Unmechanical is amazing. WOW. I'm glad I didn't pass this one up... I bought it two days ago on sale at $6 Canadian... This is a neat puzzle game. You play as a robot and the whole game has a serene, quiet, surreal atmosphere. I wish I had a better comparison but it reminds me of Limbo. Completely different art styles in both games (black and white for Limbo and varied colours in Unmechanical) and the Limbo guy runs and jumps while the Unmechanical guy is a flying robot. But they're both puzzle games with lonely, isolated protagonists and there are no enemies at all... Just a relaxing romp solving various puzzles.
Kalimba is another EXCELLENT puzzle game but Kalimba, while having very creative game play, is too much of a twitch platformer for my tastes. I love Kalimba, but you need "gamer" skill to really succeed in that game; you need to be adept at timing jumps and have great hand-eye coordination.
But games like Limbo and Unmechanical are relaxing and only demand that you use your brain rather than being talented at twitch manoeuvres.