Watched Bash at the Beach 96 last night with zero issues on the PS4
Also watched Survivor Series 96 since I went to that live when I was like 13
-Big Bossman vs Earthquake in a sock on a pole match
-I forgot who the hell The Stalker was. I know Barry Windham, but a gimmick called The Stalker? LULZ
-doug furnas and phil lafon. I totally forgot about those guys. They were actually pretty good and now I remember their small ECW stint.
-Phil Lafon's reverse top rope suplex- You would never see a move like that in current WWE
-Rey Mysterio vs Psycosis. Nice to see Rey in a lucha match. WWE style just doesn't work for him
There is so much content here that I don't know where to begin.
Watched Bash at the Beach 96 last night with zero issues on the PS4
Also watched Survivor Series 96 since I went to that live when I was like 13
-Big Bossman vs Earthquake in a sock on a pole match
-I forgot who the hell The Stalker was. I know Barry Windham, but a gimmick called The Stalker? LULZ
-doug furnas and phil lafon. I totally forgot about those guys. They were actually pretty good and now I remember their small ECW stint.
-Phil Lafon's reverse top rope suplex- You would never see a move like that in current WWE
-Rey Mysterio vs Psycosis. Nice to see Rey in a lucha match. WWE style just doesn't work for him
There is so much content here that I don't know where to begin.
ECW Hardcore TV airing at 3am Eastern in the morning on the live feed just like it used to is a neat bit of scheduling.
I watched Wrestlemania 4 last night. The last match with Dibiase and Macho Man was pretty good but most of the matches were terrible. There's something about that late 80s WWF vibe though that I love.
I think I'm going to continue my quest to watch all the Wrestlmania's in order.
For some reason on PS 3 and 4 I couldn't select WrestleMania I through IV. Dunno if it was freezing up or if they were locked/not available or what.
So how does the schedule work? Last night I tried to tune in and catch the live rerun if rr '13 @ 11:30 est but when I tuned in they were airing the punk/rock main event? Did it just run over or what? Just curious because I dont want to miss the nxt show tonight.
Watching that nxt catch up thing atm and wow that 2/3 falls match was awesome. If nxt matches are this quality consistently then wwe network will be worth it for this alone. It was like jumping through a portal into wwe yesteryear when wrestling actually mattered! Great stuff.
A lot of people are going to be disappointed if they go in thinking NXT is full of those kind of matches every single show.Watching that nxt catch up thing atm and wow that 2/3 falls match was awesome. If nxt matches are this quality consistently then wwe network will be worth it for this alone. It was like jumping through a portal into wwe yesteryear when wrestling actually mattered! Great stuff.
Fixed that for you.WWE NXT: The best current running hour of weekly wrestling period.
Fixed that for you.
Was watching the rotation stream when the Royal Rumble 13 was on, just in time to see Cena win. Granted that lame was enough, but what happened afterwards has left me traumatized. Dude's almost to the entrance to the back area when he does one more stupid pose that has his whole ass jiggle. Turned it off right there. I'm struggling to keep my Publix Orange Glazed chicken down...
This Lawler/Dreamer match is way overbooked. Barely Legal was a tough act to follow, but Hardcore Heaven doesn't even come close.
Been having no issues at all lately. It's fucking glorious.
Hmm. I definitely watched all of WM 4 on my PS 3 last night. Seems to be working fine for me. Maybe delete the app and try reinstalling it?
Looking at the reaction CM Punk got at Royal Rumble 2013 compared to what he got at Royal Rumble 2014 I can kind of see why he quit.
Speaking of which, has wwe put up a time table on when we're to expect new ppvs to show up on demand? It'd be nice if they showed up before the next ppv streams on the network, but who knows if wwe is going to do that.Looking at the reaction CM Punk got at Royal Rumble 2013 compared to what he got at Royal Rumble 2014 I can kind of see why he quit.
What do you mean?
Out of morbid curiosity I went back and watched the main event of WCW Sin '01 (it was a horrid shit) just so I could watch Sid Vicious' leg snap completely in half again. Finally I get to the moment of truth's cut. :-(
Hotter match, hotter crowd, it all just makes him come across as so much of a bigger star.
Do they have the 6 man Armageddon Hell in a Cell PPV? I haven't seen that in a long time.
Oh I know. A lot of the stuff that's edited was edited years ago for home video I just didn't think this made it to tape. WCW didn't last long after this PPV.Unscensored my ass!!!It was probably cut from the tapes they got from WCW, not by them.
Out of morbid curiosity I went back and watched the main event of WCW Sin '01 (it was a horrid shit) just so I could watch Sid Vicious' leg snap completely in half again. Finally I get to the moment of truth's cut. :-(
Do they have the 6 man Armageddon Hell in a Cell PPV? I haven't seen that in a long time.
Lmao awesomeI will just leave this here.
Oh it was seen. I will never forget that. He comes off the top rope and snap, dangle, close up, hurry up pull back.It was never seen on the pay per view. They missed it because they cut to a scene in the back to show a mystery man showing up.
They replayed it on the next night nitro multiple times the next day.
What was that three 3 ring battle royal in WCW called? Loved that when I was little