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X Rebirth |OT| Back In The Womb With You


So, they are destroyng a nice PC game so console gamers can play it too.

It's more likely that it started a console-focused space game that got stuck in development hell. Rather than throw away all that work, Egosoft re-purposed it into the half-assed PC exclusive we have now.

The Cowboy

So gutted I didn't pick up the X bundle for X:AP when it was on, I held out for this (as back then I was a bit skint) and it seems I should have just got that instead:(.

here's hoping AP goes on a really big discount soon.


AP needs TC to play and from what people are saying you might as well just get TC and the X-Tended mod which from the feature list looks amazing.


Man, that's terrible! I want a good space exploring game so much. :(

I don't think I have ever seem an OT here on GAF where its so quickly moved into how to get the best out of the previous game in the series. :(

Still, X-Rebirth is a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

I'm reinstalling X3 too, it needs a start over here.


Installing Albion Prelude after this horrendous experience...

AP needs TC to play and from what people are saying you might as well just get TC and the X-Tended mod which from the feature list looks amazing.

AP does not need TC to play. It´s stand-alone.
It's more likely that it started a console-focused space game that got stuck in development hell. Rather than throw away all that work, Egosoft re-purposed it into the half-assed PC exclusive we have now.

Maybe that's what happened.

In my opinion, they should not have tried to move this PC franchise to consoles if they had to change the game that much (or break elements in the version for the platform their long date fans are) in the first place.
And it's not like space sims like X have a great chance to achieve great sucess with mainstream public by the way they are played.

They should focus on PC and the people interested in this genre instead of trying to cater to a wider public, risking not achieving sucess and fucking up with the former fans.

Back to X3TC until they fix Rebirth.


X Universe forums say that these are Xbox 360 markers in the shader file...

http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=349638&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30 (last post on the page)


Oh my.


Ah, well never mind! I was so ready to bite the bullet on this game, but fuck it. Looks like it's back to Freespace and waiting for Star Citizen.


Haha oh man, it's been a year since I played x3 and I have no idea what I'm doing. I love it. First time installing mods as well. Cockpit is a must!


Ah, well never mind! I was so ready to bite the bullet on this game, but fuck it. Looks like it's back to Freespace and waiting for Star Citizen.
Give it a month or two. Don't think Star Citizen will be an alternative, anyway. It's just too different conceptually.


Just noticed the threat title change, nice job guys. Though I think perhaps it is more deserving of the abortion bucket :p


Damn. I want to look at Fleet and how AI reacts to fleet command (in comparison to X3) but damn trading is botched.

I am playing both X:Rebirth and X3 TC with X-tended mod :p

AI in X:rebirth in therm of collision detection etc is massively improved. Getting Carrier with Fighter squat should be amazing.

God save me


I really really want to like this, but apparently they don't believe in automated trading? How the hell are you to build up an empire with only one ship and...


Also: For those bit by the freighter crash bug (if you give more than one order to a freighter the AI crashes and dies), you can edit your save to fix it:

You can edit save game.
-open your savegame file documents/egosoft/XRebirth/235456/save/save_0xx.xml in wordpad for example
-ctrl+f to open a searchbox and type "shopping"
-delete the lines between the shopping entries
-save file and load it in game


So... say... is this true?
Scheinbar wurde nichtmal im Ansatz Balancing betrieben. Man kann ohne Probleme die größten Kampfschiffe gleich am Anfang erledigen. Einfach in den Hangar fliegen, Die Drohnenplattform kaputtmachen und dann in aller seelenruhe weiterschießen, bis das Großkampfschiff kaputt ist. Ist doch lächerlich sowas zu releasen.
Apparently they didn't bother to balance the game at all. You can effortlessly slay even the biggest capital ships from the very beginning. Simply fly into the Hangar, destroy the Drone platform (?) and continue firing until the ship is exploding. It's ridiculous to release it in that state.
What the hell happened at egosoft these last seven years. It's one thing to release a minimum viable product - and another to release an entirely unfinished game.
So, if one wants to go to X3, what version and what mods is essential?

X3 Terran Conflict with cockpit mod + background texture pack is all you need to start having fun.

There's Albion Prelude expansion/addon too. It requires Terran Conflict installed as base game.


I wanted this game to be good, specially because of gamepad support, shame it turned out half baked :| I guess I go play Sins Rebellion for my fix for now.


So... say... is this true?

What the hell happened at egosoft these last seven years. It's one thing to release a minimum viable product - and another to release an entirely unfinished game.

I can confirm. I got generic raid mission where there was small fighter and 40mln capital ship. I had only that minugun mk1. I took fighter and i moved to the engine of that capital ship. Detroyed them then jump drive and i was just shooting its back with that crappy minigun and he couldn't hit me. After like 5 minutes of non stop shooting i destroyed it.


Trying to take even well equiped m6 in m5-m3 was almost suicide in X3


Going back to X3 TC with Xtended mod. Without major trading, navigation and UI overhaul i am not touching it.


I am loving this game, possible GOTY for me. As someone who could never get into the X series; I'm having a blast. This game is pretty much exactly what I hoped for. I'm surprised at all the hate. Perhaps this was mis-marketed, or people had unreal expectations; probably a little of both.

The only bug I encountered was the trade bug, which I fixed by editing my save file. Yes the game has some jank, but way less than any previous X title.

Performance is awful. I'll be getting an R9-290 soon enough. Oh, and the text is way to small at 1600p. I see myself playing this for a long while. The mods will make this game amazing.

Art direction is phenomenal.
This shitstorm upon X:Rebirth is simply out of my comprehension. I'm playing the game, I passed 13 hours with a minor bugs and a couple of crash, that is acceptable for a game released now.

Now the console conspiracy, the metacritic user score that is a shame for humanity.


This shitstorm upon X:Rebirth is simply out of my comprehension. I'm playing the game, I passed 13 hours with a minor bugs and a couple of crash, that is acceptable for a game released now.

Now the console conspiracy, the metacritic user score that is a shame for humanity.

Quick, hide yourself before you're being outed as an astroturfer!


This shitstorm upon X:Rebirth is simply out of my comprehension. I'm playing the game, I passed 13 hours with a minor bugs and a couple of crash, that is acceptable for a game released now.

Now the console conspiracy, the metacritic user score that is a shame for humanity.

The bugs aren't the fucking problem - it's the massive amount of features that have been cut.

Sure, the UI is shit, the crashes are annoying, but it's easy to look past that - and look past that I did. What I found was unbelievably shallow combat where every weapon is exactly the fucking same, lots of bullshit little ships that don't actually do anything but queue (living universe my fucking hole), and a handful of large ships that are supposedly trading/doing whatever. But I have my doubts as to whether they're actually doing anything on their own or just that they're there for show.

Also, if you write off the obvious signs that this game was initially developed for consoles, you're a fool. There is simply no way this game was developed for 7 years for the platform it has ended up on, not a chance in hell.


Neo Member
This game, wow. I really want to like it, but it's flawed on so many levels. I'm up to mission 17 or 18 in the campaign, upgraded the ship a little by now, but I really just don't enjoy playing it.

There's a myriad of patch-able issues like mission bugs, poor and unresponsive UI, supremely inane conversations, pointless first-person-mode busywork, terrible performance, having to be within 100m to interact with any station... I won't go on, people have listed the many surface flaws of this game elsewhere.

The game underneath is just as broken though. On the most basic level, you fly a ship in a 3D world and you can only ever see a 60 degree cone of it in front of you. No real map, no radar, not even a rear view. It's literally incredible that anyone thought this was a good idea, you fly as though a blinkered horse. Combat can be fun in moments but it's marred by this lack of crucial information.

The game universe is actually a decent size, there must be 80-90 different zones (4 systems each with 3-4 sectors each with 4-10 zones each). Visually they have some variation and look pretty nice. When it comes to interacting with them though, it's the same every time. Same station internals, same "personalities", same goods. It's a universe of blandness in terms of interactions.

When it comes to building an empire the same narrow possibilities are revealed again. You can own trade ships, but your options are have them do nothing at all, babysit their every transaction by physically going there yourself, or assign them to automatically sell goods from your own stations. Station building is the one area I haven't explored yet. My understanding is once you build a station you assign a manager NPC and it pretty much runs itself. You can let the manager control some of your trade ships to buy supplies and sell goods.

I'm just amazed that a company with over a decade of experience can so fundamentally misunderstand the genre. You fly without any ability to see what's around you, you explore without experiencing anything new but visual flavour, trading either requires no input at all or your absolute attention with nothing inbetween, oh and if you try to build a combat fleet they can either do nothing at all or follow you around. This game seems to be defined by a lack of information, lack of feedback, lack of degrees of control, and a lack of depth and diversity in general.

I'm not really a hardcore sim guy, though I have played the previous games by egosoft. I picked up X:BTF, X2 and X3:Reunion back in the day, but I only put about 10-20 hours at most into each. I always got the sense those games had real depth, although I found it hard to get past the interfaces and the way the world was presented, and would eventually give up. With Rebirth I just don't get the impression there's anything richer hidden in the gameplay, waiting to be understood and unlocked.

Like others have recommended, X3TC or X3AP are far better at offering the same kind of gameplay as Rebirth, and a whole lot more as well. X3TC was the first egosoft game I really got into. Oddly enough it wasn't by actually playing the game, since all the real depth still seemed hidden behind all the esoteric systems and complex UI like in the previous games.

Instead I happened to come across some dude's playthrough, that amazingly, shone a light on the possibilities of the game just so much better than the manual or the woeful in-game plots. I've always found the concept of fan-fiction pretty laughable (no offense to fan fiction types!), but this is more like a captain's log of the guy's playthrough, a lets-play before youtube took off and with much more brevity (and humour). I highly recommend reading through the first few pages at least - http://www.egosoft.com/download/x3tc/files/SquiddyVol1.pdf. By the time I finished reading it, X3TC sounded like the most insanely fun game to get into and I better understood how to play it.


What the hell happened at egosoft these last seven years. It's one thing to release a minimum viable product - and another to release an entirely unfinished game.

Did you ever play X3 Reunion in it's launch state? Now that was a painful experience, massive slowdowns, majority of the scripts were broke and crashes every 10 minutes. They patch it frequently and for a very impressive amount of time improving the performance and stability brilliantly. That won't help Still-Birth as it's fundamental game is pants.

Pretty though, so maybe the modders can make a decent game out of it in a year or two.


Best shot these guys have now is to hope they dont go under so they have long enough to patch and fix the game with expansions until its great.

Everything seemed so promising but sad to hear all the negative impressions


A beta tester is saying the launch backlash was anticipated and that patches are in the works, but I guess that's a given regarding past X games.


A beta tester is saying the launch backlash was anticipated and that patches are in the works, but I guess that's a given regarding past X games.
It really is, and that's the main reason I'm still hopeful. It helps that many long time modders are still on board and trying to fix things, instead of bitching and jumping ship. Kinda like Bethesda stuff, but Egosoft relies even more on community efforts.


The bugs aren't the fucking problem - it's the massive amount of features that have been cut.

Sure, the UI is shit, the crashes are annoying, but it's easy to look past that - and look past that I did. What I found was unbelievably shallow combat where every weapon is exactly the fucking same, lots of bullshit little ships that don't actually do anything but queue (living universe my fucking hole), and a handful of large ships that are supposedly trading/doing whatever. But I have my doubts as to whether they're actually doing anything on their own or just that they're there for show.

Also, if you write off the obvious signs that this game was initially developed for consoles, you're a fool. There is simply no way this game was developed for 7 years for the platform it has ended up on, not a chance in hell.
I think the small ships are fine the way they are, and looking through a save, it appears the bigger ships are actually doing shit after all - like trading for example. The saves tell you who they belong to, what they're transporting, what they've paid and where they're heading. As I said before: it's all there, the foundation is solid. Better than ever, probably. The lack of control and the shitty UI are the main problems.


Really can't believe that this game was built for consoles. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I really feel betrayed by Egosoft on this if what appears to be true is. All the last few months, I have been hyping people on this game because of how much I liked X3, and for this bullsh*t?
Oh great... I just lost 2 hours of progress after the "100 Energy Cell" mission finished since the game crashed when I tried to dock at a station near a sun and after restarting I found out the game has no auto-save slot at all... =_=


Really can't believe that this game was built for consoles. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I really feel betrayed by Egosoft on this if what appears to be true is. All the last few months, I have been hyping people on this game because of how much I liked X3, and for this bullsh*t?

To be fair problem here isn't pad support nor most of mechanics.
Problem mainly is in UI design and shot ton of bugs.

There are naturally things like only one ship, rather mediacore app gameplay but all those things have promise of being superb foundation for great features.

I mean for example stations complexes, trading via drones, lack of SETA, seamless world and so on.

And what is more important this is ego soft they will upgrade a game in future


A beta tester is saying the launch backlash was anticipated and that patches are in the works, but I guess that's a given regarding past X games.

What? They already know that and they release the game half-completed? Hopefully i didnt buy the game but i hope the other are asking for a refund because this policy is unaceptable


To be fair problem here isn't pad support nor most of mechanics.
Problem mainly is in UI design and shot ton of bugs.

There are naturally things like only one ship, rather mediacore app gameplay but all those things have promise of being superb foundation for great features.

I mean for example stations complexes, trading via drones, lack of SETA, seamless world and so on.

And what is more important this is ego soft they will upgrade a game in future

Pad support?
A beta tester is saying the launch backlash was anticipated and that patches are in the works, but I guess that's a given regarding past X games.

And yet they still had the gall to go ahead releasing something like this in the state it's in, which it is after seven years of development, I might add. A shoddy port from console-based design leftovers. I'm glad I didn't listen to the hype, waited for the GAF impressions before jumping the gun and just watched a bit of it on YouTube. It seems the campaign is literally unplayable.

Did they run out of money or competence first? Having to rely on mods from day one is an embarrassment like few I've encountered before (up there with Dark Souls and Deadly Premonition). I guess this feeling of disappointment and being ripped off is also how the War Z players felt.

They better pull a Sword of the Stars out of their hats with constant patches over a long period of time, but, still, my confidence in them has been shattered. I'm also surprised that no major outlet has reviewed the game yet. I understand being swamped with work with the console releases and all, but surely somebody somewhere could have reviewed it?


Seriously, is this first X game release for people? Their games always were buggy, because of scale of the project.
Anyone who expected smooth launch really should research game before buying.

And what console based design leftovers? FFS show me other game, that is doing what this game is doing even in X: Rebirth.
Seriously, is this first X game release for people? Their games always were buggy, because of scale of the project.
Anyone who expected smooth launch really should research game before buying.

And what console based design leftovers? FFS show me other game, that is doing what this game is doing even in X: Rebirth.

Well, I haven't yet bought the game, but I eventually planned to, and now I'm not so sure. Maybe I'll get it a year or so down the road on a Steam sale, after it's been fixed like mad by both Egosoft and the community. Not my problem, that's lost money to them.

Anyway, I really don't like apologists and I don't appreciate victim-blaming. Didn't like those attitudes in the Battlefield 4 threads and don't like them here. Read the thread and read this. People have gathered plenty of evidence for this first being conceived as a console game. The UI issues alone are indicative enough. Still, even ignoring all that, releasing a game in this kind of state is shameful and people are rightly angry and demanding refunds.
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