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WWE makes an interesting change to this year's Royal Rumble

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So the last man wins the belt right?

I think it should be the person who eliminates Roman who should get the belt and the last man standing vs. the Roman Eliminator at WM
Lol, that would make Roman look like a pussy, which he doesn't need right now.

Brock vs. Roman 2 would be awful as well, as Roman would get booed going up against Brock. Vince is dumb enough to think otherwise though.

Most obvious is HHH wins at the Rumble, then puts Roman over at WM.

HHH being booked as the Rumble winner in 2015 would encapsulate everything that is wrong with modern wrestling.

The least of which is that there are no heels that the "corporation" are afraid of.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Brock Lesnar will win.

And then lose to Roman at Wrestlemania.

Exactly. Unbelievably predictable.

The only other option I see is HHH setting it up to where he wins,
It's crazy the lengths this entire company(Vince) has gone to push Reigns. First he was the Rock, then he was Daniel Bryan, and now he's Stone Cold. They're trying everything that has worked for them before until something sticks.
At this point I'm certain that it's just Vince being stubborn and trying to prove people wrong and it has nothing to do with Reigns anymore.


I hope the Rumble is in a good city this year bc I want to hear people shit on it when Roman enters #1 and wins.


Foundations of Burden
I just had a thought that with Roman Reigns being No. 1 in the Royal Rumble... the shitchanting for the entire match is going to be insane.
HHH comes back, and throws Roman over the rope near the end of the match. Then either Brock or Cena throws over HHH. Roman vs. Cena or Brock at WM.


I just had a thought that with Roman Reigns being No. 1 in the Royal Rumble... the shitchanting for the entire match is going to be insane.
Big Show is already #1 I believe. They'll probably make Roman #2, which is functionally the same, just less prestigious.
Nice twist to the Royal Rumble match and it saves us from seeing Sheamus v Roman again. I hope they use the Royal Rumble to actually create feuds for some of the guys because that hasn't happened in a while. I'm sure Vince fuckery will be on full display too.


I'm fine with this. Roman will be the main story of the Rumble which sucks, but it's likely HHH will cause him to lose at the end as a way to set up a WM match and get the title off him without making him look weak, so it'll be interesting to see who wins (do they give it to Cena or Brock now, or hold off until WM, etc)

Of course the worst case scenario could still happen when Roman pulls a Cena and overcomes the odds, or HHH wins. Gulp


Daniel Bryan could work a Rumble. He hasn't got to take any bumps. He barely has to wrestle. I don't even mind if he gets eliminated by Reigns, just give him a fair showing!

Of course the worst case scenario could still happen when Roman pulls a Cena and overcomes the odds, or HHH wins. Gulp
One of these things will happen. If HHH stays off telly until the Rumble, it guarantees the result.
I'm fine with this. Roman will be the main story of the Rumble which sucks, but it's likely HHH will cause him to lose at the end as a way to set up a WM match and get the title off him without making him look weak, so it'll be interesting to see who wins (do they give it to Cena or Brock now, or hold off until WM, etc)

Of course the worst case scenario could still happen when Roman pulls a Cena and overcomes the odds, or HHH wins. Gulp

It'd be fan-fuckingtastic if Roman was eliminated by HHH early. Just be done with that part and dedicate the rest of the Rumble to insane storybuilding:

-Wyatts doing Wyatt stuff and having a total spotlight
-Kevin Owens wrecking people
-Sami Zayn eliminating himself and Kevin Owens
-Bullet Club stuff

I dont want the whole duration of the show to be about Roman. No one else does either. He will be booed immensely.

Also, I wish Cesaro wasn't injured. I really miss him and would have loved to see him in the Rumble. Now that Bryan and Punk are inactive, he's the next best guy to be working with all these talents.


I only watch WWE on YouTube, but Reigns doesn't seem all that bad. It's kinda shitty that alot of marks WANT him to fail. Granted I do skip his promos, dunno how he's been with those.


I only watch WWE on YouTube, but Reigns doesn't seem all that bad. It's kinda shitty that alot of marks WANT him to fail. Granted I do skip his promos, dunno how he's been with those.

So you basically watch a Roman Reigns highlight reel where all his bad parts are hidden and can't see why he seems bad?


I only watch WWE on YouTube, but Reigns doesn't seem all that bad. It's kinda shitty that alot of marks WANT him to fail. Granted I do skip his promos, dunno how he's been with those.

He's not all bad. Its just that his push has always felt forced. He's got talent, but I still don't think he's complete yet. He could use more time to marinate before being at the top level, but thats just my opinion.
I don't want Roman with the belt but in Kayfabe, this is kind of unfair. What the hell are the odds of winning the Rumble WITH the belt? Everyone gunning for him, he really shouldn't keep it.


I don't want Roman with the belt but in Kayfabe, this is kind of unfair. What the hell are the odds of winning the Rumble WITH the belt? Everyone gunning for him, he really shouldn't keep it.

Hogan used to win the Rumble with the belt. Though it wasn't on the line.

The whole "winner of the Rumble gets a title shot at Mania" didn't start until the 93 Rumble.


He's not all bad. Its just that his push has always felt forced. He's got talent, but I still don't think he's complete yet. He could use more time to marinate before being at the top level, but thats just my opinion.

I cringe hard every time he opens his mouth. Part of that is his fault and part of it is WWE's habit of over-scripting of everything. This is not a new or revolutionary opinion I realize but he would be so much better as just a brooding badass.

Roman is just a side effect of WWE's overall issues though. Over-scripting, 50/50 booking, 3 hour Raws, terrible commentary that constantly no sells everything, and constant 4th wall breaking are all giant issues. Almost every show they put on is so cookie cutter, it's almost pointless to watch anything. I kind of laugh every time some small thing happens on Raw where everyone start's immediately saying "oh, maybe things are turning around!" and then they proceed to be right back where they started the next week.


When they announced this on Raw, I just thought, "Great. Now Roman can ruin the Rumble again". I'm assuming he'll win it. And if not, he'll just win the title back at Mania. Hype deflated.
You have correctly read between the lines. Congrats! You get a cookie.
Most likely candidate for the above is Triple H, incidentally.
Don't think for a second that match isn't happening at Mania... and, the only wait it doesn't happen for the title at Mania, is if Roman is fighting in TWO matches that night.

He's leaving with the title at Mania no matter what. Frankly, I'd prefer to see Roman only get made to look strong in one match versus two.

Roman is just a side effect of WWE's overall issues though. Over-scripting, 50/50 booking, 3 hour Raws, terrible commentary that constantly no sells everything, and constant 4th wall breaking are all giant issues. Almost every show they put on is so cookie cutter, it's almost pointless to watch anything. I kind of laugh every time some small thing happens on Raw where everyone start's immediately saying "oh, maybe things are turning around!" and then they proceed to be right back where they started the next week.
Yep, you also know what's up. And the correct solution as well...not to watch anything. Although you really should watch Wrestle Kingdom from this week. And the typical NXT network special seldom disappoints. And season one of Lucha Underground is getting marathoned this month. None of those things revolve entirely around making Reigns look strong.

HHH is going to in the Royal Rumble then, huh?
That's the safe bet. I would give Hunter the highest odds of winning.
Roman gets 2nd highest odds.
Have extremely low odds on anyone else winning so much so that I don't care to speculate on it.
Hogan used to win the Rumble with the belt. Though it wasn't on the line.

The whole "winner of the Rumble gets a title shot at Mania" didn't start until the 93 Rumble.
I know, but that's Hogan. He booked that shit himself and you can't say Roman would carry like Hogan.

I just think with a guy like Roman, it makes so little sense that he would retain in the Rumble and if he does, it's going to come off looking REALLY shitty and fake.
I hope Brock comes in at #2, instantly throws out Reigns, and goes on to single handily eliminate all 28 other competitors alone. Fights a 1on1 every minute with the new entrant, and just takes him out before the next one comes.

Including John Cena and everyone. Like Brock just straight buries the whole Roster.

EDIT: Including Bryan too. Let Brysn come in the ring just to get wrecked.

Son Of D

I hope Brock comes in at #2, instantly throws out Reigns, and goes on to single handily eliminate all 28 other competitors alone. Fights a 1on1 every minute with the new entrant, and just takes him out before the next one comes.

Including John Cena and everyone. Like Brock just straight buries the whole Roster.

EDIT: Including Bryan too. Let Brysn come in the ring just to get wrecked.

When Kofi does his obligatory Rumble spot Brock should just leave the ring under the ropes and ruin the spot. Also I could see R-Truth coming out, realising that Lesnar's in the ring and just bail out.


You guys keep saying Roman is going to win from #1 but WellitstheBigShow is already #1.
I honestly don't believe the WWE is clever enough to back up their "Roman must defend his title against 29 other men in the Rumble" stip with a low entry number. He'll probably get something in the teens like the past two years.

They'll probably start things off early with Jericho. Throw in some jobbers. Tease some faction confrontations between the New Day, the Wyatts, the League of Nations and the (LOL) Social Outcasts. Roman comes out to save his little buddies (Ambrose and the Usos). He'll eliminate 13 guys. Triple H comes out in the #25-30 range. Commentary team goes nuts as Hunter hasn't been seen nor heard from for weeks. Triple H wins by eliminating Roman. Roman points at the sign and then at Hunter. How will Reigns ever conquer these odds? <yawn>

Son Of D

I honestly don't believe the WWE is clever enough to back up their "Roman must defend his title against 29 other men in the Rumble" stip with a low entry number. He'll probably get something in the teens like the past two years.

They just use the "29 other men" to make the person they're referring to sound strong by conquering those odds. Of course this can lead to promos like 2006 (I think) where Kane beat the shit out of someone on a Raw before the Rumble and said "That's one casualty. 29 more await!" and I'm just thinking "So you're going to injure yourself afterwards?".

There has to be a promo out there where a Rumble winner says "I beat 29 other men!" despite the fact that he was probably #27 or something like that.
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