Host Samurai
WWF was definitely in a weird/disappointing place because 2 of their 4 hottest guys (Nash, Michaels, Hall, Hart) had just picked up and left WCW. In fact I remember the whole Michaels/Diesel feud being so disappointing because word was out that Diesel was leaving and that he was going to job for Michaels.
That being said WCW was still hard to watch for me. Even if the wrestling was great, the production values weren't necessarily there. It wasn't until Bash at the Beach '96 that everyone took notice and were like WTF is happening in WCW. I remember watching TSN Sportdesk and seeing them show the Hogan heel turn. It garnered a TON of attention. It was still close even to the run of Hulkamania in WWF that no one ever thought they'd see him turn heel. It was easily the biggest single event in wrestling me.
BTW I'm so bummed that this is not available in Canada yet.
I agree with this. WCW just wasn't a cool brand to begin with until the NWO arrived. I feel that most people associated wrestling with the WWF, just like how people associated MMA with UFC and WCW was for hillbilly rednecks. Everything from the announcers, format and guys like Buckhouse Buck and Arn Anderson just gave it such an "uncool" vibe. Sting was their only cool guy that connected well with what people wanted.