The dead weight is Vince and Kevin Dunn in the back along with their staff of 20-30 writers.
There's so much dead weight that just a "top five" is not enough even if they're not taking up main show TV time.
Big Show, Kane, Curtis Axel, Sandow, Diego, Fernando, El Torito, Ziggler, Fandango, Heath Slater, Hornswoggle, Wade Barrett, Ryback, Sheamus and Zack Ryder are all pretty much dead weight at this point. I would release or "retire" in the case of Show and Kane, all of them except the Colon cousins since the masks allow them to be repackaged easier and worse comes to worst they can be the bottom rung tag team to get others over while they beat jobbers on Superstars. Some could use a few yeras out of the WWE system to "find" themselves, Barrett and Sheamus could probably do well in Japan. I left Truth out because I do think the man has been grossly underutilized for years and while probably near the end of his career I think something could still be done with him since despite how long he's been with WWE I don't think he's as damaged as others.
Going through the women's roster there's not enough there to really get rid of, they need jobbers and I'll give Eva Marie a little bit more of a chance as much as it pains me to, they should just give her a "Stepford Wife" gimmick. Rosa ain't getting fired any time soon for obvious reasons. I also want them to eventually reintroduce the women's tag titles when the main women's roster grows a bit more and let the Bella Twins have that for the Total Divas push for a while.
Plus Stephanie and Triple H off fucking TV and being so domineering over the roster and taking up TV time that could be dedicated to something else. The whole authority figure has been played out for a decade and yet here we are with WWE still relying on it. The whole Authority bullshit should have ended almost a year ago or at the very, very least WrestleMania but again they're still around doing the same shit they were doing two or whatever many years ago it's been.
I don't feel like writing out a "push" list right now, it's a bit more complicated with the way I'd do it than just list five guys and it too would be way more than just five people, that's basically one person per title and I'd want to structure it by rank and tier even though I just pretty much gutted much of the mid and upper mid-card.