Never really got the hate for Cena, not my cup of tea but certainly has the weight of the WWE on his shoulders for what, 10 years ? Not many people can say that week in week out for such a long period of time. Mad respects for staying in the same shape & conditioning.
That said, if no one is available to step up in the same way he could why wouldn't they keep pushing him ? Bryan was on top of the world but realstically I think everyone could see it wouldnt last. He deserves the world but the love for him I feel was out of frustration and spite toward other top guys. At least the 'universe' picked someone who was worthwhile but I don't think it was solely Bryan they were cheering but more what he represented.
Rollins is boring, incredibly talented and great as a whiny champ but it's becoming a bore. I do quite like how they are billing Kane at the moment though, it's dumb but better then anything they have done with him for years and his mic skills have come a long way.
Kevin Owens isn't going anywhere I reckon. He looks like an indy wrestler, I think he will end up back in the indies soon. This world doesn't suit him. Not just looks but he's not a cartoon, he's not larger than life and I don't get any vibe from him that I can get behind, albeit he is great in the ring.
Neville, so wish he had some personality. He is incredible to watch.
I think NXT should be kept as the wrestlers show, it's where people like Nevill and Owens can shine.
VaudeVillans, there's a team I can get behind.