Cesaro isn't Mexican or American enough to feud with ADR.Cesaro should feud with ADR. Two of the best workers in the world by far.
Perhaps after Cena gets through burying Del Rio upon his return to the roster.
Cesaro isn't Mexican or American enough to feud with ADR.Cesaro should feud with ADR. Two of the best workers in the world by far.
I'm sure most casual WWE fans still think Santino Marella was Italian... and not a Canadian born and raised in Mississauga.If they hadn't pushed the "Swiss superman" thing so hard Cesaro's gimmick could have been that nobody knows where the fuck he's from. Jericho could have her like "it would be my pleasure to team up with a fellow Canadian as talented as Cesaro!" While John Cena would be like "No matter what you do Cesaro I ain't gonna quit. I don't surrender like your home country does!"
Hopefully the ratings tanked hard during the contract signing segment. It was the worst.Hour three: 3.04 million
I'm sure most casual WWE fans still think Santino Marella was Italian... and not a Canadian born and raised in Mississauga.
Good to see the WWE is still getting the ratings they deserve. I took a look recently and it's still as bad as ever.:/
It's been a really great show the past couple months. Some fantastic matches. Like REALLY fantastic matches. Do you watch for matches, or for storyline? Or for a combination of the two? Because Raw has been very, very good.
It's been a really great show the past couple months. Some fantastic matches. Like REALLY fantastic matches. Do you watch for matches, or for storyline? Or for a combination of the two? Because Raw has been very, very good.
Cesaro isn't Mexican or American enough to feud with ADR.
Perhaps after Cena gets through burying Del Rio upon his return to the roster.
It's been a really great show the past couple months. Some fantastic matches. Like REALLY fantastic matches. Do you watch for matches, or for storyline? Or for a combination of the two? Because Raw has been very, very good.
Dude, are we watching the same show? Or are you just trying to live up to your username?
pg 13 again when?
Their Mattel deal (which has made them one of the biggest toy lines) would have to fall through, USA would have to change their TV deal, and WWE would have to turn against the shareholder line of being a family friendly form of entertainment.
So...if they're looking out for their business interests? Not for a very long time.
Are you actually watching it? Because just last week, there were two matches I'd put in the upper echelon of matches this year that WWE has put on.
Neville vs Owens
Reigns vs Cesaro
Are you watching the same show? Those were GREAT. It might just be having nothing to compare it to, but five years ago we weren't getting this kind of great stuff. Sure, we had Bateaster, though...
i really enjoyed the Neville vs Owens match but then i watched a lot of the ziggler/ambrose match and eventually gave up for the night, missed the Reigns/Cesaro.
Not just repetitive, but predictable. I really enjoyed the Reigns/Cesaro match this week, for example, but would have actually been on the edge of my seat if there was the slightest chance Cesaro would win. This sort of shit happens all the time. There's very little drama.There is some really great in ring talent in the wwe and a lot of the matches are really good but I am having a hard time staying interested because I feel like a lot of the personalities and story lines are very dull and repetitive.
Not just repetitive, but predictable. I really enjoyed the Reigns/Cesaro match this week, for example, but would have actually been on the edge of my seat if there was the slightest chance Cesaro would win. This sort of shit happens all the time. There's very little drama.
It's been a really great show the past couple months. Some fantastic matches. Like REALLY fantastic matches. Do you watch for matches, or for storyline? Or for a combination of the two? Because Raw has been very, very good.
According to Vince McMahon, we should watch RAW simply for matches with predictable outcomes and competent workrate... along with an endless onslaught of advertising and shit commentary.Very, very good compared to what?
For a lot of people there's no compelling storylines going on and that makes or breaks the experience.
If you can't write a compelling show from beginning to end then it's a very very good show.
Last couple of weeks there have been some good matches but there isn't a ton of reason to be invested in it.
Once WWE gets ahold of him, this always becomes the case, evidently. I loved watching him in LU.I don't know if you can blame Cena given how mediocre Del Rio is. Like Del Rio SHOULD have all the parts to be a superstar. But he's not that good in ring, his promos are average, he's too smug to be a face and yet not smug enough to be a heel. Dude is the epitome of someone pushed to the moon in spite of what he can actually do. If he was genuinely good at anything, he'd be an all-time great. As it stands, he's boring as shit.
Reigns would be fine as champ, as long as he's a bad guy. A heel champ that I actually want to boo, with some decent faces like Cesaro and Ambrose chasing, could be alot of fun.If Roman Reigns is the champion after Survivor Series I hope the RAW ratings reflect such a bad move and they tank tank tank some more.
Watching nxt, nia jax looks just as gross as last week.CARMELLA being my favorite diva doesn't help her either
Reigns would be fine as champ, as long as he's a bad guy. A heel champ that I actually want to boo, with some decent faces like Cesaro and Ambrose chasing, could be alot of fun.
It makes too much sense. The WWE won't do it. They'll turn Ambrose instead, and it won't be nearly as interesting.
You have 10+ taste my friend.
Watching nxt, nia jax looks just as gross as last week.CARMELLA being my favorite diva doesn't help her either
According to Vince McMahon, we should watch RAW simply for matches with predictable outcomes and competent workrate... along with an endless onslaught of advertising and shit commentary.
And fuck everything else we might want. If you want to watch something with actual tension and unpredictability, go watch a sporting event.
Speaking of sporting events. One of the most annoying things the WWE does is pretend it's a real sport.
Like, they aren't competing with the NFL. They are a soap opera with fake fighting. All the compilations they do with real sports just screams desperate to me.
They are a bunch of geeks fake fighting each other. And the product it's better when it embraces that (like New Day does).
Now we play the waiting game, to see how the Survivor Series ppv influenced or turn more people off from watching RAW this week.
League Of Legends makes more sense being on ESPN than anything WWE. It's kinda sad they don't realize that.
What? Why?
Because WWE isn't even close to being a sport?
LoL at least has competition involved so you could make an argument.
You can't make an argument for WWE being a sport.
Hell, WWE keeps comparing themselves to the NFL and stuff. I think it's extremely dumb.
Why isn't chess on Sportscenter?
Why isn't chess on Sportscenter?
in that case wrestling definitely belongsI'm pretty sure ESPN has featured both Chess and Chess Boxing.
in that case wrestling definitely belongs