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Xbox Elite Controller |OT| That's a paddlin'


Well I feared this would happen. I'm getting hand cramps from cradling the paddles. I'm experimenting with different layouts like people suggested above. Hopefully I can find a method that works for my mitts.

Gave it another shot, and MS support still doesn't seem particularly interested in fixing it. And they don't want to just send me a replacement d-pad.

That's some straight up bullshit customer service.

That is complete garbage. At least you have the circle dpad to work with for now. Once these things are back in stock, I'd return it for a new one. Some people feel like it would be a shitty move, but you can always grab one from local retail, then "return" the faulty one for a refund to the same spot. They're only going to send it back to MS and it will save you the shipping if that sort of thing is worth it to you.

I agree though, that experience with MS customer service is simply inexcusable. It's not the ten bucks, its the principle of it. Pathetic. Not that it would do much, but I'd tweet Major Nelson about it. You never know...
If/when they add custom curve support, you could probably do something sort of like that. You obviously wouldn't be able to do anything about any max turn speed differences, but you could have it set up so that smaller stick movements translate into larger input to the game. The Win10 Instant setting is an extreme example - it's like playing with a stick that goes instantly from centered to max - but a more subtle version might do what you want.

Without knowing exactly how Halo interprets stick input and translates that into viewpoint velocity (and how that changes with the sensitivity setting) it's hard to say for sure, though.

Right now, you're limited to a few preset curves, unfortunately. However, given that the curves are different between the old dash and the NXOE/Win10, it seems that the hardware supports arbitrary curves, so hopefully at some point they'll add a custom option.

Probably similar to the plasma pistol issue in Halo 5 - the game is looking for a full trigger depression, and the stops are blocking the triggers before they can get to the point where it'd kick in. You can fix it by changing the trigger range in the app.

You can actually change the trigger pull? I am going to have to look and see. It is getting somewhat annoying having to constantly change it from hair trigger when I need to boost. Thanks


I wonder how many people were going to buy Black Ops 3 on PS4 but now will buy it on the Xbox One solely because of this controller.
I'd love to see #'s on how many they sold of this.

I played Halo 5 with mine last night.. definitely some learning curve to getting used to it, and finding a paddle solution that works for me.. but the capabilities are great.

Love the hair trigger, and the app is really easy to use.

Feels very solid.


Probably similar to the plasma pistol issue in Halo 5 - the game is looking for a full trigger depression, and the stops are blocking the triggers before they can get to the point where it'd kick in. You can fix it by changing the trigger range in the app.

I don't have this issue in Halo 5 at all with my Elite. I purposely tried this when I first heard of the issue. Though I do use the Halo 5 default profiles.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I had that issue with hair triggers enabled, but I tried it immediately after and it was fine.

It's not a massive issue, because the plasma pistol is generally a last resort anyway :p


Probably similar to the plasma pistol issue in Halo 5 - the game is looking for a full trigger depression, and the stops are blocking the triggers before they can get to the point where it'd kick in. You can fix it by changing the trigger range in the app.

In my opinion, this should happen automatically when the hair trigger is activated.

My controller has a bit of a sweat/grease sheen on it now :\

Me too :(


My right analog stick is making a clicking noise when moved beyond a certain position. It's annoying enough to want an exchange. Too bad Amazon it out of stock.


We are definitely pleasantly surprised by the consumer response to this product. The controller was designed for a niche consumer base, for the hardcore and pro players. We did not expect the demand that this controller received. We do plan on increasing production of the product to meet consumer demand. On another note, I'm pleased to be reading the positive impressions from you guys. Really glad you guys are liking this controller!


OK, who the hell are you?

The Flash




Seriously, I don't know who the hell at Microsoft packaged these things but like others I didn't receive the braided usb cable or batteries in the box, and yes I checked under the cardboard and everywhere else... This sucks, now I get to go through the lovely process of trying to get these things from MS.
Its mostly just a noise I can hear and not something I feel because I don't notice it with my headset on while gaming. I'm hoping it just needs time to settle in and won't be an issue later on.
EDIT: Now that I'm looking into it I notice the sound on both sticks.

Hear it on both my sticks as well, its very mild though.

FWIW I hear no noises AT ALL on mine guys. If I were you I'd demand an exchange from wherever you bought it, even if it means waiting a while for the replacement to be in. A $150 controller shouldn't make any funny noises.

I like how the rubberized surface on it is IDENTICAL to the rubberized surface on the white "I Made This" employee controller. I said when I got that thing that they could sell controllers for $100 with just that one change to the shell. Looks like they did that and a whole lot more. Smart move MS, smart move.

There's a handful of us on here with the issue. Hopefully Amazon gets some stock.

I've only used my Elite Controller for five minutes, and the sound really worries me. That said, as I mentioned earlier, I was also having the same thing with my Forza controller's left stick.

I've used the Forza controller for several days now, and today I noticed that the sound doesn't seem to be there anymore.

I hope it's just a case of both controllers' sticks being new and needing to be worn in.

I did contact the PR folks who sent me the controller, but I don't know if they'd have a replacement or if I need one. It's bugging my OCD, though.


Bit of wrinkle for me, the Elite isn't playing nice with joytokey, which is a problem, as i use that for my desktop mouse.

EDIT: It's cool, i got it working now.

E92 M3

Just received the controller.

First thoughts:

HOLY MOLY the packaging is premium; the controller feels premium and everything just screams build quality. Can't wait to dig in.


slept with Malkin
Just received the controller.

First thoughts:

HOLY MOLY the packaging is premium; the controller feels premium and everything just screams build quality. Can't wait to dig in.

Nice! Let me know what config you go with for Destiny. Right now I'm just using the two larger paddles. One for jump and one for crouch/slide.
My right analog stick is making a clicking noise when moved beyond a certain position. It's annoying enough to want an exchange. Too bad Amazon it out of stock.

This unfortunately is a sad sign that they're using the same cheap internals that they use on the regular Xbox One controllers.


Bit of wrinkle for me, the Elite isn't playing nice with joytokey, which is a problem, as i use that for my desktop mouse.
It works fine for me with Antimicro, which is like joytokey but with a far better interface and more features.

I got mine today and already like the faceted d-pad and paddles. I played Mega Man X2 for a bit and switching directions mid air to blast things behind me felt faster than I could do on my Wii U Pro. Also, I've never been great at pulling them off, but Dark Metamorphosis and Soul Steal in SOTN were easier for me to do. That d-pad feels unlike anything else I've tried. It's sort of like a clicky Saturn one, but with a smoother surface. Definately precise and responsive, but I need more time with it to see if it'll fatigue my thumb like the Wii U Pro's did. It's much less stiff than that from my first impression, so it should be better about that.

In Metal Slug X I was using the top left paddle for throwing grenades so I didn't have to move my thumb from A and X (jump and shoot). That really sped up execution time for chucking those while also jumping and shooting. Sometimes I even used the right side paddles for jump and shoot; they're a bit more responsive than the face buttons since they seem to have less bounce-back.

My left bumper has a 2x louder click than the right one. At least when pressed at the outside ends. Nearer to the middle they sound about the same. They both feel good, but I like the right one a tad better since it seems to take a bit less force to actuate. I was using the left one for dashing in X2. It worked well, but I'll have to try using a paddle for that next time since they're easier to press than the bumpers.

The triggers feel really nice. The digital ones on my Wii U Pro wobble a bit in the casing, so feeling these be rock solid is cool. I like leaving them in hair trigger mode for most games so the throw is closer to a digital trigger.

I hear the faint "click" when the sticks are moved slightly off center some posters have mentioned. I think it's something that will go away with normal wear since it stops after you've been moving the sticks after awhile. And speaking of the sticks, I'm not sure which tops I prefer yet. I'm switching between the default and tall concave ones. The convex ones are less grippy so my thumbs can slip off them sometimes.

I need to test more games, but so far I've only run into Trackmania 2 having issues with the analog triggers in Windows 10 with the latest driver. Their axis' seem to be messed up when mapped to analog accelerate and brake so the car is uncontrollable. I can unmap those and use digital acceleration and brake on bumpers, paddles or buttons at least. That's how I'm used to playing it, but I hope Nadeo fixes that someday. Enabling the "user alternate method" in settings doesn't make a difference.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Fake Phil is banned.

I really hope my controller doesn't get all that hand lube all over it. Why not use the same material the LE Silver 360 pad had? It's completely lube proof I assumed the Elite used the same material.
Well I feared this would happen. I'm getting hand cramps from cradling the paddles. I'm experimenting with different layouts like people suggested above. Hopefully I can find a method that works for my mitts.

Give it some time my hand was sore for the first week or so using a scuf. You will get used to it eventually.
I'm going to return mine..

I hear the buttons rattling around if I shake the controller, the sticks make faint "clicking" noises when I move them off center.. the knowledge that the analog units inside are likely the same as the regular controller..

I'm going to wait until we have some real longevity reports before I consider purchasing again. I don't care about the programmability or the paddles, I was in it for the supposedly more durable controller. Imo, if they had real confidence in the controller they would offer more than a 90 day warranty.


Can someone explain the trigger sensitivity to me? Not sure what I'm looking at when adjusting the sliders.

for each trigger you should see two numbers/sliders.

I think the first number is how much pressure to start the minimum trigger activation, like...size of the "dead zone"

and second number is how much pressure needed to reach full activation.

I just know that i had to halve the second number so that the plasma pistol charges with trigger locks on.

I'm only guessing about the first number, though


Does the headset jack also support a microphone as well or is it just audio out and one still needs the chat adapter?

As far as the controller itself my initial impression is very positive. The paddles are odd though so I took one set off already but perhaps I'll revisit having all 4 on once I get more familiar with having 2 on.


Does the headset jack also support a microphone as well or is it just audio out and one still needs the chat adapter?

As far as the controller itself my initial impression is very positive. The paddles are odd though so I took one set off already but perhaps I'll revisit having all 4 on once I get more familiar with having 2 on.

Im using a pair of headphones+mic I got with my phone with it. It works as you would imagine
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