Damn, reading this thread it definitely seems like it would be best to wait a few months and let the patches roll out. Maybe when the steam sales start. I remember X3 being VERY unoptimized and resource hungry but they eventually fixed it up.
Ugh I have a similar setup with a 7950 instead of the 670, and it chugs at 1080p in space, inside is 60fps, weird ass performance variations =/
Definitely game needs some serious patching. After that UI needs to be reworked. I tried to find my ship and apparently there is 0 information where your ship is. You need to manually scan all green sectors to find it...
I can't grasp how you will be able to manage other ships when you will get stations and ships.
ranting and raving like a madman said:Logs show they tried to deliver yesterday at half past seven in the morning (YEAH RIGHT, like I believe that). Fucker didn't even deliver a notification. Seems logical though, seeing as I was awake and waiting and nobody rang my thrice-darned doorbell. Now I have to wait till Monday at the earliest. Support said Tuesday was more likely.
My feelings right now:
Seriously, fuck that shit.
Dammit, my CE is stuck.
I've got half a mind to just cancel that order and wait things out, considering the state the game appears to be in. Yikes. :-/
I definitely understand X vets complaints about this game feeling like it's been built with a console release in mind.
That's kind of a strong response to a person's opinion...Oh god, stop pls. I read this every time a pc exclusive comes out. For now, all talk about Rebirth after 2 hours of gameplay aka oh-i-see-tutorial-is-ez!
heh apparently game is 32bit....
heh apparently game is 32bit....
Bit sad to read all this, but if I can offer a glass half full, it'd be...uh...
...at least it's not Sword of the Stars 2, right?
Can you elaborate on that? If the .exe is 64 bit and it can use more memory than 4 GB RAM that's essentially 64 bit, no?
Can't wait for the mods that fix the problems.
I hope they do not do this. Is a responsibility of the developer fix the game, not the mods.
I don't get it. The game performs like ass, yet it doesn't seem to put any load on my system. CPU and GPU stay cool, the fans never spin up.
-open your savegame file in wordpad for example
-ctrl+f to open a searchbox and type "shopping"
-delete the lines between the shopping entries
-save and reload
There was somebody on the forum suggesting that it could simply be bad multi-threading - he was claiming that neither his GPU/CPU were hitting max load, and he was still getting terrible fps, so his hypothesis was that some of the threads are blocked when they shouldn't be, and interfering with the running of others.
If you're stuck on the energy trade mission, there is a workaround from here:
Once back in the game reissue the order to trade and it'll kick in.
If you're stuck on the energy trade mission, there is a workaround from here:
Once back in the game reissue the order to trade and it'll kick in.
I don't know if it will help you or if you'd rather ait for a patch but the steam forums have been fairly active with the developers working on the problems.If you haven't bought X Rebirth yet, you should probably wait a while till they work out some of the bugs/performance issues. I can run the game fairly well, but I have hit the energy cell buying mission bug. Gonna shelve it until they get it sorted out. I was enjoying it, hopefully I'll be able to enjoy it more soon.
preview edit: beatenEnergy cell story mission:
Originally posted by Aristagoras:
If you experience the dreaded "TOO MANY TASKS" error simply open your savegame (documents/egosoft/XRebirth/12345/save) in any XML-capable editor, search for OWNER="PLAYER" (no caps) and then just find your energy trader. There shouldn't be too many entries for your property. Go to the [trade] and then [shopping] section, delete those three (!) trade orders, save the file.
Reload the savegame, issue the trade order for e-cells, done. That actually worked for me - finished the mission in less than 5 minutes. This is more or less a workaround for the coming CANCEL button in the trade menu
i really wish i could change fov.
And i think the game bugged out for me. the whole right side of ship menu thing is gone.
Did you try to reload game ? Or maybe try to go to station walk there and come back to ship.
I played few more missions and i can safely say that X:Rebirth is easily in FreeSpace 2 cup of good exciting mission and from story telling side of things it is even better as you talk with characters that actually have interesting things to say. Also i like those encyclopedia type of cutscenes presenting how world has changed and how they describe different factions.
So far only that initial 100 cell trading mission was shitty. Rest of them definetely are top notch compared to other space sim games.
In summary X:Rebirth lost that fugly X1-3 mission design and reached maturity.
I just hope end game will be the same as X3.
Score from me:
At start 5/10
Now 8/10
Ah.....em.....so....how do I dock at the very first station in the game?
Ah.....em.....so....how do I dock at the very first station in the game?
Ah.....em.....so....how do I dock at the very first station in the game?
i really wish i could change fov.
And i think the game bugged out for me. the whole right side of ship menu thing is gone.
Leave the cockpit and then re-enter. Worked for me. Main menu, 5-5. I think. Something.
Definitely game needs some serious patching. After that UI needs to be reworked. I tried to find my ship and apparently there is 0 information where your ship is. You need to manually scan all green sectors to find it...
I can't grasp how you will be able to manage other ships when you will get stations and ships.