Two-out-of-three-falls: Sami Zayn vs Cesaro
For the two of you that don't know, Sami Zayn is the former El Generico. He is also by far the best performer in NXT right now. He's charismatic, cuts great promo's and is by far the best wrestler they have there. So naturally, when they paired him up with Cesaro for a two-out-of-three-falls match last year, they had a legit Match of the Year contender out of all matches across all promotions. Really, the match was THAT good. So now they're doing it again and with many more eyeballs. I expect nothing less then FIVE STARS out of this match, both guys will give it everything they got and I'm pretty sure
Zayn is going to get over, seeing as Cesaro won the last one and the storyline is Zayn (the babyface) wants to rectify that. Regardless of what happens as far as the outcome is concerned, Zayn will win over many people tonight and I wouldn't be amazed if we see signs on Raw and Smackdown calling for his debut as soon as next monday.