Here's the problem with Roman...
They don't book him as a bad ass. His role in the Shield was to fuck people up. That's it. And it got him over. So they turn him face and ask him to cut long promos and wrestle matches where heels get heat on him. They did the same thing to Goldberg, never realising THAT'S NOT WHAT PEOPLE WANT.
Now Roman is no Goldberg (that dude had the fucking IT factor from day one, was an athletic monster at Brock levels - I mean dude was doing fucking backflips as a set-up for spears), but if they'd mixed the 'fuck you' attitude of WWF Austin with the intensity of WCW Goldberg they'd have been fine.
It's not even rocket science - Roman as the underdog in any angle is stupid. And despite the jokes, Roman SHOULD be made to look big and strong. He's never been booked like that really, he's always been booked as a goofy Daniel Bryan size wrestler. Which is fucking bizarre - the guy should never be put in a situation where he's talking at a heel casually - he should be cutting short 'I'm going to fuck him up' promos at best. And fighting heels in arena wide brawls that are chaotic as anything.
Or, ya know, ignore all of that and make Ambrose the guy given he actually works as a underdog and a bad ass and people get behind him because, despite his average promos, he seems authentic. Like his entire feud with Lesnar revolved around 'I hate you' as a motivation. Just two guys who wanted to beat the shit out of each other. Is it any surprise that people get more behind Ambrose every time they do a sporadic push for him than they ever did for Reigns?
This post is on point, I tend to forget that I was one of the people who favoured Roman in the shield trio (at least until the end of their run when they went overboard with him) because he was great in his simple role of exploding into the ring and messing up folks.
Heck just take a look at the difference of booking between his Rumbles, the one where Roman broke Kane's single rumble elimination record (booo) had him looking like a powerhouse, the one he won? not so much as they had him have to overcome the odds of the Kane/Show team up with help from the most over man in the business, that being the Rock. And even again this year they had him come close but not before trying to do the Austin 1999 rumble angle again without any of the quality.
there's just no consistency, one month he's weeping it up in the ring because Sheamus swiped his title and looks like a goober, next month he's an angry brawler who got the crowd pops for spearing trips, it's almost like one of these approaches works vastly better than the other.
The great thing about the matches with AJ Styles is they actually booked them in a manner that worked for Roman, he looked powerful busting out the big moves while AJ sold like a million bucks, watching them had hints of what I used to see in the guy but long story short his booking has been pretty horrendous.