When: July 9th at 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific
Where: American Airlines Centre at Dallas Texas.
Watch: On Pay Per View and WWE Network

"Thats a pretty incredible name for a wrestling show, isnt it? The head honcho Vince McMahon thought that the name was hilarious, and thats pretty much the entire story. You never know when it comes to Vince, but hes usually right, so we trust him. Vince loves the name, so I expect it to become an annual event.

Preshow match for the Cruiserweight Championship: Neville Vs. Akira Tozawa
Cruiserweights might be floundering, but don't worry cause Titus Brand Worldwide is gonna help the small shouty boy #MAKEITAWIN tonight!

Enzo Amore Vs. Big Cass
Only one thing is certain about this match, Enzo is gonna ragdoll like crazy. Cross your fingers for good ragdolling, not "Getting knocked out by the Vaudevillains" or "THAT Cesaro match" style.

Intercontinental Championship match: The Miz Vs. Dean Ambrose
Please let Miz win so he can fued with Goldust. I wanna see the New Hollywood against Old Hollywood battle so bad, this'll make up for the fact Goldie doesn't have a match at the PPV. Just keep Ambrose away from the title.

30 Minute Iron Man Match for the Raw Tag Team Championships: Cesaro and Sheamus Vs. The Hardy Boyz
Don't get your hopes up for Broken Matt. I need to keep reminding y'all so you don't get mad. It's a nice thing to think, but don't automatically think it'll happen! That'll keep your hype in check and if it does happen, more power to you! Keep calm smarks.

Seth Rollins Vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray's losing. This match sucks.

Raw Women's Championship Match: Alexa Bliss Vs. Sasha Banks
Sasha is relevant again! She still isn't heel yet but there's still time before Summerslam! At least she ain't dancing again. And at least she isn't Bayley right now. Poor Bayley....

Ambulance Match: Roman Reigns Vs. Braun Strowman
God I love dumb match stipulations like this. Not dumb dumb, I don't want no pole matches, but stuff where you gotta throw someone into something? I'm all over that. Superman punch off the ambulance? Power slam to break a door off? Gimmie it all!

Universal Championship Match: Brock Lesnar Vs. Samoa Joe
You can guarantee there'll be no kissing between these two! Who's going to become the master of the universe? WHO'S BALLS ARE MORE ON FIRE?