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X Rebirth |OT| Back In The Womb With You


Are they more forgiving or is it just a case of German games usually being aimed at German tastes? E.g. buildup strategy games probably score better in German mags but they also sell better in German stores because we love that genre.

German mags often score high german produced game and weird games in general.

If someone expects X:Rebirth to reach even 50 on meta he needs to wake up. You don't deliver game to reviewers where you can't finish game because of bugs. Delivering game in such state most often means 1-2/10.

This is why this is so ironic.

They wanted to get more people in X universe of games and instead they created game that will need its hardcore community to live.

I just hope Ego won't fold because of this release


No bald cap? Lies!
About 10 hours into the game, its super rough, but gets better I guess. Still a ton of shit that just doesn't seem to work like it should, namely trading, but I haven't tried today's patch.

Mods are a total must, the ones I use right now are:
NESA: Never Enter Stations Again
Better Cockpits/No Cockpit version 16:9
Manual Command Extension
Shut Up
Ignore Jump Drive Fuel
Realistic Highways:NoDraftNoTrafficDoubleSpeedHighways
Young Females
Verbose Traders

There is a good game in here, but my god is it covered up in so many bad design choices and broken systems. Doing a lot of simple things is just way harder now than in prior X games, just obtaining simple information about where your ships are, or how many goods they have, or what kind of goods they can carry is hard to find.

Egosoft has a lot of work to do and really is going to need to remake a lot of the systems in this game, mostly the menus and how information is given to the player. One of the worst things is the fact that there isn't any kind of controllable targeting systems, fighting swarms of enemies isn't normally that tough, but it's just annoying because you have no control over who you're targeting in any reliable fashion.

Ohh and performance is still all over regardless of settings, though I don't think any patch has addressed anything related to that yet. Some areas are ok and I get 40fps, then other times I'm in the teens. There is no real pattern, a highly populated area might be in the 20s or the 40s for no discernible reason, while a very low traffic area might be in the teens. Stations too have a tremendously volatile framerate. I think I would forgive a lot of the bugs and broken systems if the game actually ran at a decent and reliable rate.

I actually feel bad and want to apologize to anyone who bought the game off of recommendations I made in posts prior to release. I never could have imagined Egosoft to release something so broken on so many levels. You always expect some Euro jank, but this is beyond the pale. I just hope they can salvage this in time so people can eventually get their money's worth.

Edit: Also you must disable mods in game before you delete them or else you save will not work, which makes no sense, but hey Rebirth.
Edit 2: Well that doesn't work, had to use the XRSaveEditor to delete the old mod I had removed from the save itself for it to load, brilliant!


Has anyone else ran across the bug where you set a waypoint and set guidance to it, you get into a highway, and once you leave the highway, the waypoint guidance is deleted and it goes back to your active quest?

That alone made me quit a few days ago. There's not enough good game there worth fighting through that.
I'm playing with a mod called "Terran Conflict", miraculously it's fixed everything.

Heh heh. Yeah, I did the same thing after playing around on the weekend with Rebirth.

Funnily enough, though, I still feel drawn to Rebirth. It's a curious thing, even in its currently malformed state. I'm just driving about, testing new mods and enjoying the scenery.

Snagging Verbose Traders right now.


I gotta say even with all the horrible bugs a 1/10 seems undeserved since that would put it on par with Perimeter 2 and Perimeter 2 is waaaaaaay worse. Not in terms of bugs but it's just not fun. Rebirth is messy and stuff but at least there's more entertainment value in it than Perimeter 2.

That said though I have 9 hours on the Steam clock for Rebirth and spent almost all of it just exploring the universe trying to find some string to pull to get into the trading phase of the game. Inventory goods are only available in such tiny quantities that trading with them isn't even worth the effort (with the small quantities and margins you can't even beat locker raiding in terms of money generation) and mining requires some sort of mining drone that I haven't seen sold anywhere (scoured three solar systems but still haven't seen them). I guess shooting fighters and selling the missiles they drop might be a way but even that wouldn't give much (since the drops don't happen on every kill) and I'd need about 5M for a freighter to even begin trading valuable stuff.

In comparison X1 allowed you to trade right away and made the first station purchase very cheap (7200 Cr for a solar power plant IIRC) so you could get into the whole business thing very quickly but on the other hand combat was so awful that you had little chance there.

Has anyone else ran across the bug where you set a waypoint and set guidance to it, you get into a highway, and once you leave the highway, the waypoint guidance is deleted and it goes back to your active quest?

That alone made me quit a few days ago. There's not enough good game there worth fighting through that.

I think I had it seamlessly switch from guiding me where I wanted to go to guiding me back to the story quest. Which is pretty shitty. Now I'm playing Free Play to prevent that nonsense.


Hahaha just came across this



I think I had it seamlessly switch from guiding me where I wanted to go to guiding me back to the story quest. Which is pretty shitty. Now I'm playing Free Play to prevent that nonsense.

Yeah, that's what happened to me. Stupid me, I figured I had done something wrong, and it took me about 2 times to figure out that I was being directed back to where I started. Terrible design.
New progress update.


today I want to give an update on our latest progress and an overview of what we are going to work on in the near future. I am sorry that I can not reply to every complaint and report.

Immediate work:

Priority #1: Fixing crashes
Right now we are still getting a lot of crash reports. We believe that we already have fixed the most common ones with the updates 1.13 to 1.15 but there are still crashes that are caused by the game code and it goes without saying that fixing these has the highest priority.

Priority #1: Improving performance
We are at work on a number of problems that cause the performance to drop to unusually low framerates. Some of these are very specific to certain situations only, while others slow the game down on specific configurations of hardware. Right now we are looking at where we can make fast improvements that will help as many people as possible achieve a better framerate and then we will work our way down to the more specific cases. Just to give you an idea of how crazy the measurements sometimes are: I have seen a very busy zone of the game today on a laptop with Intel HD4000 acceleration (an onboard integrated 3D accelerator which is not really inside the min specs of our game) achieving 10 fps at minimum graphics settings. This is not much of course, but I was surprised that it did run at all on that machine. At the same time I saw a YouTube video where somebody demonstrated performance problems in a very similar zone and also with minimum settings, achieving almost the same FPS, but this time running on a high-end PC with GT780 card. Clearly we have to focus on improving our performance on higher end machines. Another example of performance problems are machines with multiple GPUs, like laptops that have an integrated GPU and a second faster one. In some cases X Rebirth lists only the integrated GPU on these machines and this makes the game run extremely slow. One possible fix for one type of driver was already added to 1.15, but we continue to investigate this problem too.

Priority #1: Fixing gameplay showstoppers
There are unfortunately several areas of the game where gameplay features are not working as intended. In some situations these even block the plot (which makes an already bad bug a total showstopper bug for us). I am just listing them here because it is beyond the scope of this posting to explain trigger conditions and exceptions as well. But let me just say that not all bugs affect all customers and many can be worked around even if they happen. But please do not take this the wrong way, this is not an excuse: We are aware that bugs of this category are always very fustrating to everybody affected by them and you should not be forced to search for a workaround online to play our game. We are really sorry for problems of this nature.
- Trade ships that stop reacting to orders (this is not one bug but a number of special cases that all lead to the same result)
- Problems with repairing ships including a very common case where certain transporter ships that cannot be repaired after they were captured (small "non capital" ships with modular engines where you cannot place an engineer to do emergency repairs)

Priority #2: Adding small but important features that are requested by many of you

- Adding support to delete the order queue of ships (partially done already)
- Improving joystick configuration
- Adding fixed target mode (t/e from X3) as alternative to soft targets.
- Fixing character animation errors (work in progress)
- Giving you a choice of NPCs with good known skills after "winning" a smalltalk (so the reward is no longer random)
- Crates on platforms will be re-balanced
- Improve readability of menus
- Improve how NPCs are labeled to make it clearer who does what
- Improve the "asking for people" conversation
- Adding a logbook menu
- Autosave support (work in progress)
- Improve feedback when NPC can not be hired (e.g. ship is full / NPC is busy)
- Adding some crucial commands to captain and pilot conversations
- Ship trader does not clearly show if he is busy - shipyard busy output
- Showing minimap (gravidar) on event monitor instead of "no signal"
- Option to modify FOV (limited to a small range at first, maybe more freedom later)
- Unbinding a key to nothing
- Fix bug that sometimes you see negative cargo amounts

There are a lot more requests for this list and I will update it ASAP. Some people on the team are already working on #2 priority things.

Priority #3

AFTER all of the above are done (and these lists are probably not complete), we want to start discussing with you which bigger features we should work on first. You may know some of the candidates which had been mentioned in interviews before the release, like turning your head in the cockpit, external camera views, improved map features etc. We have a long list of things that we would like to add, but we want to listen to you and let you decide about the priorities. Before it makes any sense to discuss this in any more detail however, we have to fix all of the above.

I will post an update next week in this thread and inform you about our progress. In the meantime I can only thank you all and repeat my apology to everybody who does not yet have a good experience in the game.


Too little too late, IMO. Shouldn't have even put the game up for sale in it's current state.


New progress update.

Too little too late, IMO. Shouldn't have even put the game up for sale in it's current state.

They're going to be punished in long term sales especially with a (likely) sub-50 metacritic score. I feel bad for them in a way because I am sure they didn't want to release a bad game, and they seem to legitimately care about improving their game. The problem is some of their choices and bugs border on so bad as to be offensive.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
They're going to be punished in long term sales especially with a (likely) sub-50 metacritic score. I feel bad for them in a way because I am sure they didn't want to release a bad game, and they seem to legitimately care about improving their game. The problem is some of their choices and bugs border on so bad as to be offensive.

Again they could have avoided all this negative backlash by releasing it as Early Access. They have nobody to blame but themselves.


Again they could have avoided all this negative backlash by releasing it as Early Access. They have nobody to blame but themselves.

You need to fallow money. Either they run out of money or their publisher just asked them to release it in that state.

It is no brainier from dev point of view to see problems in game.

Good that their #1 priority is now performance.

Simply put model occlusion just doesn't work in their game fixing that would help like a lot.
Those changes look good. I am glad that they are continuing to fix up the game. In spite of the issues I am still enjoying my time with it.

I do agree with the Sinatar's Early Access argument. Although maybe they felt they would not garner as many early sales as simply releasing it as is? In any case, I hope the game will get to a state where more people are willing to give it a go. I know there's a good game in there somewhere!
I don't think any amount of patching and modding will turn this game around. Modders will probably give up after a while; I mean why even bother? The best you can hope for won't even be a fraction of a real X game. You can just play a game like Darkstar One if this is the sort of game you want and you'll have a game already better than this game will likely ever be.


I don't think any amount of patching and modding will turn this game around. Modders will probably give up after a while; I mean why even bother? The best you can hope for won't even be a fraction of a real X game. You can just play a game like Darkstar One if this is the sort of game you want and you'll have a game already better than this game will likely ever be.

Hasn't, like, every X game been like this? A buggy mess.
Hasn't, like, every X game been like this? A buggy mess.

I can deal with bugs, but for this game that's just the fly in what's already a terrible soup. Even if it worked exactly like they intended it would still be a badly designed turd. The way trade is handled, mining, combat, upgrades, etc... it's just utterly incompetent and not even up to par with similar games that came out years and years ago despite how simple it is.


I don't think any amount of patching and modding will turn this game around. Modders will probably give up after a while; I mean why even bother? The best you can hope for won't even be a fraction of a real X game. You can just play a game like Darkstar One if this is the sort of game you want and you'll have a game already better than this game will likely ever be.

You could say same thing about X3 Reunion.

And X games have veeeeeeeery hardcore modding community. Skyrim mod community is probably bigger but in therm of delivering complex stuff there is not really any comparison here. XTC is best example of that.

Also Egosoft aren't your fire and forget devs. Both X3 TC and X3 AP are 3.0 versions.

X:Rebirth is the simplest to mod game from Egosoft which is said by same people who created X3 mods. Egosoft made engine very mod friendly and they leaved very little hardcoded stuff in game.

This is why i think soon it will be the best space sim if we consider foundations Rebirth have.


It's hilarious how bad the face models are.

I also find it strange that a lot of people are saying the game looks bad, graphically. I mean, the space vistas are a fucking sight to behold!


It's hilarious how bad the face models are.

I also find it strange that a lot of people are saying the game looks bad, graphically. I mean, the space vistas are a fucking sight to behold!

It looks bad probably because it runs like shit on most of people PCs.
It is amazing looking game with just characters models being shit.


hmmm, looks like I eventually wasn't the only one that thought the games graphics left something to be desired back in the reveal thread among other things....


I'm glad Egosoft is doing something about this. They're getting their asses burned by just about every review and impression, so it's hopefully only natural they want to fix their errors. The rest (Horrible models, cheesy shit) can be fixed by modders.


I suppose the in-station stuff could be used for black market stuff, i.e. you'd have to sneak in there and meet a trader without the cops noticing you carrying contraband.


Every day a new patch:

Patch 1.17 - 2013-11-23

• Added autosave facility.
• Added button to clear trade queue.

• Fixed crash after displaying fatal error dialog.
• Fixed stall loading certain savegames.
• Fixed target point list growing uncontrollably in certain situations.
• Fixed problem with ships not joining formations.
• Fixed ships getting stuck during mass traffic trades.
• Fixed several problems with ship scripts.
• Fixed lipsync on Split characters.
• Fixed dialog choices shown in wrong language when loading savegame from another language.
• Fixed the primary cause of highway exit crashes. Fix for a less common crash involving highways will follow as soon as possible.
• Hotfix: Fixed second cause of highway crashes.


After this patch, the game is playable. I'm really enjoying it, despite the reviews. A lot of things should be improve, of course, but the road is the right road.

the true road was releasing a working game from the start and not half complete so modders can do the developers job.

Reviews speak only the true
your statement doesn't collide with what I said before. Game is out now, in a unfinished version unfortunately, but this is a fact that they're pushing a lot of patches to fix it. And what Bernd said, is a good direction. With the latest 2 patches, now I can trade without problems


your statement doesn't collide with what I said before. Game is out now, in a unfinished version unfortunately, but this is a fact that they're pushing a lot of patches to fix it. And what Bernd said, is a good direction. With the latest 2 patches, now I can trade without problems

Still performance is shit. I mean i74xxx getting same FPS as my Q9300@3Ghz and dude was running GTX780 and i have HD6870...

They clearly either:

a) run out of money
b) their publisher didn't allow for delay

They could just fucking do Kickstarter for finishing this game like Larian did with Original Sin.

Instead they have meta like shit that completely defeats in long run their "broader audience" target for XRebirth as those dudes will see shit review and won't even look on it.


You wouldn't want to turn your head around anyway, you'd end up seeing your copilot and throwing up each and every time. Call it a feature.


So is the game playable with a set of mods now? Hard to decpyher if the official patches have solved most of the problems combined with community mods or if it's still better to wait.

Alternatively... is there a "best version" of X3 with a list of must have mods somewhere? Really craving some space gaming...


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
So is the game playable with a set of mods now? Hard to decpyher if the official patches have solved most of the problems combined with community mods or if it's still better to wait.

Alternatively... is there a "best version" of X3 with a list of must have mods somewhere? Really craving some space gaming...

No, it's still an absolutely broken mess. They've fixed a lot of the game breaking scripting errors, but it still runs in the single digits for framerate, and is a fundamentally broken and unfun experience.

It's not going to be playable for 6 months to a year at least assuming Egosoft doesn't go tits up first.


By the time this gets fixed, everyone will be playing Star Citizen. Egosoft knew this and decided to cash in sooner rather than waiting it out and fixing the game before releasing.


So, a lot of the X games are discounted in the Steam sale. What's regarded as the best one to play?


Get terran conflict, watch some tutorial on egosoft forums or youtube. Watch out, it requires a LOT (MMO like) time to get going, but it's worth it.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Incgamers review - 2/10

Incgamers review said:
X Rebirth has something rotten at its heart that has poisoned a reported seven years (seven!) of development. Attempts to make the series more accessible and a search for broader appeal are not inherently to blame for this, but have both backfired catastrophically. Instead, we have a game that will devastate the fan-base, repel anyone new to the series and enrage anybody who pre-ordered it. I didn’t think anything would be able to top SimCity and Total War: Rome II’s abysmal launches, but somehow, someway, Egosoft has managed it with X Rebirth.
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