What happened to Lex exactly? Is he sick?
I forget the details but He did something real bad to his spine and was basically wheelchair bound for several years.
Dude is lucky to be walking again.
What happened to Lex exactly? Is he sick? Jericho: "It was Team WWE vs. Team Nexus, and the finish boiled down to [Edge] and [Jericho] in there, but it was Cena against a couple of them. John wanted to do things a certain way and we told him 'you're wrong'. He did it anyways, and it sucked. And then after he came over to us and said 'I should have listened to you, but I wasn't seeing it that way.'"
Edge: "I remember. I was like, fine I'm out of the match by that point."
Chris Jericho: "He wanted to get DDT'd on the floor by Barrett, then kick out and beat them both. And you and I were like, that's the dumbest thing. That's just throwing it away for no reason."
Edge: "They should have gone over because they were so hot."
Chris Jericho: "We were fighting for Barrett to go over. And where's Wade Barrett now?"
I forget the details but He did something real bad to his spine and was basically wheelchair bound for several years.
Dude is lucky to be walking again.
Reading this makes me wonder where Barrett would be if Nexus won that match. I saw a video that mentioned him beating Taker at a Mania and ending the streak. No idea if that's true though.
Good, I hope it keeps dropping.
I'm a lifetime fan (35 years old), and there have been a few moments over the last few months this Summer where I finally started asking myself just what the hell is the point in continuing to watch WWE.
I don't want to get to that point. I'm all for whatever it takes for them to turn this lull around, ugh.
Extreme draws the headlines and word of mouth. Like it or not the violence is what drew the ratings they saw in the late 90's early 2000's. Look at the NFL even with all the evidence of head trauma they continue to dominate ratings consistently.
You think the NFL draws ratings because of head trauma? No, it's because of fantasy football and balanced, competitive product.
I'm thankful that WWE is "pg" these days because if these stupid story lines were R-rated or worse it'd be cringe-worthy, embarrassingly bad. They're stupid storylines now, but not generally offensive.
Good, I hope it keeps dropping.
I'm a lifetime fan (35 years old), and there have been a few moments over the last few months this Summer where I finally started asking myself just what the hell is the point in continuing to watch WWE.
I don't want to get to that point. I'm all for whatever it takes for them to turn this lull around, ugh.
PG means no blood though. Wrestling without blood is like football without tackling
WWE no but I would recommend the Kayfabe Commentaries shoot series especially back to the territories and Timeline history of WWE, WCW, and ECW.
Legitimately makes me laugh so many people are mad at Cena. He does great things. He's bigger than wrestling. A true superstar.
Most people outside of the wrestling audience have no clue who John Cena is. He's not The Rock.
Can't really tell if you're being serious or not, I'm not in enough of these discussions. If you're being serious, this is a ridiculous argument as tackling is the central part of ending a play in football, and blading is absolutely unneccesary, but can be effective to add drama to a match. But when somebody is "busted wide open" in every match it looses its effect. Plus, today, everybody knows that no wrestlers are 'busted open,' they blade themselves. When Hart / Austin had that famous submission match, and Austin added color even against Vince's wishes, it added so much to the match. When every match has excessive blood in it, it's not special and, frankly, unnecessarily dangerous.
Saying that blading is to wrestling as tackling is to football does not make any sense. If blading were a football analogy it would be like head hunting, completely unnecessary and dangerous to players.
Extreme draws the headlines and word of mouth. Like it or not the violence is what drew the ratings they saw in the late 90's early 2000's. Look at the NFL even with all the evidence of head trauma they continue to dominate ratings consistently.
Watched RAW tonight and no shit ratings are bad when you have a commercial break every 2 minutes. Barely anything happens and you're taken out of the show, its fucking horrible and thats regardless of the stale ass, repetitive content.
Their commercial breaks are the same they've ever been. You just don't have 90 second matches like the Attitude Era now.
Their commercial breaks are the same they've ever been. You just don't have 90 second matches like the Attitude Era now.
1999 wasn't that violent for WWF. 1998 was just for Foley but it didn't need to be. People got behind Foley 100x more for Mr Socko than they did Hell in a Cell. After Hell in a Cell most fans still didn't care about Foley and I believe he was thinking about retiring. Things like Hell in a Cell and chairshots never needed to happen. Ratings wouldn't have been any different. People were tuning in for the Rock and Austin/McMahon and DX.
1999 wasn't that violent for WWF. 1998 was just for Foley but it didn't need to be. People got behind Foley 100x more for Mr Socko than they did Hell in a Cell. After Hell in a Cell most fans still didn't care about Foley and I believe he was thinking about retiring. Things like Hell in a Cell and chairshots never needed to happen. Ratings wouldn't have been any different. People were tuning in for the Rock and Austin/McMahon and DX.
I think about this a lot... whether or not that stuff stands the test of time.
back in 98, sable teasing her tits on TV was a pretty novel concept, especially if you were a kid. not many had the internet, and there was no way to get your hands on a playboy, let alone a porn video.
today, anyone can google tits. most kids have a fucking supercomputer in their pocket and full length hd porn videos are a few taps away. does a female wrestler in lingerie teasing nudity work in 2015? I don't think it does, at least not as much as it did in the late 90s.
profanity can bring intensity to a promo, but again, it's not as shocking as it was back in the day. hearing profanity bleeped out on tv back in the late 90s was exciting! it's why springer was popular, and the attitude era took advantage of that. they were breaking rules! today, thanks to youtube, any kid can watch the angry video game nerd talking about fucking diarrhea shit. isn't pewdiepie the most subscribed youtuber? dude cusses all the time.
in the late 90s, the audience wanted a certain product. WWF supplied that (as did WCW), and it was rewarded with big time ratings. I don't think you can just copy and paste late 90s sensibilities, present them in 2015, and expect things to be good. you have to give the audience what they want. today's audience. personally, I think NXT nails it. new japan does as well, to an extent. straight forward storytelling and hard hitting matches. it's not as hard as wwe is making it seem.
1999 was the year Rock hit Foley in the head with 18 unprotected chair shots or whatever which is way worse than anything he did in 1998.
Although the initial Invasion angle with wcw was botched, I was ok with Shane "controlling" wcw. The night that happened, I was hoping for some good "wcw" vs wwf(e). We all know how that ended. Later when Heyman ripped that massive promo and some unexpected ecw guys entered the fray, i thought this would be the redemption, and an awesome wwe/wcw/ecw showdown. You had Vince, Shane, and Heyman with their respective brands, so yeah, I was hyped over the moon at that point. Then a mere hour later, they merge wcw/ecw, cut Heyman's nuts off, and put Steph in charge. I knew from that moment on, it was going to be total shit. I've had Xpac heat with Steph ever since.
That was one thing, was totally stupid and unnecessary, didn't make anyone care any more about the feud, fans cared just as much about the Rock and Mankind hitting each other with bags of popcorn in their empty arena match.
I do. On my iPad while doing work on the computer. So not really giving it my full attention.
How do you get Raw on your iPad? I want this magic live Raw outside television.
All of those teams were in place in 1999.
And that is actually a bad thing. 15 minute matches with a commercial break in the middle on free TV should not be the norm.Their commercial breaks are the same they've ever been. You just don't have 90 second matches like the Attitude Era now.
Divas Revolution is a mess
Rollins being overexposed as well being booked as a punk bitch who loses to everyone
The Bray/Roman feud is boring
The promos are too long and straight up the worst thing
It's 3 fucking hours
I can go on but I can't say I'm surprised.
But, Kevin Owens...
But, Kevin Owens...
This is a MASSIVE problem. Turnovers for storylines. For some reason, they just keep the same shit going WAAAAYYYY longer than they used to, and it becomes beyond stale.
Then other stories they drop after two episodes...
There is no consistency, no pacing, to any of their arcs.
I'm trying very hard to think of what Steph has contributed to the product that's ever been good. I mean, she can be a convincing heel... but she refuses to have any sort of comeuppance. I mean, the only time I can think of where Steph got put in her place in recent memory was Vickie Guerrero throwing her into a pool of pudding. And good on Vickie for getting that in her farewell. She was always awesome.
Raw is 3 hours long now?
10 minute of commercial break followed by 5 minute of entrances and 2 minute of match. Cut back to 10 minute of commercial break.Been that way for a while now. So fucking boring zzzzz.
10 minute of commercial break followed by 5 minute of entrances and 2 minute of match. Cut back to 10 minute of commercial break.
I tuned into Raw today and that's exactly what I got with Sheamus match. Fuck off, WWE.