he become an NXT champion for 200 fans than a megastar on the main roster as soon as possible.
So they did this with Finn Balor, who said he wanted to stay in NXT to legitimize the brand and be that brand's leader, because he sees it as the new ECW and he wants to be associated with it, because they want to do the same thing to Shinsuke Nakamura? They want to keep Shinsuke Nakamura in NXT until he's 40 because... NXT needs help getting over? Listen to yourself, man.

People will shit hard on a draft that includes Shinsuke Nakamura that doesn't involve him being called up. That's all the logic you need for tonight. Don't overthink this. They can't act like he doesn't exist or try to explain to fans waiting for the draft to shake shit up that they're not going to shake up anything.
You are, though. All of you are. You're saying WWE is going to be pretend like he doesn't exist while they draft Finn Balor, the guy Nakamura just beat cleanly. Somehow Balor exists and is a bigger star and more valuable than the actual real life draw of NXT who just beat him in kayfabe.

*crowd singing Nakamura's theme* "I pick... Well, the choice is obvious..."

*listens to crowd*


"The Revival!"
No one's debating that Finn Balor would be drafted. That's the point.

To think the guy who just beat him in NXT's biggest weekly TV match ever isn't going to be in the same draft picture is hilarious.
No one liked Wrestlemania, and no doubt this includes people who work there. It was a stupid show.

It's entirely possible the draft will be a stupid show. That's always possible with WWE. But there's such a strange argument in here about how the 6 picks will include Balor but not Nakamura that makes no sense. It's not something that could be explained to the live audience. It's not something Mauro Ranallo or Daniel Bryan would do in either real life or kayfabe. You guys are totally stuck on the idea that it just isn't possible for Nakamura to be on the main roster yet.
This whole page is about people saying the Revival will be picked over Nakamura.



At this point I'm very interested in how WWE will ignore Nakamura tonight, like crowds singing his theme song means it's possible to act like he doesn't exist.

Dude was the biggest star by a country mile at the NXT Seattle show. People lost their minds over seeing him live. He's draftable as far as we know right now and will be drafted.
For what, though? What does he have to prove to that crowd? What dream matches await him? Are we wanting Shinsuke Nakamura vs Bobby Roode for the title at the WM Takeover so badly that that's going to happen over Nakamura vs Cena, Rollins, Ambrose, Lesnar, Reigns, Styles, Owens, Zayn, Cesaro, Wyatt, Jericho, Neville, or Orton?

Do we really want to miss out on Nakamura vs Demon Kane at TLC?!

just a sample size


AJ is the biggest heel on SD and the second biggest name on the show after Cena

Randy Orton is facing Brock fucking Lesnar at the second biggest PPV of the year and Dean Ambrose is the WWE champion with successful title defenses and has seriously strong merch sales. AJ Styles is the forth biggest name on Smackdown, not even a question. Orton may not be able to make careers or carry a show, but he sure as fuck is a higher draw than Styles.

He would have significantly better matches with the talent pool on RAW and a better shot at getting a title run while feuding with Reigns again. Now, he may get to play hot potato for the B show title. Sad.


Unconfirmed Member
Is the problem that smackdown doesn't have big enough names, or is it that they don't have enough raw talent?

A lot of these lower tier guys will probably be given a lot more focus and opportunities on smackdown. Hopefully that will create new big names you can put down in smackdown's favor.


Its crazy that WWE shelled out for AJ, gave him a huge Royal Rumble debut and have just fumbled him completely since. He doesn't even have his tiny-ass, always losing stable! What was the point?
They shelled out a ton for Del Rio as well and have literally done nothing with him; they don't even seem to be capitalising on the fact that he's still impressively over in markets in California and other economic centers with huge Latino populations.


People I actually want to see on a wrestling show:


Brock Lesnar
Chris Jericho
Finn Bálor
Kevin Owens
Rusev w/ Lana
Sami Zayn
Seth Rollins
Enzo & Cass
The Club
The Dudley Boyz
The New Day
Sasha Banks

Raw's main event picture is the shits. Their biggest star is a part timer. The tag division here is pretty stacked, as is the potential US title picture. I see myself only caring about two women, though. It's real clear to me that splitting up the women's division was a bad idea.


AJ Styles
Dean Ambrose
Dolph Ziggler
John Cena
The Miz w/ Maryse
Zack Ryder
American Alpha
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch

I look at Smackdown and see a decent main event picture, weak mid card, two women and a nothing tag division.

On paper, Raw has the better roster. On paper. However, I do think the lack of Brock, Roman being plastered all over the show as THE GUY, and three hours ultimately leads to Smackdown being the less painful watch of the two.

I don't see myself watching either in a month.


Everyone keeps saying Cena and Styles are done in 2 years but 44 year old Big Show, 45 year old Jericho, and 46 year old Kane beg to differ.



We'll see a rematch next Monday night. Like clockwork.
Whoever won on Monday will lose. Like clockwork.

On paper, Raw has the better roster. On paper. However, I do think the lack of Brock, Roman being plastered all over the show as THE GUY, and three hours ultimately leads to Smackdown being the less painful watch of the two.

I don't see myself watching either in a month.
You have chosen wisely. YouTube highlights will always be available.


I would've fired Foley at the point when he drafted Big Show.

I would've fired Bryan at the point when he drafted Dolph Ziggler.

Also I can't help but think that the only reason they moved JBL to Smackdown is so that he can be Smackdown's representation on commentary for the joint shows.

Jamie OD

I feel really, really sorry for Bayley at this point.


She'll be at Battleground as Sasha's partner. She'll be at Battleground as Sasha's partner. She'll be at Battleground as Sasha's partner. She'll be at Battleground as Sasha's partner. She'll be at Battleground as Sasha's partner. She'll be at Battleground as Sasha's partner.


Don't be. They are building her to be the next Daniel Bryan. There is also another plus ... she will actually be fun and enjoyable to watch

The big sister act works while she's in her early to mid 20s. It's not going to be working quite as well once she's in her late 20s to early 30s and beyond.

She could be making tons of money from merchandise sales right now and WWE are dropping the ball on her hard.


I expected nothing and I was still disappointed. The "New Era" mid-card talent on SD consists of Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews. Fucking what. I also just feel bad so bad for Cesaro after that promo. He deserves so much better than what the WWE has given him.

MC Safety

So if this was a real sport, both GMs are fired at this points...right?


The WWE took a stacked roster and split it in two. Did you imagine the two halves would somehow be stronger than the whole?

The big sister act works while she's in her early to mid 20s. It's not going to be working quite as well once she's in her late 20s to early 30s and beyond.

She could be making tons of money from merchandise sales right now and WWE are dropping the ball on her hard.

Everybody assumes Bayley will become a star in WWE. I'm not so sure about that.

I think she may get the same kind of reception Naomi, Emma, and Paige got when they became WWE wrestlers.



The WWE took a stacked roster and split it in two. Did you imagine the two halves would somehow be stronger than the whole?

Everybody assumes Bayley will become a star in WWE. I'm not so sure about that.

I think she may get the same kind of reception Naomi, Emma, and Paige got when they became WWE wrestlers.

They didn't split the roster in half though.

They took out 33% of the roster and gave them their own show.

And unlike Naomi, Emma, and Paige (and every other woman in the WWE) Bayley's gimmick appeals primarily to little girls. Who do you think the young female WWE fans really look up to? Charlotte? Sasha? Becky?

Bayley's obviously the perfect PG role model for them.
Man the Smackdown roster is kind of pants isn't it? Other than Ambrose, AJ and Cena I couldn't really give a shit. American Alpha's cool too I guess.

Also JBL? Really? Are you trying to make Smackdown the worst show?

And LMAO at Nia Jax, she's gotten a lot better but she's still nowhere near ready.


Guys you're missing the big picture.

We get to see Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler again.

We also will probably get to see Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt again.

Because after Battleground there's literally no one else for Ambrose to face since SummerSlam will probably be Styles/Cena and Orton is already facing Lesnar.


I'm happy that NXT got away reasonably unscathed. I don't have time to watch 5 hours worth of mediocre RAWs and Smackdown a week. Looks like I'll stay subbed to the Network for NXT, CWC and PPV's, and still use Youtube to watch highlights from everything else.


One day into the draft and it already blows. Oh well.

Cruiser weights should be in one brand and women in the other. Separating the women's division just makes for a worst division overall and less diverse match ups.

Also, they didn't draft Nakamura and didn't mention him. Who could've guessed?

If they don't do something different with Smackdown then this will be solidified as a failure. It's not a very interesting roster save for a couple of people.


Man the Smackdown roster is kind of pants isn't it? Other than Ambrose, AJ and Cena I couldn't really give a shit. American Alpha's cool too I guess.

Also JBL? Really? Are you trying to make Smackdown the worst show?
Bryan and Shane must have specifically requested him. Because that makes so much sense given their developed characters.

I swear... it's impossible to buy that any of the 4 people (Steph, Foley, Shane, D.Brine) that were trotted out on stage as performers tonight actually built either of these rosters. I mean, I know they're actors but let me invest in their characters. They might as well all be anonymous GM laptops or random B-list celebrities for as much of their stamp is on these shows.

NXT. That's a roster that makes sense. You believe that Triple H built that show, signed that roster, put Regal in charge - it's not perfect but you buy into it.

I could hear actual bile in D.Brine's vocal delivery as he announced picks that insulted both his intelligence and our intelligence. He then trots onto the Aftershow set with Shane and tells me how happy he is that Apollo Crews fell so far in the draft and that he was able to sign him. How does THAT get me excited to watch his show? I don't believe this man. His words are bullshit to me. And guess what... people got behind Bryan because he came off as "genuine". Nothing about the man I saw tonight came off as "genuine".


NXT arguably came away with the best roster after this.

Mostly due to them not really having any dead weight.

Half the people that got drafted tonight are already losers in the eyes of the audience.
Bryan and Shane must have specifically requested him. Because that makes so much sense given their developed characters.

I swear... it's impossible to buy that any of the 4 people (Steph, Foley, Shane, D.Brine) that were trotted out on stage as performers tonight actually built either of these rosters. I mean, I know they're actors but let me invest in their characters. They might as well all be anonymous GM laptops or random B-list celebrities for as much of their stamp is on these shows.

NXT. That's a roster that makes sense. You believe that Triple H built that show, signed that roster, put Regal in charge - it's not perfect but you buy into it.

Yeah I can really see Daniel Bryan and Shane wanting JBL to shout 'BALLGAME' after every match and 'HAHA I LOVE IT MAGGLE! I MEAN MAURO'

It's hard to suspend your disbelief towards this draft, it has Vince written all over it.


Yeah I can really see Daniel Bryan and Shane wanting JBL to shout 'BALLGAME' after every match and 'HAHA I LOVE IT MAGGLE! I MEAN MAURO'

It's hard to suspend your disbelief towards this draft, it has Vince written all over it.

The more annoying thing will be JBL constantly calling Smackdown the 'A' show like he used to when he started commentating.


I'm guessing their keeping Nakamura at NXT until the inevitable Rumble appearance. Once that music hits after the countdown it's going to be so good. That said, it's a fucking shame he's being kept there... Can't be bothered to care about NXT.
The more annoying thing will be JBL constantly calling Smackdown the 'A' show like he used to when he started commentating.

WWE follow the mentality of 'tell somebody a lie enough times and it becomes the truth', like how they kept having JBL say that people were booing Roman because 'THEY'RE JUST HERE TO HAVE FUN'


"We are all about giving opportunities and the new era" - drafts Cena and Orton.

I know WWE doesn't really have a good internal logic but this makes even less sense for them than usual.


WWE follow the mentality of 'tell somebody a lie enough times and it becomes the truth', like how they kept having JBL say that people were booing Roman because 'THEY'RE JUST HERE TO HAVE FUN'

I'm going to feel so bad for Corey Graves. Vince is going to be in his ear for 3 hours every week.

I wonder how horrible he's going to end up being on commentary by SummerSlam.


I'm going to feel so bad for Corey Graves. Vince is going to be in his ear for 3 hours every week.

I wonder how horrible he's going to end up being on commentary by SummerSlam.
If Graves all of a sudden sounds vile and we wonder what we ever saw in him, well... you already know the answer why.

I wholeheartedly expect him to start sounding like "JBL on RAW" in less than a month.
I'm going to feel so bad for Corey Graves. Vince is going to be in his ear for 3 hours every week.

I wonder how horrible he's going to end up being on commentary by SummerSlam.

I was really hoping Smackdown would be the workhorse show and would have Graves and Ranallo on commentary and being left to their own devices like Graves and Philips are on NXT. This is the worst of both worlds.

Oh well, this is what I get for being optimistic about a WWE decision.
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