Isn't the second OG BC drop Thursday 26th April?
Isn't the second OG BC drop Thursday 26th April?
Isn't the second OG BC drop Thursday 26th April?
Time to get back to the Academy.
- Destroy All Humans!
- Full Spectrum Warrior
- Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
- MX Unleashed
- Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory
- Star Wars Battlefront
- Star Wars Battlefront II
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
- Star Wars Jedi Starfighter
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
- Star Wars Republic Commando
Gentlemen, ladies... Choose your weapons...
I think I'm going to go green or Orange this time...
I only have Destroy All Humans!, Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, and Star Wars: Republic Commando from the second drop, but I'm looking forward to seeing if it's emulated better than it was on Xbox 360.
I still haven't tried Panzer Dragoon Orta yet to see if you can play beyond level 3, as I know I couldn't on the Xbox 360 BC version for some reason.
I've only got Jedi Academy, Pirates and SSX left. I will have to pick these all up second hand or just buy them digital if it's much cheaper. Which i suspect they will be after a peruse of eBay and CeX
Path of Neo would make me rebuy the Xbox version immediately. Even cleaned up it'll probably still look like crap, but at least it'll be a clean crap.I'm getting backlogged on OG games. This is sad. Going through Jade Empire right now before I become distracted with Republic Commando.
Next drop should definitely include:
Kingdom Under Fire
Freedom Fighters
Total Overdose
Metal Arms
Matrix: Path of Neo
The digital prices have been quite reasonable so far, except perhaps Red Faction II.
It's a shame that you can't buy Psychonauts digitally in the UK, but I think that's about the only one you can't.
Jedi Academy is what I'm looking forward to. Hopefully it sells well and they do Jedi Outcast, too.Time to get back to the Academy.
- Destroy All Humans!
- Full Spectrum Warrior
- Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
- MX Unleashed
- Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory
- Star Wars Battlefront
- Star Wars Battlefront II
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
- Star Wars Jedi Starfighter
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
- Star Wars Republic Commando
Gentlemen, ladies... Choose your weapons...
I think I'm going to go green or Orange this time...
Never had Outcast so I'm hoping they do that too. And StubbsJedi Academy is what I'm looking forward to. Hopefully it sells well and they do Jedi Outcast, too.
So I bought KotOR 2 on assuming it will appear in my Ready to install list but Nothing there. On my 360, if I search games on demand, I can download it. Strange.
I don't think it's activated yet. I believe it will pop up sometime today though?
I don't think it's activated yet. I believe it will pop up sometime today though?
So I bought KotOR 2 on assuming it will appear in my Ready to install list but Nothing there. On my 360, if I search games on demand, I can download it. Strange.
such a great game, i sunk my whole weekend into it lol, it's taking over my life again![]()
Path of Neo would make me rebuy the Xbox version immediately. Even cleaned up it'll probably still look like crap, but at least it'll be a clean crap.
Path of Neo is fucking awesome. If a remake of this was done by Rocksteady (under WB so it's not that far off) with with modern visuals 4k/HDR, holy SHIT.
WB probably just waiting for the new Matrix trilogy to drop.
I'd love if all of these comparison videos actually did more than just the XBOX. It's still a best-case scenario for a lot of people, a lot of us with XB1s are only on the original or S and don't care/need/want to upgrade to the X, so touting BC itself as some amazing thing and showing all these gains from it over its original hardware and then it being on the X... it seems a bit duplicitous..
such a great game, i sunk my whole weekend into it lol, it's taking over my life again![]()
Showing the newest gen version of a game footage isn't quite the same. This is BC available to all 3 versions of the Xbox One and only ever showing footage from the version of the console that is doing it a better service and saying "look at how amazing the Xbox One's BC is!" when it only is seen that way to that specific audience feels cheap. It's not quite the same as showing, say, all of the Destiny 1 footage that is based on the PS4/XBO version when the PS3/360 version exists but is objectively worse. And this is mostly just YouTubers and other 3rd parties touting it this way, not even MS themselves.Well the X is the newest hardware so would be very weird not having that right?
Like still showing X1 showcase of a game when the next successor is out.
I absolutely can't wait to dive into it again. I completed a dark side run on KoTOR 1 on the X earlier this year and that run just reaffirmed its position in my list of my favourite games of all time. I'm planning to do the same for KoTOR 2. On top of them both just being fantastic RPGs, I also really enjoy the combat system (specifically the queuing of commands). It's so great having them on the Xbox One platform now. I'd love for Obsidian to do a KoTOR 3.
I'd love if all of these comparison videos actually did more than just the XBOX. It's still a best-case scenario for a lot of people, a lot of us with XB1s are only on the original or S...
Showing the newest gen version of a game footage isn't quite the same. This is BC available to all 3 versions of the Xbox One and only ever showing footage from the version of the console that is doing it a better service and saying "look at how amazing the Xbox One's BC is!" when it only is seen that way to that specific audience feels cheap. It's not quite the same as showing, say, all of the Destiny 1 footage that is based on the PS4/XBO version when the PS3/360 version exists but is objectively worse. And this is mostly just YouTubers and other 3rd parties touting it this way, not even MS themselves.
It's an amazing game in my memory, the first KotOR was my first Western RPG (well except for the first Diablo on PS1) since I always played on consoles (and still do) and I was totally blown away. When KotOR 2 arrived I was burning hot for this game and remember vividly coming back from work on a friday, late afternoon, quick stop to buy the game, went home, took a quick shower, ordered a pizza and dived into the game until 2 or 3 a.m. I spent my saturday and Sunday, in my jogging pants, on the couch, the Duke in my hands. I was like a kid.
I'm currently replaying the first one and then I will replay KotOR 2.
Dragon Age 2 is coming to Xbox One Backward Compatibility today
Dragon Age 2, nice. I never played it, but I hear it's crap lol. I wonder if it'll be in the EA vault.
It's not crap, it is different. But still a nice game.Dragon Age 2, nice. I never played it, but I hear it's crap lol. I wonder if it'll be in the EA vault.
Cheers for the heads-up mate. I just scored a cheap & mint condition copy off of eBay thanks to your prompt post.