Pneuma a technical mess?Not for me..
Not played Nero but Pneuma was fine?
Raging Justice is out "soon" on Xbox One:
Same for me. I'd take a chance on all of these indie titles at $10, but at $15 or $20 I haven't bought a single one. Doesn't help that there have been zero sales on any of them thus far either.It's dumb really. $20 on xbla used to make people bitch about the price for GOTY tier indies, now no one cares presumably because no one is buying them.
I'm buying far fewer games these days with no demos, $20 titles I've never heard of, and a complete lack of smaller xbla type games.
Raging Justice is out "soon" on Xbox One:
Gamesradar is giving away 5k Smite beta codes if anyone is interested.
They recently emailed me 2 codes. I used one but I still have the other. If you're still looking for one check your PMs.Damn, I'd loved a code.
I hope we'll be able to set-up games with adult-GAF mooba-noobs, I might finally be able to hook up the headset for voice chatting and playing with a few gaffers without being worried about my shittyness aiming with dual analog!
They recently emailed me 2 codes. I used one but I still have the other. If you're still looking for one check your PMs.
From CAG,
GoT Season 1 for $5.
Any idea if this is intentional?
Cool game but do you know the price?
From CAG,
GoT Season 1 for $5.
Edit: I did buy Slice Zombies because it was $8 or so with Gold discount.
From CAG,
GoT Season 1 for $5.
I'm logged in and it says $30.
How is Boom Ball?
Does it have a 2 player mode?
It isn't my place to say the price, but I think you will be very happy with itFinally yesterday i have a chance to play lifeless planet and i enjoyed the game a lot.I only played 6 hours and when i go out to the dashboard the achievement for playing 10 hours pop.Good for me.
Cool game but do you know the price?
Mega Coin Squad is out on the 20th:
Spy Chameleon out on the 22nd
Anything else this week? I can update this post
From CAG,
GoT Season 1 for $5.
Nero runs like ass. I only walked around for 5 minutes in it, so maybe it gets better, but wow... it's like running a game on a really old PC.
yup, makes a HORRIBLE first impression. Played for half an hour, never asked for a refund (and I bought a shit ton of games) but will do for this. I like puzzle games, but everything about this screams low quality. The movement feels super slow and clunky, even if you are running, the graphics are really not good and the puzzles so far are only push this button, and use blue light to push this button. I'm sure this will probably change, but it seems more like an unfinished quake 3 mod by some not so skilled hobby devs. Maybe if more reviews come in that praise the game I'll try again if its discounted, but right now I'm turned off unfortunatelyWas hoping this could hold me over until tuesday....
Yeah I just started it and it's making me sick. It's running at like 20fps. How do you ask for a refund?
'Oh, just a heads up and to set an expectation, Since you successfully downloaded the game without any issue, all purchased made online are final. Since you successfully downloaded the game without any issue."
In Chat.
I think the Gold discount most games are getting at release is awesome. It seems to be happening more and more too!Not sure if this is the right place to post but Witcher 3 was $53 to preorder digital. Probably tied to gold.
I know I might be the only one wanting it but.. damn it put up the Farming Sim 15 game.. they have 99 cent tractor up now but not the full game!
wow so dragon age 50% off and plus 10% off because of EA Access. Thats 27$. I might just get it.
Im pretty sure it doesn't stack?
If you're still really put off by the game, I'll bet that if you opened a new chat with a different rep, you might find a different answer. Seems to be how customer service operates.
Just finished Lifeless Planet. The end got pretty trippy. Would have liked to see more survival elements, but it was a pretty cool experience. One of the best 6/10 games I've played in a while. Took me about 8 hours I'd guess.
Well Farming Sim 2015 is up... I bought it.. 2.8 gigs or so to download.. runs fairly well, certainly has pop in and not equal to max settings on PC which I think is sorta shitty as X1 can handle better than the visuals I am seeing BUT.. its Farm Sim on my X1 so you know what you are getting if you have played it before.
So pumped for Rogue Legacy!Looks like Beach Buggy Racing (Vector Unit), Rogue Legacy, and Badlands GOTY are out next week
ID has been packed lately!
I don't think Rogue Legacy or Badlands are for me, but Beach Buggy Racing looks like it could be some fun.