I don't use anything else on the PC version but the search tool. I'm mostly interested in the content from the 80s and early-to-mid 90s and I've found better luck just typing in a wrestler's name.
I really wish there was a way to search by "year" or specific date and just click a starting point and watch EVERY SINGLE THING that took place in a linear way from that point on. A lot of what makes wrestling entertainment great is the drama, but hopping from one thing to another to another without much context tends to dull things a bit.
It'd be incredible if people could put together playlists and share/collaborate with others on them a la spotify.
All in due time, I think.
You can search by year in any given category. So looking at WWE PPVs and clicking 1995 will show all the shitty New Generation PPVs in chronological order. I believe they default at newest to oldest.