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WWE Network |OT| $9.99 PPVs, that's gonna put some butts in the seats


I'm going to assume this Fortune article is wrong when it says:

[WWE Network will eventually provide] 130,000 hours of digital footage of historic WWE content.

Initially 1,500 hours of programming will be made available, including every WCW, ECW, and WWE pay-per-view event, with 50 hours of content from the library added monthly.
I should hope they add more than 50 hours a month, because at that rate, it'd take them 214 years to add everything!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm going to assume this Fortune article is wrong when it says:

I should hope they add more than 50 hours a month, because at that rate, it'd take them 214 years to add everything!

Probably just a ballpark figure of everything WWE owns. They'll get there, sometime, no doubt. Just a block of Clash of the Champions would be something like 150 hours or more.


The 130k hours is the total time estimated of the WWE tape library. I doubt all of it will ever on the Network, it's too much.
Starrcade '90's first-annual Pat O'Connor Memorial tournament is to DETERMINE THE CHAMPIONS OF THE UNIVERSE. I think Michael Scott came up with the concept for this. Rocco Rock looks shockingly ripped in the South African mercenary getup. Norman Smiley has aged shockingly little since 1990. LOL @ Rey Mysteric being used for all of Rey Sr.'s graphics. Love the Brits using a wacky tumbling routine to escape a submission. AND PEOPLE THOUGHT IT WAS REAL!? Love Rey Sr. dropkicking Smiley to aid with a dropkick - I'm used to that spot being used for a crossbody block catch, but not a backslide. Michael Wallstreet's getup rules. Alexandra York looks so odd as a business woman. JACKO VICTORY. GLORIOUS! YAY MUTA and Mr. Saito! MASSIVE Muta chant broke out when he took the hood off. Love Heyman hyping up JACKO VICTORY facing Holyfield. I'm sure Holyfield would take that fight now. No one has ever done the handspring elbow as well as Muta did it. Jinsei Shinzaki's was close, but didn't have the same snap to it. SAITO IS SPEAKING ENGLISH, and sounds like a slightly younger Mr. Fuji.

Team Canada is a pair of jobber-looking motherfuckers. Victor Zangiev looks like the wrestling version of G. Gordon Liddy. Never seen him before, but while he looks really old, he moves incredibly swiftly and does some great bridges. A boring chant broke out, and while this isn't the most exciting match ever, they really shouldn't have paired off two completely unknown teams like this. A weird suplex>armbar...won...somehow with a 2, or maybe a submission or whatever. Sting pointing out how illogical the Black Scorpion thing is something else - now, they'd never even bother explaining this deal making so little sense. Sting's rat tail is something else. Terry Taylor's got the robe on that he sold to Roode - Terry definitely got his money's worth out of it, and for a 25+ year old robe, it's in good shape. YOU'LL NEVER GUESS - Michael Wallstreet did an abdominal stretch using the ropes. Rotunda has at least a bit more fire here than he did as IRS, and won with the Samoan Drop/Stock Market Crash. IRS matches were hard enough to get through with the WWF's production, let alone WCW's low-budget look in the early '90s. Michael Hayes dressing as the stripper version of Uncle Sam is something else.

Curtis Hughes as just the Big Cat and the Motor City Madman are out to further the feel of this being an AWA show. The Skyscrapers, with Sid in a singlet that always looked weird on him came out to murder these guys. After much struggling, they hit a double powerbomb on the Madman, who seemed to deadweight Sid. Tommy Rich is out as a substitute for Robert Gibson to team with Ricky Morton as the Rock and Road-Owned Express. The Freebirds are dressed as...very low-end strippers. Little Richard...MARLEY is their roadie. THIS GIMMICK SUCKS. Tommy Rich is spanking Marley, after hearing Ross talk about how he was a former world champ, this got sad. Paul E saying "this is terrible" seems pretty fitting. THIS IS LIKE MILLI VANILLI CHALLENGING THE NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK TO A BATTLE OF THE BANDS. Paul E rules. Garvin with the giant beard and glittery gear looks way too much like Gorgeous Jimmy, and despite looking about the same facially, looks middle-aged body-wise. Little Richard accidentally flew off the top thanks to a crutch shot into a double sledge on Jimmy because...of course, and then they lose due to a distraction. Double DDT. This sucked. At least the babyfaces had the good sense to save Marley, leading to the Freebirds attacking Gibson, but not going after the injured leg. That's sporting of them.

STAN HANSEN CHEWS TOBACCO, DOES THINGS WITH A ROPE, AND SAYS HOOOOO! Pretty nothing much between the Steiners and Konnan/Rey Sr. Clips of some angle with Flair and Teddy Long in a limo... I have no idea what this was. The swastika-looking logo Horsemen shirt isn't exactly good-looking, especially with the early '90s neon pink and green look to it. The Russians are back out not even getting a polite reaction to face Muta and Saito. Holds. Holds. More holds. Scorpion Deathlock in for a sec by Saito. SAITO SUPLEX TO ZANGIEV gets the win. Doom vows to demolish the Horsemen in the street fight. Ron looks a bit odd in a belly shirt. YES LEX STILL HAS HIS NWA THEME! Hansen's out with even more chew, spitting it at the fans, and his graphic talks about him being a champion in both the U.S. and Japan. Goofy ref bump bullshit for the U.S. title match. I guess giving him a visual win was a way to appease either him or All Japan, but this finish sucked.

It's time for the tag team street fight. Barry's out in jeans and chaps...OF COURSE! I love Arm sticking with logical offense here - if you've got something near you, JUST HIT A GUY WITH IT. Nice use of the belt by Ron, not just using it as a whip, but using the point of it for punches. Love Butch calling Arn a son of a bitch, leading to a chairshot to the back on Barry and the Simmons spinebuster ACTUALLY ONLY GETS 2! SUPERPLEX, sadly no floatover from Barry. Jumping DDT from Barry can't get a cover due to a chair being brought in. I love Reed blocking Barry with a chair to prevent him from helping a cover that wasn't the finish - made it feel more important. Double pin off a shitty small package from Barry and a nothing cover from Ron. YAY ANOTHER GOOFY BULLSHIT FINISH! And then everyone falls over each other on the ramp doing stuff. Fun street fight, but goddamn that finish...

Tourney finals. Green mist against the pyro looks pretty sweet. Tiger Hattori is the ref and it's the Steiners against Muta and Saito - if this was in a well-lit building, it would feel like a New Japan match. Basic heel work from Saito and Muta to establish them as the heels here. SAITO SUPLEX and a spike piledriver. Paul logically points out that if Saito and Muta win, they should get a U.S. Tag Title shot. Given that this is for the International Tag Team Title, wouldn't that be a step down? Sunset flip gets the win for the Steiners. At least it had a solid finish. It's Jim Herd. Presumably, the Steiners also got a Pizza Hut coupon in addition to the trophy.

Dick the Bruiser's out to ref the cage match. His ref shirt is...interesting. Dick looks like the world's toughest grandfather. The Black Scorpion's at least got a cool theme. Oh goody, a PARADE OF BLACK SCORPIONS. This is like sub-Doink. At least that's colorful. Everyone here is in a different-looking mask and outfit and it just looks so cheap. A SPACECRAFT IS LOWERING TO RINGSIDE. Paul E is angry that Jim Ross did not alert him to THE SPACECRAFT ROAMING AROUND THE BUILDING. Now it's shutting. I hope it opens and the Gobbedly Gooker comes out. Nope - IT'S THE REAL BLACK SCORPION! The others were only messengers. The cape is at least good-looking and ridiculous. Flair's jaw is way too recognizable in this getup. Flair's jumping around a lot - almost a bit like how Savage would spring around before a match. The Scorpion is at least not totally wrestling like Flair - just going for basic heel tricks using the ropes and choking. After some cage smacks, Flair's hair is now visible under the mask. Super-shitty piledriver from the Scorpion doesn't even get a count. The crowd is making...polite noise to show that they're alive. Stinger splash>deathlock combo, but Flair gets to the ropes. Cage smash leads to a mask being taken off, but he's got a silver one underneath it. Lots of cage bonks. Big throw out of the corner and a flying lariat! Crossbody off the top gets 3. This was not good. Flair as not Flair didn't work. It's 3-on-1 against the Bruiser. He's...almost possibly selling! Horsemen are out to bump for the Bruiser. OH COME ON NOW. DDT on the chair knocks Flair down because Sting's legs hit him. Flair's laying in some really shitty chairshots to Sting. Babyfaces are down to help Sting. The Steiners, unlike the B-team, came prepared and have bolt cutters. Flair got revealed, and got color. Well...goddamn that was pretty awful.

Screens -

That is the funniest thing I have ever read.
I'm going to pile on this, too. You have no excuse to think Too Cool and Rikishi weren't over as fuck with the Network out now. Rikishi was a legit title contender sometimes.

I think you're focused too much on how popular the Dudleys/Hardys/E&C are based on the legends and myths created around their gimmick matches, not because of how over they actually were. All three of those teams had periods of their career where they came out and the crowd went mild. They're more historically relevant and way more fun to watch than Too Cool, but TC were great comedy midcarders.
fuq i can't believe i use to like this gimmick. wtf was wrong with me.
Cena was treading water, and he made himself a star with the gimmick. I think we all respected his dedication to the gimmick and his drive to make himself a star more than we respected the slow, homophobic raps themselves. Kurt Angle also had a huge part in getting Cena over as a worker and as a funny guy.

I still think about and laugh at that time Cena rapped through his entire 3 minute Rumble entrance until the next guy came out.


Has anyone else been having trouble getting on demand stuff to work on pc today? I've been getting a cant find video error on everything today but live stuff.

fuq i can't believe i use to like this gimmick. wtf was wrong with me.

You know what, I'm gonna be honest here. I'm 23 atm, and as much as I'd like to think I've always been this enlightened respectful person who recognizes and is critical of stupid shit, I wasn't. 2004 was what, 10 years ago? That would make me 13 in the middle of cena's rap fest, and I can nowadays easily see how a 13 year old in 2004 might laugh and snicker at stupid homophobic and misogynist jokes.

So yeah, while it's easy to look back in disgust and wonder how we ever liked that, (hindsight is 20/20) sometimes we need to look closer into ourselves at that period of time to find that answer vs the product itself.


WM17: That chockeslam spot on HHH int he TV tower was bad. Lol JR was saying he landed on concrete and seconds later, the replay shows he landed on a padded to hell mattress.


Are they adding old nitro's and raw's eventually? I'd love a feature that let's me watch those and ppvs in order chronologically.
I'm starting to watch every PPV chronologically. I started at Royal Rumble 98 and am about to finish Rock Bottom 98. I started watching WWF/E in 2000 so seeing all the Attitude Era stuff I missed is amazing. Even though I cant watch all the Raw is War episodes, the PPVs do a good job of showing all the stuff I missed during the month without having to watch all the low and mid carders putz around for an hour and a half.


So I've been watching mainly on PC till this weekend and I have to say that yea the apps on PS4 and PS3 need some serious work. I'd like to sort all PPVs of a company by year like on the PC. I can't though. I have to pick a certain PPV then I can sort it by years. Not good for watching them all in order.

So yea the app needs some serious work. Still can't stop watching PPVS though. Watching more ECW tonight and man I mean it. I miss the promotion more and more with each one I watch.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I've been watching mainly on PC till this weekend and I have to say that yea the apps on PS4 and PS3 need some serious work. I'd like to sort all PPVs of a company by year like on the PC. I can't though. I have to pick a certain PPV then I can sort it by years. Not good for watching them all in order.

So yea the app needs some serious work. Still can't stop watching PPVS though. Watching more ECW tonight and man I mean it. I miss the promotion more and more with each one I watch.

you watching the live channel? This old-ass ECW is pretty rough...

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Something I noticed while watching some WWE PPVs from 96-98, PPVs I clearly remember being TV-PG are rated TV-14 now. Even stuff from 96, which was quite a while before they became TV-14. Although, there's a fair amount of stuff that wouldn't fly as TV-PG now.

Man, there's so much good stuff. Give me 1997 Raw and Heyman era Smackdown please.
I'm going to pile on this, too. You have no excuse to think Too Cool and Rikishi weren't over as fuck with the Network out now. Rikishi was a legit title contender sometimes.

I think you're focused too much on how popular the Dudleys/Hardys/E&C are based on the legends and myths created around their gimmick matches, not because of how over they actually were. All three of those teams had periods of their career where they came out and the crowd went mild. They're more historically relevant and way more fun to watch than Too Cool, but TC were great comedy midcarders.

Rikishi isn't in Too Cool. Nor did he wrestle at NXT last night. We've been over this, and no, I'm not basing my assessment of the era on legends and myths. I watched it when originally played out.


Rikishi wasn't in Too Cool in the same way that Bret Hart wasn't in the NWO in 1998 despite coming out with them in promos, teaming with them, and being best buddies with Hogan.


Go to WCW Uncensored '96 and watch Finlay vs. Regal. I remember watching this match on PPV live when it aired and it's still every bit as great all these years later. Dave Meltzer's review back then...

2. Belfast Bruiser (David Finlay) beat Steve Regal (Darren Matthews) via DQ in 17:33. Tony Shiavone made a comeback on this match as he got it over as being brutal even though a lot of what was taking place would go over the heads of many if not most viewers. This was a super stiff All Japan impact type of match, with no hot moves, no build or psychology and a horrible finish. It really wasn't an entertaining match, but on a believability scale, it was more believable than almost anything you would ever see in the U.S. short of a UFC match and it was more brutal than most of them. Not that this is a match of the year, but it is a must-see match. The two, who have wrestled against each other for years (in fact, Finlay is Regal's favorite opponent), just pounded the crap out of each other. Finlay's offense was the most believable in North America. At one point Bruiser threw a punch to Regal's nose which broke his nose and pretty well messed up his face and he may be needing surgery. Regal was bleeding from the nose heavily when Bobby Eaton and David Taylor interfered for the DQ. After the match, Taylor slapped Finlay incredibly hard. ***1/4


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
why in the FUCK has my favorite Raw intro ever been edited to hell?

September 28th 1998 Raw intro with the master plan speech. Seriously it's been edited to hell..not the video..or the music..just Vince's voice and he repeats himself in it so the word or phrase he says is eventually unedited.


I'm going to watch Breakdown to see if it got edited off that too...I love having this shit

what in the flying fuck..that intro is edited too. It's not a clip or sound bite in his voice that would be edited. I'm totally shook at this stupid edits.

this is the original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvdxgyETGzM


Halloween Havoc 95 is so hilarious at the end. Especially when the Yeti shows up! No wonder Hogan turned heel he was pretty much in storyline limbo with these ridiculous bookings!


Halloween Havoc 95 is so hilarious at the end. Especially when the Yeti shows up! No wonder Hogan turned hell he was pretty much in storyline limbo with these ridiculous bookings!

Haha, I watched all of the Hogan/Giant segments on that earlier tonight. My God, the monster truck battle, the fall off the roof, Giant returning with NO EXPLANATION WHATSOEVER as to what happened to him and how he returned, then yes the entire ending with the debut of the Yeti and the double hug of apparent love. What an incredible series of events.


Haha, I watched all of the Hogan/Giant segments on that earlier tonight. My God, the monster truck battle, the fall off the roof, Giant returning with NO EXPLANATION WHATSOEVER as to what happened to him and how he returned, then yes the entire ending with the debut of the Yeti and the double hug of apparent love. What an incredible series of events.

That hug man! LOL how did they think this was any good?!



hahahahahahaha, I forgot that is how he technically "debuted".

Kevin Sullivan always seemed like he had "problems" to me. Also the other funny thing about Halloween Havoc 95 was how Hulk Hogan was supposed to be evil so he could battle the Dungeon of Doom and even had an evil symbol on his forehead and shaved his mustache! i always called him Majin Hogan since it reminded me of DBZ!


I'm watching In Your House December 95. Lawler and Jarrett being racist as fuck with Ahmed Johnson. God damn I love new generation! Oh now we are getting homophobia with Razor Ramon and Goldust!

Oh shit! American Online chat! NEW GENERATION! This shit is so ass backwards is endearing.


I'm watching In Your House December 95. Lawler and Jarrett being racist as fuck with Ahmed Johnson. God damn I love new generation! Oh now we are getting homophobia with Razor Ramon and Goldust!

Oh shit! American Online chat! NEW GENERATION! This shit is so ass backwards is endearing.

It was called America Online. I don't even believe you're watching that. Liar. What else do you lie about?


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Oh no, Gene is out of a job...



Saw something similar on War games 3 (first PPV I went to watch on the network).


Absolutely pathetic part deux
What's the best ECW PPV? I watched Hardcore Heaven '99 earlier and there were some great matches there. Honestly made it hard to watch tonight's Smackdown after it.
Royal Rumble 2013 is playing, and Dolph comes out with Big E and AJ, with his briefcase

sighhhh, good times, good times
I just watched Payback where Dolph loses the belt, he just lays in the ring sobbing after the match. It's rough knowing that's as high as he'll ever make it.

But really, how could they make a star out of a guy whose name sounds like Adolf Hitler?
I'm going to school

Watching Chi Town Rumble.

Barry Whindam and Luger tearing it up.

I remember being a young kid watching this.

Flair Vs Steamboat coming up.


The ending of Bash at the Beach 96 is Soooooo GOOD.

So what's on right now?

CM Chump Vs. The Crock? LOL No thanks
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