I'm over 30 and I'm not sure I give much of a shit about those guys any more.Get ready for more appearances from Ric Flair or Shawn Michaels or some other old wrestlers nobody under 30 gives a shit about.
I'm over 30 and I'm not sure I give much of a shit about those guys any more.Get ready for more appearances from Ric Flair or Shawn Michaels or some other old wrestlers nobody under 30 gives a shit about.
Yep. I feel like this has been said by pretty much every fan for a decade now, but nothing's happening. It really is the exact same show in format and pacing as 15 years ago, but now featuring no edginess, momentum, or stakes. It's a dull variety show right now.It seems like something that could still be fun but is in need of a major change in direction.
You can't pin this on Rollins or Reigns. At this point bringing back Cena, or even propping up internet faves like KO or Cesaro, won't make a damn bit of difference. The entire product just needs a complete overhaul from top to bottom. It needs to become something completely different. What is there now is boring, stale, and predictable. They really are just doing the same basic story premises as they did 15-20 years ago. You expect teenagers or young adults to find this shit interesting?
I'm over 30 and I'm not sure I give much of a shit about those guys any more.
Hey, Flair is the man. Nobody can take that away from him.Ric Flair is the greatest of all time. Show the man some respect.
At least variety shows have variety. RAW doesn't even offer that.Yep. I feel like this has been said by pretty much every fan for a decade now, but nothing's happening. It really is the exact same show in format and pacing as 15 years ago, but now featuring no edginess, momentum, or stakes. It's a dull variety show right now.
You can't pin this on Rollins or Reigns. At this point bringing back Cena, or even propping up internet faves like KO or Cesaro, won't make a damn bit of difference. The entire product just needs a complete overhaul from top to bottom. It needs to become something completely different. What is there now is boring, stale, and predictable. They really are just doing the same basic story premises as they did 15-20 years ago. You expect teenagers or young adults to find this shit interesting?
Ric Flair is the greatest of all time. Show the man some respect.
By the way if NXT was on in its place, I bet you the ratings would be higher.
Hey, Flair is the man. Nobody can take that away from him.
I just don't need to see his broken down 66-year-old carcass on Monday nights to regurgitate catchphrases and make Roman look strong.
At least variety shows have variety. RAW doesn't even offer that.
Non-traditional wrestling fans, eh? I know what will bring them in...No they wouldn't. NXT is niche as fuck. Non-wrestling fans aren't tuning into NXT. WWE needs to appeal to non-traditional wrestling fans to get back to anything resembling the ratings they had at their heights.
He's the only 2x Hall of Famer in WWE. He's legit. Probably the best overall package of charisma and talent if you had to pick the best heel ever.By this point I'm certain that Ric Flair convinced somebody that he was a wrestling legend some 45 years ago and nobody's been polite enough to tell him he's awful and just kinda gone with it. Back when I was first into wrestling, like 20-25 years ago, he was this forcedly excited but boring, frail guy who other wrestlers had to visibly be extra careful with, but when I'd say he was shit to watch someone older than me would pipe in with 'maybe, but he's a legend, show some respect'.
And now it's 2015 and it's really out of hand.
And it keeps getting lower
WWE Raw ratings get even lower with 18-year record
I absolutely believe the two main guys that the show is built around should take some blame. I do agree with your post otherwise, though.
By this point I'm certain that Ric Flair convinced somebody that he was a wrestling legend some 45 years ago and nobody's been polite enough to tell him he's awful and just kinda gone with it. Back when I was first into wrestling, like 20-25 years ago, he was this forcedly excited but boring, frail guy who other wrestlers had to visibly be extra careful with, but when I'd say he was shit to watch someone older than me would pipe in with 'maybe, but he's a legend, show some respect'.
And now it's 2015 and it's really out of hand.
By this point I'm certain that Ric Flair convinced somebody that he was a wrestling legend some 45 years ago and nobody's been polite enough to tell him he's awful and just kinda gone with it. Back when I was first into wrestling, like 20-25 years ago, he was this forcedly excited but boring, frail guy who other wrestlers had to visibly be extra careful with, but when I'd say he was shit to watch someone older than me would pipe in with 'maybe, but he's a legend, show some respect'.
And now it's 2015 and it's really out of hand.
I absolutely believe the two main guys that the show is built around should take some blame. I do agree with your post otherwise, though.
Dude what are you talking about?
The guy had the best decade run in the history of the business.
The dude carried territories on his back, promoters depended on him for their lives.
The guy held the world title 16 times during the most storied and important time in the history of the business.
Best promo key work PROMO man in the history of wrestling.
the guy had more 5 star matches than anyone in history. He wrestled 365 times a year.
Was durable, dependable, bankable. What are you talking about?
To be fair, I feel like if you started seeing Flair from WCW's prime and on, he's always just been a weird old man.Dude what are you talking about?
The guy had the best decade run in the history of the business.
The dude carried territories on his back, promoters depended on him for their lives.
The guy held the world title 16 times during the most storied and important time in the history of the business.
Best promo key work PROMO man in the history of wrestling.
the guy had more 5 star matches than anyone in history. He wrestled 365 times a year.
Was durable, dependable, bankable. What are you talking about?
And all of these accomplishments are utterly baffling to me. He has the ring presence and technical ability of a wet turnip while being as physically intimidating as your average doily.
I'm still amazed how they fucked up Sting's WWE run. What in the fucking fuck.
This company deserves to go to the graveyard.
To be fair, I feel like if you started seeing Flair from WCW's prime and on, he's always just been a weird old man.
...And was still one of the hottest acts in WCW.To be fair, I feel like if you started seeing Flair from WCW's prime and on, he's always just been a weird old man.
Yes!Bringing in Sting is part of the problem in the first place.
A complete overhaul won't make a difference if their product is still utter shit. People like to compare wrestling to a soap opera, but that's really damn offensive to even the worst soap opera.
Every time I think about watching wrestling I realize that I cannot bring myself to give a shit about anything, because no one in the company gives a shit.
Back when I was first into wrestling, like 20-25 years ago, he was this forcedly excited but boring, frail guy who other wrestlers had to visibly be extra careful with, but when I'd say he was shit to watch someone older than me would pipe in with 'maybe, but he's a legend, show some respect'.
Two matches. Two defeats. One career-ending injury.I'm still amazed how they fucked up Sting's WWE run. What in the fucking fuck.
This company deserves to go to the graveyard.
WWE right now is where TNA's always been, and why TNA sucks: lots of old dudes in the main event scene, literally no momentum for anyone on the show who aren't those old top guys.
Can we really blame Rollins for how he's booked? Can we blame Reigns for how they sabotaged him leading up to and during the Rumble?
Yeah we can blame Roman for his mic skills, but then, a good company, a good booker would know how to hide that and highlight his strengths. They're so stubborn on forcing Reigns into a Cena mold that he damn near suffocates in it.(and he's still managing to build himself back up)
Stone Cold even talks about how bad he feels for the current guys because of how stifled creatively they are.
"I was just at the pay-per-view Hell in a Cell and prior to that I was in Dallas at a Monday Night Raw and, man, the system is very constricted right now," explained Austin. "I feel for the guys in the system. I had a lot more creative freedom back in the day. These days, it's a very rigid system and it's very political. Because of the system that I was in, I could never comply to the current system. I ain't knocking it. I'm just saying I couldn't fly in that system with so many restrictions on me."
Two matches. Two defeats. One career-ending injury.
WCW got more out of Bret Hart before they wrecked him and they did an atrocious job with Bret Hart.
Your first mistake was having any expectations to begin with.
you must have never watched a soap opera
Sting's heyday was 25 years ago. Just imagine if, during the height of the attitude era in the late 90s, the WWE brought back Harley Race or Dusty Rhodes to co-main event PPVs or challenge for the title, would any of you given a shit? Because that's what Sting is today.
In the modern era? Who? There hasn't been a mega star since Cena.Creative is the main reason, yes, but let's not pretend that guys haven't overcome terrible booking in the past to draw fans.
For some added perspective, we thought Bob Backlund was old and out of touch when he feuded with Bret Hart for the title back in 1994. He was 45.Sting's heyday was 25 years ago. Just imagine if, during the height of the attitude era in the late 90s, the WWE brought back Harley Race or Dusty Rhodes to co-main event PPVs or challenge for the title, would any of you given a shit? Because that's what Sting is today.
This seems to be something they're doing begrudgingly that they don't actually WANT to do but feel obligated to do because Cena decided to go on vacation. I maintain no delusions that they'll actually stick to this mindset once Cena returns and "part-timers get all of the Mania main events" season kicks off in January.Past two weeks have been better, for sure. There are actual storylines and progression. But there's definitely been no significant change to the overall way WWE presents RAW to help turn the tides. That's still the same. They are just now putting at least a bit of effort into their 3 hour weekly show, as opposed to half hazardedly throwing meaningless shit at the wall, and counting on the fans finding something good under the steaming pile.
The bright side is that WWE is finally accepting the fact they need to treat some of their new current roster like actual stars, instead of everyone just being in one big mid-card where no one ever gets over unless by some freak accident.
For some added perspective, we thought Bob Backlund was old and out of touch when he feuded with Bret Hart for the title back in 1994. He was 45.
Sting is 11 years older than that.
Melrose Place in its prime kicks current WWE's ass.I've watched more than enough soap operas. Even the worst one had more compelling storylines than anything I've seen on WWE whenever I tuned in during the past few years. They're cheesy, they're over-the-top, the acting and dialogue sucks, but it works. I'm dead serious. WWE wishes it was as good as your standard soap opera.
They are already pushing the new guys. Roman, Rollins, Bray, Wyatt, Charlotte etc. are part of that group.With rating in the gutter, they should just really go all in and move up NXTers that are ready, phase out the status quo, and push the young talent to the moon...
Would it work? Probably not. But there is an off chance something sparks ala Rock/Austin.
You'll never know if you don't try....and that's exactly Vince's problem. He's too comfortable and surrounded by yes men.
The company in every fashion needs turned over and a radical facelift.
Cena overall this year has been far more positive for the company than the negative. Yes, the way he was booked for a decade was a prime example of the kind of things that caused WWE to turn really stale. But current Cena is pretty great overall IMO. Not too worried about him coming back.This seems to be something they're doing begrudgingly that they don't actually WANT to do but feel obligated to do because Cena decided to go on vacation. I maintain no delusions that they'll actually stick to this mindset once Cena returns and "part-timers get all of the Mania main events" season kicks off in January.
WWE seems to actually want to get behind the new talent now which is a new development.
Absolutely.Wanting to and knowing how to are two different things
They are already pushing the new guys. Roman, Rollins, Bray, Wyatt, Charlotte etc. are part of that group.
Moving up all of NXT would basically do nothing to RAW ratings.
New talent is in place now, but the product is going through some serious growing pains, during a time where people who still have cable subscriptions just aren't that into pro wrestling anymore. There's no magic cure for what's going on right now.
In the modern era? Who? There hasn't been a mega star since Cena.
They managed to ruin CM Punk and he had all the stars aligned for him. Bryan had one of biggest fan revolts ever seen and even then he was never ever actually going to have the company behind him. This company is its own worst enemy.