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XBOX 360 NBA 2K11 Thread of second round virgins and bogus alley oops


CB3 said:
the 15 minutes you waited just equals the amount of times you pause the game after something happens you dont like. which is basically every other play.

and the only reason you hung with me for those first games was because of your fantasy team. you skated on the fact that Wade and Nash could bail you out at any time

Whatever man, have some class just once in a while. When the CPU doesn't do what the fuck I tell it to, I get frustrated. When I put "deny ball" on Jennings I thought that meant don't leave him to DT someone else, but the thing doesn't listen and your wide open shots always fall. Where as my wide open, green shots, don't.

Furthermore, up until this game, our overall point difference was 3 points. I mean, I guess it's probably just in your nature to act like a cock sucker. I only paused 2 times that game, and yes it was out of frustration. I would really like to meet most of the people that I play in this league in person, hang out with them and have a beer. Everyone generally seems pretty nice, except for you. You seem like a douche, gotta be honest.


intangibles, motherfucker
Im not a douche. A little known fact is that everyone you think i may act an ass too, im actually good friends with on AIM. They take it in good nature and we talk and have fun.

You on the other hand get bitchy every time you lose and things dont go EXACTLY PERFECT (Which clearly happens alot). Lets not mention you ally oop'ed in a shot with nash where your guy didnt even tough the ball. It just went in like magic. Then i get a board and the animation takes me out of bounds. You dont see me pausing every two seconds when that was happening.

Honestly im just sick of you quitting or threatening to quit every league because you think the game is robbing you, or you cant hang with the skill level.

And even after you taking the ball and going home in the 2nd quarter of our game just now, i would have been fine and let you leave in grace. But you decided to sit and moan about how i kept you waiting. i sent you a message saying id be 10-15 minutes. If you choose to sit and stare at the screen waiting thats your business. Im wasting your time? Infact, your wasting my time since i played two and half games playing you and you end up quitting. That time would have been much better spent doing anything, including playing Lego Batman. I should have made you wait longer.

When the summer comes along and NCAA 12 and Madden 12 pops up and the leagues are getting organized, do yourself a favor and just stay away. Because its inevitable that your gonna end up bitching about something or someone and quitting anyway. Just save us the trouble, please.


Sorry buddy, I really didn't mean to take everything out right here. If you remember correctly I stuck Madden 10 out until the very end with the Vikings. These last 6 months have been very rough in my personal life and it probably wasn't even a good idea that I join this league. I wasn't planning on it, but smoke talked me into it. Again. My apologies, I said shit I shouldn't have and dint really mean. Hopefully things are better next year.


Alright, you know what I'm not quitting. Your right. You can have that game, and well play our the rest of that's cool with you. You'll probably still win, but whatever.


As a pain in the ass douche CB is ( may be wwe character ), i do agree that quiting is a bad move. We all have lives, some with families and sacrifice to make time for each other, for this league.

Videogames will always be videogames, with that stupid glitchy shit will always happen. We all have delt with it and continue to do so. I am a firm believer that in the spirit of BYU, our HONOR CODE should be updated to include rage quits. I like you Daw, we may have clashed in the past also, but quiting is something "we" don't do.

online league-gaf doesn't quit.

EDIT: Glad you decided to continue Daw. Give him hell, Wade/Nash him to death lol. Game ON!!!



intangibles, motherfucker
DCX said:
As a pain in the ass douche CB is ( may be wwe character ),



ill be around daw


Tmac. Tracy McGrady. T-Mac. Second Round Virgin.

bat signal for DM

ill be around late tonight PST -- can't remember if you're west or east -- if you want to get a game or two in.

otherwise tomorrow is good.


lol wow, crazy game DM -- you just kept hitting contested 3 after contested 3 the entire game.

a combined 28 made 3s for the both of us -- 18 from DM.

and kobe literally has not missed a shot with less than 2 minutes to go the entire season.

oh fearless leader, please, for the love of god, turn down 3pt and turn off offensive clutch.

thank you based dcx.
Smokey does not want it in Fight Night Champion


after being defeated in 2k this season, I can say we are on an equal playing field hahaha we had a classic 10 round fight tho


WITNESS2K9 said:
Smokey does not want it in Fight Night Champion


after being defeated in 2k this season, I can say we are on an equal playing field hahaha we had a classic 10 round fight tho

you bled, i didn't.

i win


daw840 said:

people with FN eh? Let's go then...

you have it too?

it's pretty fun in mp..witness and i had a good 10 round match earlier. 2 knockouts each.

good games milo..those last two were intense..lemme know when you can do gm 4.

ph33nix said:
i have fight night champ on ps3

why do you always do this to yourself?
Smokey said:
you have it too?

it's pretty fun in mp..witness and i had a good 10 round match earlier. 2 knockouts each.

good games milo..those last two were intense..lemme know when you can do gm 4.

why do you always do this to yourself?

because i have a friend that will actually play the fucking game with me and not be a bitch
fight night champion is amazing. i fought against this major douche who kept talking shit into the microphone...bitch was telling me to hurry up in between rounds when i was trying to hit my pipe too. fuck him. anyways he pretty much had me beat for 7 rounds but that's because he was being more aggressive...but i felt like i had more impactful hits on him. so then i began unleashing the beast and took him down after 3 KOs over the next 2

oh and why do I keep accidentally throwing low blows even if i'm playing with just the stick? it actually cost me a point in one round. but against another guy i accidentally low blowed him and he was stunned and couldn't move so i just started treating him like a punching bag


Bulletstorm is amazon deal of the day for $40. Definitely worth it at that price. Demo was shit but the full game is really good.


intangibles, motherfucker
Smokey said:
Bulletstorm is amazon deal of the day for $40. Definitely worth it at that price. Demo was shit but the full game is really good.

Ordered. If this game is a piece of shit im holding you responsible. I promise ill make you break another madden disk


I guess i'll bite..i wanted the game but 29 seems more right than 39, but wtf ten bucks is not a deal breaker.



CB3 said:
Ordered. If this game is a piece of shit im holding you responsible. I promise ill make you break another madden disk

$40 it's worth it...the demo was a poor showing for this game...go read the bulletstorm amazon thread on the gaming side..full game is bettah


you get a gears 3 invite!



Second Round has started.

Rockets VS Kings

Knicks VS Bucks

Lets gooooo!!!

Deadline next week Tuesday Midnight.



Baby Milo said:
yeah good series

ill always remember that parker block on iguodala

that was trash and you know it.

iguodala had the ball at the damn rim and tony parker rocket jumps up to block it.
jumped out of my goddam seat when that happened


i can play tomorrow smokey.

prolly be around starting around 7 pm pst... actually i might be on earlier. i'll just post when i'm here, but it wont be any later than 7.


you gonna be on late tonight smokey?

i gotta pick up some boards later tonight for a surf trip this weekend -- won't be here fri-sun -- so i prolly wont be on till later PST.

9pm PST good for you?


intangibles, motherfucker
Question: Did CB just lose a tie game with 1 second left on a goal tending call that was 100% coming off the rim?

Answer: Yes
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